Patrick Mynhardt

Patrick Mynhardt

Nascimento : 1932-06-12, Bethuli, South Africa

Morte : 2007-10-25


Patrick Mynhardt


Stander - Um Policial Contra o Sistema
Esta é a história verídica de Andrés Stander, respeitado capitão da polícia que, no começo dos anos 80, depois de assistir ao massacre de negros que lutam contra o Apartheid, resolve mudar de lado e começa a assaltar bancos, doando o dinheiro para os oprimidos. Suas fugas e disfarces sempre foram sensacionais.
Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
Vladimir Pasenko
Um grupo de terroristas sequestra um navio de cruzeiro sem saber que o capitão do navio é o pai do comandante do esquadrão Delta Force.
Pride of Africa
Safari tour guide David Webb (Robert Powell) takes a job as head of security on the luxury train Pride of Africa and discovers that the wealthy passengers can be just as dangerous as the wild animals he knows so well. As the train sets off across the lush countryside, Webb contends with a dangerous kidnapping plot, a heated lovers' quarrel and a possible murder in this made-for-TV mystery set in the 1930s.
Lipstiek Dipstiek
Oom Disselboom
The story is about Poenie (Franscois Coertze) who burns his scrotum with a welding iron while working on his car and lands in hospital a few days before he is to marry the virgin Martie. This is the first mishap in a series of disasters and misunderstandings that provides many belly-clutching laughs. As Poenie's father Frikadel (Zak du Plessis) puts it, "Die seun sit sy voet uit die voordeur uit en dan is hy kniediep in die kak!"
The Visual Bible: Matthew
Herod Senior
The only dramatization using the actual scriptures...word for word from the New International Version (NIV). The Matthew video series broke new ground by offering the first-ever dramatic portrayal of events in the Bible, presented word for word from the best-selling New International Version® (NIV) translation. Now you can experience this thrilling epic in DVD format, which blends the superior digital surround sound of CDs with crisp, high-resolution digital images.
Five Star: The Final
Five star (hotel) is a sarcastic reference to the Pretoria prison which is central to the plot. An inmate Skollie (A nickname meaning delinquent) escapes from jail with one desire, to be united with his son again. Life outside is much different to what Skollie remembers. Still behind bars are inmates Pappa, Priester and Polka, who are doing everything to prevent Skollie from being reunited with his son, even if that means they have to kill. Skollie discovers that Pappa might be responsible for the death of his mother and he vows revenge.
Eendag Vir Altyd
Oom Jurie
A final year medical student goes on the run after bring implicated in the hit and run death of a fellow student.
Broer Matie
A senior farmer of the Little Karoo dies and determines in his will that a brown minister must observe his funeral service. However, it is 1961 and apartheid is the order of the day.
The Grass Is Singing
Charlie Muller
In Southern Rhodesia in the 1940s, city-dweller Mary marries farmer Dick Turner and is plucked from the comforts of her cosmopolitan life and forced to live on his unsuccessful farm. Mary slowly goes insane and has a sexual affair with her black servant, Moses. When the affair is discovered, Mary asks Moses to leave the farm, but he returns and murders her.
Alvorada Sangrenta
Col. Harness
Na sombra de uma colina chamada Isandlwana, o confiante exército britânico tristemente vai compreender o quanto têm subestimado a habilidade tática e a força da nação Zulu. Na África do Sul de 1879, os administradores da Colônia do Cabo Britânica têm projetos para eliminar os zulus que são um obstáculo para a sua economia colonial. Para atingir esse objetivo, os britânicos apresentam ao rei dos zulus, Cetshwayo, um ultimato impossível de ser cumprido. Querem provocar uma guerra que eles têm certeza de que podem vencer facilmente com seus fuzis e peças de artilharia contra as lanças nativas. No entanto, essa guerra se mostra mais difícil do que o arrogante comandante britânico, Lord Chelmsford, esperava porque seu exército sobrecarregado inutilmente procura um inimigo extremamente evasivo.
Forever Young, Forever Free
Doctor Du Toit
"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.
Three Bullets... for a Long Gun
A Mexican bandit faces the firing squad - the call to fire about to be made. Suddenly, out of nowhere a lone man appears, killing the entire squad. But this act of mercy was not performed out of kindness or compassion...the stranger has one half of a map that leads to a cache of gold; the outlaw has the other.
Shangani Patrol
Lt. Arend Hofmeyr
Set in the First Matabele War in what was then Rhodesia; a scouting group from the British South African Company are chasing the Ndebele king Lobengula when they are ambushed by a massive Ndebele forced and must take a desperate last stand.
Farewell Johnny
A new arrival to a mental institute is ostracised by the other patients, until they use him as a scapegoat when another patient dies.
Majuba: Hill of Pigeons
Rolf du Toit
The story of the Battle of Majuba Hill, a humiliating defeat for the British in the Boer War.
Os Chacais
Vicent Price, o mestre dos filmes de terror, faz sua aparição neste filme de western como o proprietário de uma mina de ouro, que ao lado de sua neta, tenta proteger sua fortuna de ladrões. Diana Ivarson, além de bonita, é Expert no manejo de armas. Robert Gunner interpreta o chefe dos ladrões, que ao se apaixonar por Diana, se junta ao avô e a neta para lutar contra seus antigos comparsas em defesa da mina de ouro.
Africa Shakes
South African rock musical
Diamond Walkers
Drama among diamond smugglers and gold fever in South African bush.
A Prova do Leão
Safari overseer
Um grupo de homens está em um safári na África, quando se deparam com uma tribo de nativos. Um deles se recusa a dar uma oferenda, o que deixa a tribo ofendida. Os nativos então matam cruelmente os homens brancos, deixando apenas um vivo. Este será objeto de uma competição para eles, que o fazem fugir como se fosse um leão para em seguida ser caçado
Seven Against the Sun
In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a grand bluff...
Hallmark Hall of Fame's second version of Shakespeare's classic play, with the same two stars and the same director as its first version, but a different supporting cast.