Antonio Garrido

Antonio Garrido

Nascimento : 1971-08-20, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain


Antonio Garrido
Antonio Garrido


The Teacher's Job
A kidnapping is serious business. But when the kidnappers are school teachers things can get complicated.
Mamá no enRedes
Clara, a mother of two teenagers, is a woman open to new experiences who decides to create a profile on TILINK, a dating app. What goes through the mind of a twenty-something when she finds her own mother's profile on Tilink, the trendy dating app? Yes, his mother is still young. Yes, she's divorced from her father and has the right to rebuild her life, but.... Doesn't she know what Tilink is? There are only guys who are going to use her and then dump her, sex snipers... like himself. Dani and his sister Milena will embark on the delirious adventure of boycotting their mother's flirtations, and will go all out when the woman starts a more serious relationship with an Argentine yogurt man, convinced that he will only make her suffer. Only that the brothers' strategies will have the opposite effect to the desired one, there will be more and more men in their mother's life and nothing will turn out as they expect.
Zona hostil
Comandante Ledesma
Baseado em fatos reais que aconteceram com o exército espanhol em uma missão no Afeganistão em agosto de 2012, o filme narra o trabalho das FCSE ('fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad del Estado') nas zonas de conflito.
Death of a Fisherman
Rafael Estevez
One morning, the body of a sailor is found lying on the beach, washed in by the tide.. With no witnesses or any sign of the dead man’s boat, Inspector Leo Caldas begins immersing himself in the town’s seafaring atmosphere as he endeavours to shed light on the crime. He finds himself among men and women who prefer not to reveal their suspicions to him. But a sudden discovery sets him off in an unexpected direction.
Just a Little Chemistry
Invitados Fiesta
Fan girl finds herself torn between the attraction for her film idol and her best male friend.
Sólo para dos
It tells the story of Gonzalo and Valentina, a couple who have spent several years together and who run a magical hotel in Isla Margarita: the Just For Two.
Fim dos Tempos
Num fim de semana, depois de anos sem se ver, vários amigos, sobre os quais paira a sombra de um episódio obscuro do passado, se encontram em uma casa nas montanhas. Durante a primeira noite, ocorre um estranho incidente que os deixa isolados.
A Centelha da Vida
Dr. Velasco
Roberto (José Mota) é um publicitário desempregado que alcançou o sucesso quando criou um famoso slogan: "Coca-Cola, a centelha da vida”. Agora é um homem desesperado, tentando lembrar-se dos dias felizes, volta ao hotel onde passou a sua Lua de Mel com a sua esposa (Salma Hayek). No entanto, no lugar do Hotel, o que encontra é um Museu erguido em torno de um Teatro Romano da cidade. Enquanto passeia pelas ruínas, sofre um acidente: uma vara de ferro fica cravada na cabeça e deixa-o completamente paralisado...
Seven Minutes
¿Bastan 7 minutos para enamorarse? Los protagonistas de esta comedia coral y romántica no lo tienen claro. Pero lo van a intentar. Por eso acuden a una sesión de "citas rápidas", encuentros entre hombres y mujeres que quieren conocer gente, huir de la soledad y encontrar el amor.En estas veladas, cada uno tiene siete minutos para hablar con cada una, y viceversa. Luego, todos se van a casa y votan por Internet a aquellas personas que les han gustado. Si el voto es coincidente, la empresa que organiza los encuentros remite a los interesados los e-mails respectivos, y a partir de ahí, puede surgir o no una historia...
Robert Beltran (Jaime Pujol), psychiatrist and expert on strict recipe for happiness, he is forced to leave his dull life to try to get his wife, which will break their beliefs and prejudices and become a vulnerable and much normal. His wife, Rita (Marta Calvo), left him for another man, an unrepentant seducer, compulsive liar, jealous sick patient and also of Robert, called Antonio (Antonio Garrido). Meanwhile, it has been in charge of his daughter, Pat, a spoiled teenager.
Trío de ases: el secreto de la Atlántida
Diário Proibido
Valére (Belén Fabra) é uma jovem empresária de sucesso, que tem uma intensa vida sexual. Ela possui um diário, onde costuma escrever suas confissões mais íntimas. Decidida a não seguir qualquer convenção moral, ela passa a trabalhar como prostituta de luxo por mera curiosidade. Desta forma ela conhece um universo oculto, tendo acesso ao lado obscuro do sexo e das relações íntimas.
Game Therapy
Their relationship is idling. The playfulness is gone. Then one day they see another couple in an apartment across the street.
Summer Rain
A coming-of-age tale charting the first loves, lusts and obsessions of friends on vacation at the end of the 1970s.
Desde que amanece apetece
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?