Gianpaolo Saccarola


I Won the New Year's Lottery
Ciottoli is a journalist with absolutely no prospective for his career, with a lot of debts and a mobster that want him died. Unexpectedly he win the national lottery (almost Eur 2.5 Mln) and try to remain unanimous hiding the winner ticker into his typewriter. Ironically his director order to him to write an article on the mysterious winner. When he is back home he discovers all his furniture has been confiscate and will go on a public auction. He will try desperately to buy back the worthless typewriter while all his previous problems still follows him, especially the mobster...
Graveyard Disturbance
Mann in Taverne
Five young robbers spend a whole night in a dark catacomb to win a priceless treasure. They will have to fight against lots of ferocious zombies and vampires. At the end they will meet the Death in person!
Identificação de uma Mulher
The Gorilla
The movie director Niccolò has just been left by his wife. Subsequently he embarks on an obsessive relationship with a young woman who eventually leaves him and disappears while searching for her, he meets a variety of other willing girls. This gives him the idea of making a movie about women's relationships. He starts to search for a woman who can play the leading part in the movie.
The Eyes, the Mouth
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
A Casa dos Mortos Vivos
Daniel Douglas
Uma jovem família se muda de seu apartamento apertado em Nova York para uma nova casa espaçosa na Nova Inglaterra. Mas sua casa não é comum no campo: o proprietário anterior era o perturbado Dr. Freudstein, cujos monstruosos experimentos humanos deixaram um legado de destruição sangrenta. Agora, alguém - ou algo - está vivo no porão, e o lar está prestes a se tornar um inferno na terra.