Dolores Hart

Dolores Hart

Nascimento : 1938-10-20, USA


Dolores Hart, O.S.B., is an American Roman Catholic Benedictine nun who was a prominent actress. Following her movie debut with Elvis Presley in Loving You, she made ten films in five years, including Wild is the Wind, King Creole, and Where the Boys Are.


Dolores Hart
Dolores Hart


Tab Hunter Confidential
In the 1950s, Tab Hunter was number one at the box office and number one on the music charts and was Hollywood’s most sought-after young star. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren were just a few of the actresses he was romantically linked to. He was America’s Boy Next Door and nothing, it seemed, could damage Tab Hunter’s career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter was secretly gay. Now, the secret is out.
Deus É O Elvis Maior
Dolores Hart era uma jovem atriz de Hollywood em 1963 e abandonou sua carreira no cinema para se juntar à Abadia de Regina Laudis, um monastério beneditino em Connecticut.
This Is Elvis
Susan Jessup (archive footage) (uncredited)
Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. This biographical docu-drama features rare footage of Elvis and dramatically recreated scenes from Elvis' life.
Vem Voar Comigo
Donna Stuart
Three airline hostesses combine their work crossing the Atlantic with searching for a rich handsome man to marry.
O Inspetor
Lisa Held
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Sail A Crooked Ship
Elinor Harrison
A bungling burglar, determined to go down in the annals of crime as a genius, steals a ship in New York in order to rob a bank in Boston.
São Francisco de Assis
Nascido em berço de ouro, cercado de privilégios, paixões e luxo, Francisco de Assis veio a ser um dos mais amados e reverenciados santos da história. Bradford Dillman interpreta de modo marcante o ambicioso aventureiro que ouve a voz de Deus e responde abandonando sua vida de conforto. Ao trocar a espada pela cruz, ele se eleva à glória... Mas acaba tendo o trabalho de sua vida ameaçado por uma hierarquia corrupta e ciumenta dentro da própria Igreja. Sob a batuta de Michael Curtiz, famoso diretor de Casablanca, esta história épica de coragem e sacrifício é uma inspiração para toda a família.
Where the Boys Are
Merritt Andrews
Good girls Merritt, Melanie, Tuggle and Angie - all students at mid-western Penmore University - are planning on going to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for spring break to get away from the mid-western snow despite not having much money to spend once there. On the drive down, they admit their real purpose is to go where the boys are.
The Plunderers
Ellie Walters
Four young toughs have ridden into Trail City and claimed it as easy pickings for their bullying and gunplay. The whole town will be overrun by lawlessness if decent folks like rancher and Civil War veteran Sam Christy don’t take a stand.
Justy Sargeant
Burdened by a family secret, Adam White lands a job as a newspaper advice columnist. Little does he realize that it's all part of a nasty desire by cynical editor William Shrike to crush the souls of his underlings. Adam feels his readers' pain, and eventually, he takes an assignment to meet with Faye Doyle, who is exasperated by her crippled husband. When Faye tries to seduce Adam, he must choose between his job and his girl.
Balada Sangrenta
Em Nova Orleans vive Danny Fisher (Elvis Presley), um jovem que tinha se envolvido com gangues. Agora Danny trabalha como cantor de bares à noite, se tornando um grande sucesso. Até ser obrigado a cantar na casa noturna de um gângster.
Wild Is the Wind
A widowed Nevada rancher goes to Italy and marries the sister of his deceased wife and brings her back to the ranch, but his haunting memories of his lost love and her tendency to drift away to other men cause the two to have a tough time at keeping a marriage together.
A Mulher Que Eu Amo
Susan Jessup
Deke Rivers, vem do Sul, mas ele não se adapta ao mundo da música country. Uma promotora musical megera, interpretada por Lizabeth Scott, reconhece o talento único de Deke e o explora como um novo rosto que encanta o público jovem. A mídia distorce seu encanto e o identifica como uma pessoa temperamental até Derek provar que foi tão somente um mero engano.