Barbora Hrzánová

Barbora Hrzánová

Nascimento : 1964-04-22,


Barbora Hrzánová


A Colourful Dream
With humor our adventure story deals with the timeless theme of the conflict between unlimited power on the one hand, and the desire for freedom, courage and love on the other. A troupe of buskers lands on an island governed by a despotic ruler with strict police control. When, during their performance, a shot fired from a circus cannon goes astray, it triggers a series of unexpected events. A young man and woman, Drin and Tuvi, and Nathan the seagull have to enter into an uneven struggle with totalitarian power. A struggle which eventually changes the fates of all the island inhabitants - both human and feathered.
Os Papa-Meia
Oddsockeaters are small invisible creatures, responsible for socks that go missing when we only have one left from a pair. But unlike them, Seed’s gang wants to have a pair. In the end, they began their fight between two sets of values.
Little from the Fish Shop
Deep underneath the sea surface, accompanied by a fish orchestra, the voice of the ocean is telling a story of Little -- the Sea King's daughter. They left the plundered waters of their home to live among humans. They now lead a strenuous life in a somber fish shop in the heart of the harbor district where one day, Little comes to meet a handsome, confident and somewhat fresh young man -- H.H. From this moment on, the life of Little is to take a sea change.
The Hussites
What if the events in a key era in our history were actually completely different than what our history textbooks try to tell us? What if Master Jan Hus didn't even get warm in Constance, let alone burn up? What if Jan Zizka had more than one healthy eye? This animated comedy from director Pavel Koutský playfully breaks the myths about the Hussite era as the pedestal of history is occupied not by preachers and military leaders but by two unbelievable scatterbrains, who become the heroes of their time against their will.
The Blue Tiger
Johanka and Matyáš have an unusual home. The two live among the animals and plants of an enchanted botanical garden in the middle of the city, but this idyll is under threat. To the children’s horror, the mayor wants to build a theme park on the same spot. The Blue Tiger, an animal with magic powers, comes to their aid. Only he can protect the garden, but Johanka and Matyáš must now stop the mayor from capturing their newfound friend. MODRY TYGR is a colourful, atmospheric and imaginatively told animated fairytale that inspires the viewer to reflect on natural resources and habitats.
Fišpánská jablíčka
Dívka a kouzelník
Toys in the Attic
myška Sklodowská
In an attic full of discarded junk, a pretty doll called Buttercup lives in an old trunk together with her friends, the marionette Prince Charming, lazy Teddy Bear and the plasticine creature Schubert. When Buttercup is snatched and taken off to the Land of Evil, her pals set out to rescue her.
You Kiss Like a God
sestra Glórie
A romantic comedy about love and life of young French teacher Helena.
Křišťálek meč
O dívce, která šlápla na chléb
Bahenní žínka
Hrdý Budžes
Helenka Součková
Záznam divadelní adaptace bestselleru Ireny Douskové s Bárou Hrzánovou v hlavní roli. Asi málokdo před pár lety tušil, jak velké popularity dosáhne útlá knížka Ireny Douskové s poněkud tajuplným názvem "Hrdý Budžes". Příběhy Helenky Součkové, žákyně 2. třídy základní školy, trpící hloubavostí a nadváhou a potažmo i nastupující husákovskou normalizací, se odehrávají v tehdejší stranické baště - uranové Příbrami. Bylo proto logické, že právě příbramské divadlo uvedlo Helenčiny příběhy na divadelní scénu. A našlo si pro to, jak se ukázalo, geniální představitelku hlavní hrdinky. Bára Hrzánová byla za tuto roli oceněna Cenou Thálie 2003, televizní záznam divadelní inscenace se stal opravdovým diváckým hitem, stejně jako samotné představení i kniha Ireny Douskové.
The Devil Knows Why
Fairytale. A good king rules this land, but still things are going from bad to worse. The point is that the greedy Minister of State has an interesting pact with the devil - for bringing the kingdom into a state of dire poverty and the king to hell, he himself would sit on the throne. And he would have been well nigh successful, were it not for Princess Annie, Filip and magic Apolena - because true love cannot be quelled even by the devil's machinations.
Počkej, až zhasnu
Kožené slunce
As the name suggests, the movie is about football. It is not about big league soccer, making huge money. It is about football, which lives just from village fans enthusiasm, from the enthusiasm of fathers and their sons and club officials. And yet on this battlefield, where the pub and silent household alternates, it is often about everything: friends, family, the meaning of life. It is about playing fair, but also about fighting below the belt. It is about winning, but also about falling into the abyss of the league wilderness.
Únos domů
Mladý chemik
Nina Zarečná
Rok na vsi
Conspiradores do Prazer
"Domingo". Isso é tudo o que está escrito numa carta anônima que o senhor Peony recebe das mãos de Malkova, a responsável pelo Correio da cidade. É também um sinal para que ele se prepare para as mais extremas e estranhas experiências de prazer.
Městem chodí Mikuláš
Modrý pták
Requiem for a Maiden
A fourteen-year-old girl isplaced in an institution for mentally ill instead of a foster-home due to an official mistake. Here she gets a most cruel treatment which is governed by high-handedness of the spineless and perverse nurses. The girl attempts a desperate escape.
Přes padací mosty
O hloupé havířce
Blankytná pohádka
Bohyně krásy