Jean-Michel Portal

Jean-Michel Portal

Nascimento : 1970-05-29,


Jean-Michel Portal


Main basse sur une île
Je suis un no man's land
Philippe is a singer and in the existence of a singer, there are times when everything accelerates especially when a crazy groupie, neglected parents, a lunar ornithologist and a tough childhood friend strive to complicate the life... How to get out ?
Guillaume Boudet
An Indian delegation, headed by Kuldip Badhwar, is going to Cateneau's French power plant to negotiate the purchase of four new generation nuclear reactors. Before signing the contract, the Indian representative requires guarantees on the safety of the installations and requests an emergency shutdown test of the reactor. But a succession of incidents occur and seem to turn to disaster.
A Bela Junie
Junie (Léa Seydoux) é uma garota de 16 anos que se mudou após a morte de sua mãe. Ela passa a estudar na mesma turma que seu primo Matthias, que a apresenta aos demais colegas. Todos os garotos logo desejam sair com Junie, mas ela escolhe o mais calado de todos, Otto Clèves. Porém, Junie descobre o grande amor de sua vida: Nemours (Louis Garrel), seu professor de italiano.
Burnt Out
Simon Lacaze
François Durrieux, a man in his forties, married to Clémence and father of Benjamin, has been employed for years by the firm DSBO. In order not to lose his job, he always submits to his boss's demands whether it means working after office hours, canceling planned holidays or harming his family life. However, when one night, Simon Lacaze, his best friend and colleague, commits suicide just after being fired ignominiously, François rebels...
O Amor Está no Ar
Co-pilote "sorti de l'oeuf"
Instrutor para uma companhia aérea, Yann Kerbec avalia as capacidades dos pilotos com simuladores de vôo, em situações extremas. Mas Yann tem um problema: ele tem pavor de avião, um pânico originado no seu nascimento, e que o impediu, quando jovem, de seguir a mulher de sua vida do outro lado do mundo. Hoje, ele tem 30 anos e desenrola o fio de seu trauma, com nostalgia e humor faz o balanço de sua histórias de amor fracassadas por conta de sua fobia. Entre sua batalha para melhorar a segurança aérea e a gestão bastante falha de sua vida sentimental, Yann se encontra num cruzamento: vencer seus demônios e aceitar crescer.
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
No Big Deal
Three sons are sent on a journey to trace their father's checkered past.
The Officers' Ward
The first days of WWI. Adrien, a young and handsome lieutenant, is wounded by a piece of shrapnel. He will spend the entire wartime at the Val-de-Grâce Hospital, in Paris. Five long years, and his life will change forever...
Our Happy Lives
Six people whose lives are intertwined struggle to find happiness amid broken relationships and painful life changes.
Why Not Me?
Four gay French expatriots share a business in Barcelona. When they and their parents are thrown together for a "coming out" party, another French Farce ensues.
A young foreigner replaces sick worker in a factory. The mystery that surrounds him, along with his charm and nonchalance, soon make him an object of desire and hatred. The life of the factory and, in particular, that of one of its workers, are changed for good by this unusual young man.
O homem que eu amo
Lucas é um salva-vidas em uma piscina, onde um novo goleiro, Martin, foi contratado. Martin se apaixona por Lucas, que está em um relacionamento com Lisa. A atração de Martin vai em breve ser compartilhado por Lucas, que hesita entre o verdadeiro amor ea compaixão que ele sente por Martin, HIV positivo, sofrendo as conseqüências da doença. O fato de que o pai de Lucas, Professor de Medicina, Martin segue a doença, não ajuda muito. Por fim, é o amor que porta a Lucas Martin que vai acalmar a morte do último, cercado pelo homem que ama e Rose, sua mãe.
Alors voilà,
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
Albert souffre
Albert dreams of going to Australia. Jérôme loves Jeanne, but ignores her while cramming for exams. An African named Charles writes and is a watchman at night. The American girl, Joann, lives her life in a " bachelor pad. " Love, friendship and chance take them all to a hotel in Bordeaux where, in the course of a weekend, their lonely hearts meet. The weekend is held over to leave time for love.
Welcome to Veraz
An old man teaches a young man to live in the forest and to understand the wild world.
A death in the family. Patrick dies and his three sisters gather at their parents' home in Normandy. Anne, the oldest, is steady, married with two children, showing little emotion. Isabelle, who's cut herself off from her family for eight years, returns from Paris. Claude, Patrick's twin and still a student, grieves for her other half. Along with their parents, each must face family grievances first before they can grieve together for Patrick. Then comes the revelation of how he died, and new feelings come to the fore. Can a death help a family to heal, coax an aging mother back to sanity, bring a couple into each other's arms, and enable two sisters to grow?
Julie de Carneilhan