Ford Rainey

Ford Rainey

Nascimento : 1908-08-08, Mountain Home, Idaho, USA

Morte : 2005-07-25


Ford Rainey


Pop Reynolds
Eddie Lomax (Jean-Claude Van Damme) é um atormentado ex-combatente que vai visitar um velho amigo dos tempos de exército numa pequena cidade americana. No caminho termina por se envolver com os valentões locais, que o deixam à beira da morte. Depois de recuperado, Lomax parte em busca de vingança. O inferno é Van Damme. Um purgatório inteiro de gol paços e colunas vertebrais envergadas.
Bed & Breakfast
Life changes for three woman who run a failing hotel, when a mysterious man washes up at the beach.
O Porão
T.C. van Houten
O confronto de uma família com as forças do mal, vindas do passado. O filho de um casal que acaba de comprar uma casa antiga percebe uma estranha presença no porão. Crimes se sucedem, mas ninguém acredita nele.
Who Is Julia?
The Commentator
A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At nearly the same time, a very plain looking lower middle class woman simply faints and suffers brain death. The beautiful womans brain is fine, so, doctors merely transplant her brain into plain Jane. Problems ensue when plain Janes husband continues to believe she is still his wife. She has no memory of him, and goes to live with the beautiful womans husband. She doesn't mix well with her new socialite friends and family. Mirrors are emotional battlefields as well.
Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice
Beatrice's Father
A dramatization of the life of the founder of Los Angeles's first alcoholic recovery center for women, Beatrice O'Reilly.
Halloween II: O Pesadelo Continua
Dr. Mixter
Depois de passar quinze anos em um hospício, o aparentemente indestrutível Myers está a procura de sua irmã. À medida que chega perto de seu alvo, o Dr. Loomis descobre os mistérios horripilantes que há por trás dos atos selvagens do psicopata enfurecido e tenta detê-lo. Myers não poupará ninguém que cruzar seu caminho.
Friendly Fire
Mr. Hamilton
In March 1970, a U.S. Army officer arrived at the Iowa farm of Peg and Gene Mullen and informed them that their son Michael had been killed in Vietnam by "friendly fire." Their determined attempts to learn more about the circumstances of their son's death are the subject of this true account film.
Gideon's Trumpet
2nd Supreme Court Justice
True story of Clarence Gideon's fight to be appointed counsel at the expense of the state. This landmark case led to the Supreme Court's decision which extended this right to all criminal defendants.
Duas Estranhas: História de Mãe e Filha
Mr. Meecham
A woman, who had left home 20 years previously under acrimonious circumstances, finds out that she is terminally ill. She returns home and tries to rebuild her relationship with her embittered mother before she dies.
A Family Upside Down
Mr. Case
An elderly married couple find that as their physical and mental health deteriorates, they find themselves dependent more and more upon their grown children.
Our Town
Joe Stoddard
3-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder.
Guardian of the Wilderness
Abraham Lincoln
The New Daughters of Joshua Cabe
The Judge
Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been falsely accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to hang. They hatch a plot to smuggle him out of prison.
Dr. Tatum
This is the life story of Babe Didrikson Zaharias, one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century, from her early Texas tomboy days to her Gold Medal triumphs at the 1932 Olympics, her remarkable career as a champion golfer, her fulfilling marriage to wrestler George Zaharias, and the final battle with the only thing tougher than she was.
A Trama
Commission Spokesman #2
Em Seattle Joseph Frady (Warren Beatty), um jornalista, perdeu a chance de testemunhar o assassinato de Charles Carroll (William Joyce), um senador que despontava como favorito na corrida presidencial. Porém Lee Carter (Paula Prentiss), uma jornalista que tinha se envolvido com Frady, testemunhou tudo. Após 4 meses de investigações, uma comissão conclui que não houve conspiração e que Thomas Richard Linder (Chuck Waters) foi o único responsável pelo crime. Lee conta para Joseph que teme pela vida dela, já que quando outras 6 testemunhas morreram.
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd
Mr. Suggs
A humanistic account of "the Robin Hood of the Cookson Hills", in which Charles Arthur Floyd is portrayed as a decent man who has a strong sense of family and duty.
The Stranger Who Looks Like Me
Mr. Gilbert
A young woman searching for her birth parents in order to fulfill her sense of identity joins with an organization that fights the bureaucracy keeping adoption records sealed.
James Barrett
Pilot movie for the short-lived TV series set in the 1930's about a World War I ex-marine-turned-bounty-hunter, named Dave Barrett, who goes after two Bonnie-and-Clyde style bank robbers who murdered his former girlfriend.
Police Chief Vernon
A woman kills her lover's wife, then sets out to frame her husband for the murder.
Hickspoiltation film from the early 1970s ostensibly starring Oscar nominee Mercedes McCambridge, but really more a film looking for an excuse to show off Simone Griffeth's beauty. She plays a daughter of a swamp family. The whole family goes to a carnival where she is seduced by an older male performer, while her teen brother is seduced by an older female performer.
Uivos no Silêncio da Noite
Bud Henshaw
A disillusioned housewife on a vacation in the woods is disturbed by her husband continually trying to get her to come home and, more ominously, a mysterious howling at night.
My Old Man's Place
Sheriff Coleman
Two soldiers return from Vietnam with serious PTSD. They decide to go for a couple of days to a peaceful farm owned by the father of one of the men. A psychotic sergeant who also did tours in Nam, joins them. Personalities clash hard.
The Traveling Executioner
Stanley Mae
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
The Naked Zoo
Harry Golden
Love and crime in Miami's Cocoanut Grove artist's colony. Swinging young writer Stephen Oliver has a falling-out with benefactress Rita Hayworth in the wake of a wild LSD party. Rita foolishly tries blackmail after Oliver's reconciliation attempt leaves her crippled millionaire husband dead.
My Sweet Charlie
A pregnant white Southern girl and a black New York lawyer, both on the run in rural Texas, meet up in a boarded-up, abandoned house and realize they both need each other in order to survive.
Os Paraquedistas Estão Chegando
Stand Owner
Three skydivers and their travelling thrill show barnstorm through a small midwestern town one Fourth of July weekend.
O Canhoneiro do Yang-Tsé
O Canhoneiro de Yang-Tsé nos conta muitas histórias. É a história da China, um gigante adormecido que se ergue aos gritos de sua gente; é a história dos americanos que são pegos por este sangrento despertar. É a história de Frenchy, um marinheiro do U.S.S. San Pablo que rapta sua noiva chinesa de um leilão. Mas acima de tudo, é a história de Jake Holman, um marinheiro que desistiu de tentar fazer as pazes com qualquer coisa - inclusive consigo mesmo. Tendo recebido nove indicações ao Oscar®, incluindo Melhor Filme e Melhor Ator, a trama de O Canhoneiro de Yang-Tsé une ação explosiva ao drama e romance.
Johnny Tiger
Sam Tiger
Teacher George Dean (Robert Taylor) packs up his children to accept a job instructing Native American children on a Seminole reservation in Florida.
Matar ou Cair
Tom Emerson
Um xerife do Colorado persegue uma gangue de ladrões de trem em Novo México, onde ele não tem jurisprudência. Acompanhado por uma legião mista, incluindo um jogador que sabe atirar bem, cuja noiva a quadrilha sequestrou.
Lost in Space - No Place to Hide
The President
The Robinsons, Earth's first family of outer space, head to colonize Alpha Centauri in their flying saucer, the Gemini 12, but crash land on an uncharted planet where they deal with its challenges and dangers.
Kings of the Sun
The chief
In order to flee from powerful enemies, young Mayan king Balam leads his people north across the Gulf of Mexico to the coast of what will become the United States. They build a home in the new land but come into conflict with a tribe of Native Americans led by their chief, Black Eagle, while both Balam and Black Eagle fall in love the beautiful Mayan princess Ixchel.
Vinte Quilos de Confusão
Muitas risadas quando um gerente de cassino (Tony Curtis) se vê obrigado a passar um dia na Disneylândia com uma menininha bonitinha mas problemática.
Claudelle Inglish
Reverend Armstrong
A young daughter of poor farmers is forced by her mother to ditch her young boyfriend in order to marry an old rich neighbor but the girl rebels by becoming the town's harlot.
A popular but naive country singer is elected governor of a southern state and, once in office, decides to dismantle the corrupt political machine that got him elected. Director Daniel Mann's 1961 political drama stars Susan Hayward, Dean Martin, Wilfred Hyde-White, Martin Balsam, Ralph Meeker, Connie Sawyer, William Walker, Ray Teal, Larry Gates and Kathryn Card.
Terra Bruta
Rev. Henry Clegg
Uma tribo no território dos Comanches mantém colonos não indígenas como reféns. O exército americano está sob pressão para libertá-los e o marechal Guthrie McCabe (James Stewart) é persuadido pelo oficial Jim Gary (Richard Widmark) a auxiliar nas negociações com os índios.
Dead to the World
Congressman Keach
A State Department employee, who is suspected of murdering a high government official, sets out to hunt down the real killer.
Estrela de Fogo
Doc Phillips
Pacer Burton, filho do rancheiro branco Sam Burton e de Neddy, que pertence à tribo kiowa, se vê envolvido num confronto entre os colonizadores e os nativos. Durante todo o conflito, ele tenta promover a paz entre os dois lados.
The New Girl
In pursuance of a lucrative government contract, a private company hires its first Black female employee to comply with government regulations concerning equal economic opportunity.
Ainda Não Comecei a Lutar
Lt. Simpson
The career of Revolutionary War naval hero John Paul Jones, from his youth in Scotland through his service to Catherine the Great of Russia.
A Última Caminhada
Red Kirby
Jail house tensions mount as a killer's execution approaches.
Os Homens das Terras Bravas
Os presidiários Peter Van Hook (Alan Ladd) e John McBain (Ernest Borgnine) ficam amigos na prisão. Soltos quase ao mesmo tempo, eles planejam dar um grande golpe juntos. Decididos a passar a perna no dono de uma rica mina de ouro, eles propõem um trato que não pretendem cumprir: 100 mil dólares em dinheiro vivo em troca de 200 mil dólares em ouro. O dono, que também pensava em passar a perna nos trapaceiros, aceita. Dirigida por Delmer Daves, "Os Homens das Terras Bravas" é um remake de "The Asphalt Jungle" (1950).
Galante e Sanguinário
Bisbee Marshal
Quando o charmoso bandido Ben Wade é capturado após o assalto de uma diligência, o proprietário da linha Sr. Butterfield oferece 200 Dólares para o homem que escoltar o bandido até a cidade de Contention para apanhar o trem das 15:10 para Yuma e lá ser julgado. O rancheiro Dan Evans que está quebrado e precisa de dinheiro para salvar seu gado e sustentar sua família aceita o trabalho. Durante sua jornada, Dan salva a vida de Ben quando um vigilante tenta executar o criminoso. Enquanto isso, a gangue de Ben se separa e sai em busca de onde Ben está e, em seguida, resgatar seu chefe. Quando eles descobrem que Ben está preso em um quarto de hotel, eles colocaram o lugar sob cerco e Dan não consegue encontrar nenhum homem para ajudá-lo.
The Human Jungle
Danforth is assigned to take over the police department in a section of a large city saddled with juvenile delinquency, petty crimes, graft and also a recent unsolved murder of a strip-tease dancer. Recognizing the laxity of the department he implements many changes and soon finds himself under fire by the newspapers, the attorney of a racket leader and the denizens of this human jungle.
Duas Almas, Dois Destinos
Ernest Craig, Plaintiff
Romance at a murder trial with a pair of sequestered jurors who are the only ones who think that the woman in the dock is innocent. Separated from their normal lives, jurors Terry Scott and David Campbell start to fall in love.
Fúria Sanguinária
Um criminoso psicopata com um complexo-mãe (Complexo de Édipo) faz uma fuga ousada da prisão e depois lidera a sua antiga quadrilha num assalto à folha de pagamento de uma fábrica de produtos químicos. Após o assalto, os eventos tomam um rumo louco.