Francesco Benigno

Francesco Benigno

Nascimento : 1967-10-04, Palermo, Italy


Francesco Benigno (Palermo, 4 ottobre 1967) è un attore italiano.


Francesco Benigno


Il colore del dolore
Il colore del dolore
Il colore del dolore
A Hora da Mudança
parcheggiatore Vittorio
Em uma aldeia na Sicília, Pietrammare, pontual como o horário de verão, vem o tempo da eleição para a escolha do novo prefeito. Dominando por anos sobre o lugar, está Gaetano Patane, o prefeito histórico da pequena cidade siciliana. Um lobista pronto para usar toda a política de armas para criar um consenso em torno dele. A ele se opõe Pierpaolo Natoli, um professor na casa dos cinquenta, que foi para a política pela primeira vez, apoiado por um pequeno grupo de ativistas para fornecer a filha de 18 anos, Betty, uma alternativa por ocasião de sua primeira votação . Nossos dois heróis Salvo e Valentino estão em lados opostos: o manhoso Salvo oferece seus serviços a Patane, desde a vitória em todas as pesquisas; enquanto Valentino toma o campo ao lado do Natoli. Além da rivalidade, porém, ambos têm como objetivo alcançar um "favor" que poderia mudar suas vidas: um pequeno quiosque de bebidas colocadas na praça principal da vila que iria expandir a clientela e os rendimentos.
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Leoluca Bagarella
Faccia di ladro
Milano-Palermo: Il Ritorno
Saro Ligresti
Tutte le donne della mia vita
Enea Callea
Arresti domiciliari
Luca Ciovvento
Pino Greco
Determinado a quebrar o reinado da máfia na Itália, Giovanni Falcone, um advogado corajoso, ousou desafiar a Cosa Nostra.
La Stanza dello Scirocco
Vincenzo Labate
Palermo-Milano Solo Andata
Agent Saro Ligresti
Miracolo italiano
Carmelo (uncredited)
7 segments about life in 1990s Italy: two MPs from the opposite sides of the political spectrum spend the night together; during their honeymoon, a woman cheats on her husband with her favorite soap opera star; a married man pretends to be ill to seduce his younger nurse; a family discovers that their son's beautiful fiancée is transgender; an unsatisfied single woman is duped by her celebrity crush for Kevin Costner; two best friends want to have fun; a couple on a tropical holiday is fascinated by their indigenous masseuse.
Nineties - Part II
Laganà Salvatore / Detenuto
Second scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
The Last Breath
Alfonso decides to rob a villa on the outskirts of Palermo believing it to be empty, but in the meantime the owner, Tony, who had an appointment with his lover, Margherita, bursts in and attacks him. Tony, councilor and doctor, wants to avoid the scandal and decides to treat Alfonso. Something clicks in Margherita that will lead her to see both of them, until she is forced to choose.
Vacanze di Natale '91
This coarse bedroom farce takes place at the St. Moritz ski resort over a Christmas vacation. Among the couples whose lives intersect are a widowed artist honeymooning with his second wife, a gay man traveling with his son and his lover (and hiding each from the other), a snobbish couple from Milan who have been forced to share a suite with a pair of crass Romans, etc.
Boys on the Outside
Young men with no future have little in the present as well. Natale is released from prison: he takes up with his friends again but none can find work. Claudio, from Palermo, gets out of juvenile detention in Naples and he's met by Vita, a girl who's come from home to run away with him. Where can they go? A young dad, whose potato stall at the market is shut down because he has no permit, takes his two small children to the beach and yells at them. Mario, gay, a prostitute in drag, gets a visit from his mom; he offers tea, then finds the water to his apartment is shut off. Social workers drop by, parole officers file reports. What hope is there? What options besides crime?
Mary Forever
Natale Sperandeo
A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate his handful of students, reading them colloquial poetry, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, finding out about their histories. Natale, in for murder, enamoured of the Mafia, the King Rat within the group; Mery, a drag queen, arrested for assault when defending himself, in love with Mario and, in daylight, rejected by all; Pietro, illiterate, muscular, believing his destiny is set; the callow Claudio, vulnerable, learning to harden himself. What can Mario learn and do in such a short time?