This low budget action film, originally titled "The Return of Dolemite", follows Rudy Ray Moore as Dolemite, who returns from Africa with superpowers gained from drinking Voodoo Juice.
A psychologist decides to try life as a stripper to gain insight into the psyche of a stripper and finds she enjoys the freedom she feels with her body...
A psychologist decides to try life as a stripper to gain insight into the psyche of a stripper and finds she enjoys the freedom she feels with her body...
A psychologist decides to try life as a stripper to gain insight into the psyche of a stripper and finds she enjoys the freedom she feels with her body...
A doctor is called to the bedside of a dying ex-lover only to find her living in the midst of a bizarre and sinister cult.
Dupla de policiais devem dar proteção a ex-mafioso recém-saído da prisão que está na mira do crime organizado.
Um motorista de caminhão procura seu irmão, que desapareceu em uma cidade administrada por um juiz corrupto.