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Retrata de forma realista, quase documental, tanto do ponto de vista japonês como do norte americano, mostrando a preparação, os eventos e os erros que possibilitaram o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de Dezembro de 1941, fato que forçou a entrada dos Estados Unidos da América na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O título do filme é o código utilizado em caso de sucesso do ataque japonês, que traduzido para o português significa 'Tigre! Tigre! Tigre!'. A versão Americana tem 02:25. A versão Japonesa é mais longa, com 02:29.
Art Direction
Por que 13 mulheres voluntariamente abrem suas portas para o Estrangulador de Boston? Boston está sendo atacada por um serial-killer que já matou 13 mulheres. Até que a polícia captura Albert DeSalvo (Tony Curtis), um encanador que por não lembrar dos acontecimentos, dificulta as investigações da polícia. Baseado em fatos reais.
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Anne Welles (Barbara Parkins) é uma jovem formidável, brilhante e impetuosa que acaba de se formar na New England College e decide deixar sua cidade para tentar a vida na Broadway. Ela vai para Manhattan e espera encontrar um trabalho emocionante e homens sofisticados, mas lá ela vai descobrir que não é a única com esse sonho e que nem sempre a vida é justa.
Production Design
A group of young drifters kidnap wealthy businessman Roc Delmonico just for kicks. They keep him captive, demanding a ransom for his safe release. However there is no one - wife, Mafia associates or mother - willing to part with the $200,000 ransom. Demonico is dismayed that no one appears unduly concerned about his fate and joins forces with the kidnappers to plot his revenge, blackmailing his once nearest and dearest into parting with $3,000,000 in hush money.
Production Design
O xerife Calder (Marlon Brando) tem problemas a resolver numa cidadezinha quando Bubber (Robert Redford) foge da prisão e é acusado de assassinato. O problema é que o filho do magnata de petróleo Val Rogers (E.G. Marshall) está tendo um caso com a esposa de Bubber, que acabou de escapar da prisão, e Rogers quer Bubber fora do caminho para poder encobrir o caso do filho. Só que Calder quer achar o prisioneiro vivo e não quer ceder ao magnata do petróleo.
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A vida de Jesus de Nazaré (Max von Sydow). Seu nascimento, as pregações, milagres, julgamento, crucificação e ressurreição.
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When a cavorting Hollywood writer is killed by the angry husband of a woman he was having an affair with, he comes back as a spirit in the form of a beautiful woman and moves in with his/her best friend as a base operation for enacting sweet revenge.
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Quando a agência do governo encarregada dos índios não entrega os escassos suprimentos, devidos por tratado, para a orgulhosa tribo Cheyenne em sua estéril reserva no deserto, os índios famintos entendem que foram mais abusados do que vale a pena tolerar. Mais de 300 cheyennes abandonam a reserva destinada a eles, partindo em uma travessia de 2.400 km rumo à sua ancestral área de caça. Isso é encarado pelo governo como um ato de rebelião, que então tenta impedir a jornada. O Capitão de Cavalaria Thomas Archer é encarregado de sua captura, mas durante a busca cresce seu respeito pela sua nobre coragem, e decide ajudá-los.
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Uma jovem vítima de estupro tenta desesperadamente juntar os pedaços de sua vida, apenas para depois se ver à mercê de um pretenso salvador.
Mary Ann Robinson, uma jovem mulher morando no Bronx, Nova York, com sua mãe neurótica e dominadora e seu gentil mas ineficaz padrasto, é estuprada enquanto caminhava para casa uma noite. Guardando o ataque para si mesma, Mary Ann foge, procurando perder-se em Manhattan, alugando um apartamento miserável e tendo um emprego em uma loja de produtos de dez centavos. Abatida pela hostilidade das pessoas e seu próprio desespero, Mary Ann tenta pular da Ponte de Manhattan, apenas para ser impedida por Mike, um mecânico de garagem que a leva para seu modesto apartamento num porão próximo. No início apreciou a bondade de Mike, mas Mary Ann fica aterrorizada quando ele se recusa a deixá-la ir. Mike é realmente o salvador de Mary Ann - ou ele é apenas outro estuprador?
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Based on Leon Uris' novel, this historical epic provides a dramatic backstory to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, in the aftermath of World War II. Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport 600 Jewish refugees on a dangerous voyage from Cyprus to Palestine on a ship named the Exodus. He faces obstruction from British forces, who will not grant the ship passage to its destination.
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Depois de se tornar rei do antigo Israel, Salomão enfrenta ameaças vindas de seu irmão ciumento e despossuído Adonias, o faraó egípcio e a intrigante rainha de Sabá. Pouco antes de sua morte no antigo Israel, o rei Davi teve uma visão de Deus dizendo que seu filho mais novo, Salomão, deveria sucedê-lo como rei. Seu outro filho, Adonias, é infeliz e pretende assumir o trono. Enquanto isso, o Faraó egípcio concorda em ceder um porto do Mar Vermelho para a rainha de Sabá, se ela encontrar uma maneira de destruir Salomão, cuja sabedoria e governo benevolente são vistos como uma ameaça para os monarcas mais tirânicos da região. A Rainha de Sabá, o Faraó, Adonias, os líderes das Doze Tribos e seu próprio Deus dificultam a vida de Salomão, que é tentado pela Rainha de Sabá a se desviar de seu caminho.
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Terry Malloy sonha com as glórias do boxe, mas foi convencido pelo corrupto mafioso Johnny Friendly, para quem trabalha, a perder uma luta. Quando Terry presencia um assassinato cometido pelos capangas do chefe, ele se sente responsável pelo crime.
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A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on his road to becoming a full-fledged writer.
Art Direction
The scene is a small town in the Eastern United States, where the outbreak of hostilities in Korea has a profound effect on several people. WWII veteran Martin Greer wants to re-enlist, much to the dismay of his wife Nancy.
Art Direction
Blanche vai visitar sua irmã grávida e o marido dela, Stanley, que não gosta dela e começa a forçá-la a falar sobre uma propriedade que sabe que foi deixada para as duas. Aos poucos o clima entre Stanley e Blanche vai ficando cada vez mais pesado.
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O ex-presidiário Rocky Mulloy procura o verdadeiro culpado pelo crime pelo qual foi enquadrado em um mundo noturno cheio de falsas damas e traições. Rocky Mulloy, de volta à cidade depois de cumprir 5 anos de prisão perpétua por assalto à mão armada, espera libertar seu amigo Danny Morgan, que ainda está preso pelo mesmo crime. Não será fácil. Até a testemunha que liberou Rocky pensa que ele é culpado. A glamourosa esposa de Danny, Nancy, morando em uma decadente área de trailers, parece reticente sobre libertar Danny. O cínico policial Gus Cobb só quer agitar as coisas na esperança de que os US $ 100.000 'quentes' que faltam venham à tona. Muitas conversas difíceis, cenas noturnas, falsas damas e traições neste típico filme noir.
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A priest sets out to catch the man who killed one of his colleagues.
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Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
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After a long absence, Mary Jane visits her schoolfriend Eloise, and Eloise's daughter Ramona. Eloise drinks too much and is unhappily married to Lew Wengler. Eloise falls asleep and remembers her time with her true love, Walt Dreiser, at the beginning of the Second World War. She recalls the events that lead up to her split with Mary Jane, and how Lew married Eloise rather than Mary Jane.
Art Direction
Lawyer Joe Morse wants to consolidate all the small-time numbers racket operators into one big powerful operation. But his elder brother Leo is one of these small-time operators who wants to stay that way, preferring not to deal with the gangsters who dominate the big-time.
Art Direction
No século XV, a França é uma nação derrotada e arruinada após a Guerra dos Cem Anos contra a Inglaterra. A menina de fazenda de 14 anos de idade Joana D'Arc afirma ouvir vozes do Céu pedindo-lhe para levar Exército de Deus contra Orleans e coroando o fraco Delfim Charles VII como Rei da França. Joana arregimenta as pessoas com a sua fé, forma um exército e conquista Orleans. Quando seu exército está pronto para atacar Paris, o corrupto Charles vende seu país para a Inglaterra e dissolve o exército. Joana é presa, vendida ao Burgundians Ingleses e submetida a um julgamento político vergonhoso no castelo de Rouen.
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A invasão do México por Cortez, como visto por um jovem oficial espanhol fugindo da Inquisição.
Espanha, 1518: o jovem caballero Pedro De Vargas ofende seu sádico vizinho De Silva, que por acaso é um oficial da Inquisição. Forçados a fugir, Pedro, o amigo Juan Garcia e a adorada serva Catana se unem à primeira expedição de Cortez ao México. Chegando à rica nova terra, Cortez decide mudar de exploração para conquista... com apenas 500 homens. Envolvido em aventuras contínuas e um interlúdio romântico, Pedro quase esquece que tem um inimigo mortal. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Art Direction
In this chronicle of a vaudeville family, Myrtle McKinley (class of 1900) goes to San Francisco to attend business school, but ends up in a chorus line. Soon, star Frank Burt notices her talent, hires her for a "two-act", then marries her. Incidents of the marriage and the growing pains of eldest daughter Miriam are followed, interspersed with nostalgic musical numbers.
Art Direction
Quando um velhinho agradável que afirma ser Papai Noel é acusado de insanidade, um jovem advogado decide defendê-lo, argumentando no tribunal que ele de fato é Papai Noel. No desfile do Dia Ação de Graças da Loja de Departamentos Macy's, o ator que interpreta Papai Noel é flagrado por ter bebido por um homem velho bigodudo. Doris Walker, o maluco diretor de eventos especiais da loja, convence o velhinho a assumir o trabalho. O velhinho revela-se uma sensação e é rapidamente recrutado para ser o Papai Noel da saída da principal Macy's. Embora bem sucedido, Walker investiga e descobre que ele se chama Kris Kringle e que ele afirma ser o verdadeiro Papai Noel. Apesar das garantias do médico de que Kringle é inofensivo, Doris ainda tem dúvidas, especialmente porque ele tem cinicamente convencido à si mesmo e especialmente à sua filha, Susan, para rejeitar todas as noções de crença e fantasia.
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When a music-hall dancer is murdered, a moss rose marks the page of a Bible next to her body. Luckily, another chorus girl saw a gentleman leaving the lodgings. She approaches him directly, saying she'll go to the police if he doesn't meet her demands, but he brushes her off contemptuously. When he learns she's dead serious, he tries to buy her off with a thick wad of pound notes. But it's not money she's after; all she wants is two weeks at his country estate, living the life of a `lady.'
Art Direction
Um ano após a morte do marido, Lucy Muir (Gene Tierney) decide não mais viver com a sogra e a cunhada e aluga o "Chalé Gaivota", uma casa a beira-mar, e para lá se muda com sua filha e sua empregada. Porém, logo o fantasma de Daniel Gregg (Rex Harrison), o falecido proprietário da casa que morrera em um suposto suicídio, surge para a amendrontá-la, mas isto não surte efeito e entre os dois nasce gradativamente uma amizade. Assim, quando ela se vê em uma grave situação financeira, ele decide lhe narrar sua vida para ser transformada em livro e tirá-la deste aperto. Posteriormente, Lucy acaba conhecendo um escritor de histórias para crianças e pensa em se casar com ele. Apesar de não concordar com esta decisão, Daniel decide não mais aparecer e fazer com que Lucy acredite que todas as conversas que tiveram juntos foi produto da imaginação dela.
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Um jovem Bem-de-Vida de Chicago, Larry Darrell, rompe seu noivado com Isabel e viaja pelo mundo em busca da iluminação. Acaba encontrando o seu guru na Índia. Isabel se casa com Gray, e na sequência da crise de 1929, é convidada a viver em Paris com seu rico tio Elliot, um alpinista social. Durante uma temporada em Paris, Larry, tendo alcançado seu objetivo, está junto com Isabel. Quando numa noite resolvem passear por um bairro barra pesada. Larry, Isabel e acompanhantes ficam chocados ao descobrir Sophie, uma amiga de Chicago. Depois de ter perdido o marido e filho em um trágico acidente, Sophie está vivendo uma vida de submundo, com a ajuda de drogas e de um homem bruto e abusivo. Larry tenta reabilita-la, mas seus esforços são sabotados por Isabel, que tenta em vão reacender o interesse de Larry por ela.
Supervising Art Director
The follow-up film to "Claudia", with Dorothy McGuire and Robert Young reprising their earlier roles as a young married couple living in a small Connecticut town.
Art Direction
Set at the turn of the century, smooth talking con man Eddie Johnson weasels his way into a job at friend and rival Joe Rocco's Coney Island night spot. Eddie meets the club's star attraction (and Joe's love interest), Kate Farley, a brash singer with a penchant for flashy clothes. Eddie and Kate argue as he tries to soften her image. Eventually, Kate becomes the toast of Coney Island and the two fall in love. Joe then tries to sabotage their marriage plans.
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During WWII, a corporal in the desert reminisces about the love he left behind and faces uncertainty about his strength as a leader.
Art Direction
Um tenente submarino e seu comandante se apaixonam pela mesma garota.
Contra sua preferência pessoal, o comandante da embarcação PT Ward Stewart é nomeado diretor executivo do submarino USS Corsair. De licença antes de zarpar, ele conhece a professora Jean Hewlett e fica apaixonado... sem saber que ela é a queridinha de Dewey Connors, seu novo comandante. No mar, os homens criam um relacionamento enquanto lutam contra os navios alemães. Quando eles descobrirão sua rivalidade romântica mútua? Será que isso vai interferir num ataque de comando espetacular à uma base secreta alemã?
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A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
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When police officer Moe Finkelstein and his colleague Officer Salomon are ordered to serve as bodyguards to German consul Karl Baumer by the mayor of New York City, Finkelstein turns in his badge, convinced he has to quit the service because the man is a Nazi.
Art Direction
Kathy lives in a cramped New York flat with her father Madden Thomas, a celebrated actor brought down by drink. Lame from an early age and feeling trapped with her father in her small world, Kathy is delighted to meet fellow tenant Robert. When Madden is offered the lead in a new King Lear and Robert lands a composing job in Hollywood, better times seem for a while to beckon.
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Two-fisted newsreel photographer Johnny Williams is stationed in Burma and China in the early stage of WW II. Captured by the Japanese, he escapes from a concentration camp with the aid of beautiful, enigmatic 'China Girl' Miss Young. The two arduously make their way back to friendly lines so that Johnny can deliver the vital military information he's managed to glean from his captors.
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Quando o notório pirata Henry Morgan é nomeado governador da Jamaica, ele pede a ajuda de alguns de seus ex-parceiros para livrar o Caribe dos Bucaneiros. Quando um deles aparentemente seqüestra a linda filha do governador anterior e se junta aos rebeldes, as coisas estão prontas para uma briga. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
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Dois vagabundos estão passando por uma cidade no oeste, quando chega a notícia de que um fazendeiro local foi assassinado e seu gado roubado. As pessoas da cidade se juntam aos vagabundos, formam uma patrulha para capturar os criminosos. Eles encontram três homens na posse do gado, e estão determinados a ver a justiça ser feita no local. Quando uma patrulha alcança três homens suspeitos de matar um fazendeiro local, alguns deles ficam fortemente divididos sobre se devem ou não linchar os homens.
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Chronicle of a spoiled rich boy who joins the Marines with an off-handed attitude and finally becomes a battle-wise soldier. Academy Award Nominations: Best (Color) Cinematography.
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On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
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A remake of the 1927 horror film "The Wizard". Dr. Larry Forbes arrives in a remote French village to visit his fiancée who lives with her scientist father Dr. Renault and his Ape-like manservant Noel. Several Murders coincide with Dr. Forbes arrival, with clues pointing in multiple directions.
Art Direction
In this espionage movie, set in Washington during WW II, the daughter of an ex-senator has become a dress model. She is approached by an American counter-espionage agent who offers her a chance to serve her country. The carefree son of a naval official receives a similar offer. He is asked to secure secret Naval plans. Unbeknownst to them, the man they work for is actually a Nazi spy. The two dupes finally figure it out, and the spy kidnaps them. Somehow they escape and break up the spy ring.
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Wartime documentary propagandizing for greater participation in the U.S. war effort during the Second World War.
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Connie Ward está no sétimo céu quando a banda de Gene Morrison chega à cidade. Ela é arrebatada pelo trompetista Bill Abbot. Depois de se casar com ele, ela se junta à turnê da banda e aprende sobre a vida como uma esposa de orquestra, resistindo aos ataques maliciosos das outras esposas da banda.
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Biography of Edgar Allan Poe and the women in his life.
Art Direction
Breves histórias ligadas por um casaco azarado, uma boa oportunidade para ver algumas grandes estrelas no seu auge. A primeira história é um triângulo amoroso com Charles Boyer, Rita Hayworth, e Thomas Mitchell. O casaco vai para outro proprietário, um conto fantasioso com Henry Fonda, Ginger Rogers, e Cesar Romero. Em seguida é comprado por Elsa Lanchester para seu marido (da vida real), Charles Laughton, dando má sorte ao músico e compositor. Depois ele vai para as mãos de um advogado expulso, Edward G. Robinson, que encontra um colega de classe, George Sanders, em uma muito elegante reunião da faculdade. O casaco é levado por dois bandidos que o perdem e então é encontrado pelos mais pobres dos pobres da comunidade negra na depressão de 1930, interpretados pelo famoso cantor Paul Robeson e a grande Ethel Waters, que vão ao seu pastor, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, para quem o casaco finalmente traz algo de bom.
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This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
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A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
Art Direction
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.
Art Direction
In 1940 England, aristocratic Prudence Cathaway alarms her snobbish parents by joining the WAF service branch. She soon meets and falls in love with the brooding Clive Briggs, despite his prejudice against the upper classes, and agrees to spend a week with him at a Dover hotel. When Clive's soldier friend, Monty, arrives to retrieve him, Prudence learns that Clive went AWOL after Dunkirk, and urges him to recall why England must fight the war.
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A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
Art Direction
With his sidekick Rusty, Jeff Harper sails to paradisiacal tropical isle Ahmi-Oni to bargain on behalf of his cattle baron father for land owned by transplanted Irishman Dennis O'Brien. But Jeff falls in love with O'Brien's daughter, Eileen, and even his father can't break them up after he arrives and himself falls under the spell of island splendor.
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A café in Chicago, 1942. On a rainy night, veteran reporter Homer Howard tells an increasing audience the story of Roxie Hart and the crime she was judged for in 1927.
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Sir Arthur Blake has inherited title and lands from his brother. He also has his orphaned nephew Benjamin working for him as a bonded servant. While he believes the lad was born out of wedlock and so cannot claim the inheritance, he is taking no chances. Benjamin eventually rebels against his uncle and sets sail to try and make his fortune. This may enable him to return to prove his claim to being the rightful heir to the estate.
Art Direction
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.
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In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
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The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
Art Direction
A hunter happens upon a fugitive and his daughter living in a Georgia swamp. He falls in love with the girl and persuades the fugitive to return to town.
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A young promoter is accused of the murder of Vicky Lynn, a young actress he "discovered" as a waitress while out with ex-actor Robin Ray and gossip columnist Larry Evans.
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Aos 60 anos, Huw Morgan relembra sua vida quando garoto (Roddy McDowall) em uma pequena cidade mineradora. Suas reminiscências revelam a desintegração da unida família Morgan e de seus dedicados pais (Donald Crisp e Sara Allgood), enquanto capta os sentimentos e problemas daquele tempo. Maureen O’Hara e Walter Pidgeon co-estrelam este aclamado clássico das telas nesta história sobre sonhos, lutas e triunfos de uma família.
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O navio Cuban Queen encalha próximo da costa da Flórida. Walter McCracken (George Barbier), o dono da companhia ordena que o jovem executivo Jay Williams (John Payne) vá para lá (apesar de faltarem poucos dias para seu casamento com Terry (Cobina Wright), filha de Walter), e convença os passageiros a embarcarem em outro navio e a assinarem uma renúncia que exima a companhia de culpa. Todos assinam com exceção de Nan Spencer (Alice Faye), que concorda em ir para Havana de avião mas só assina se as suas férias forem agradáveis e totalmente pagas pela companhia de navegação. Assim Jay vai com Nan para Havana, na intenção de garantir que tudo corra bem. Jay pensa que tudo está resolvido e que pode voltar para Nova York, mas Nan diz que só assinará no final das suas férias de duas semanas se ela tiver se divertido bastante. Isto obriga Jay a remarcar o casamento, mas Nan não se diverte, apesar de estar sendo bem tratada, pois quer romance. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
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Based on Zane Grey's tale of a man who gains an unfair reputation as a gunfighter while out to avenge his father's death.
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Tyrone Power é um piloto de pilotos, um professor, mas não acredita em nada além de suas próprias habilidades. Ele fica em apuros por voar um novo caça diretamente para o Canadá, em vez de pousar no estado de Nova York e deixá-lo ser rebocada pela fronteira como a lei exige. Mas lhe é oferecido um novo trabalho: Transportar bombardeiros para a guerra na Inglaterra. Então em uma das viagens ele encontra Betty Grable, uma antiga paixão, que juntou-se à RAF como uma WREN (Women of the Royal Naval Services) numa tentativa de lutar pela democracia. Tyrone volta a cortejá-la e, no curso de suas várias missões começa a desenvolver uma compreensão do porque eles estão lutando.
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After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
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Quando a banda de Phil Corey chega à estância de esqui Sun Valley em Idaho seu pianista Ted Scott se apaixona pela refugiada norueguesa Karen Benson. Quando a solista Vivian Dawn sai, Karen assume o show no gelo.
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In the 1890s lumberjack John leaves Seattle for Alaska to look for gold. After he marries dancehall girl Sally, he finds she used to be in love with his best friend Blackie.
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In 1890, two students at Oxford force their rascally friend and fellow student to pose as an aunt from Brazil--where the nuts come from.
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After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay (Betty Grable) and Barbara Latimer (Carole Landis), waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan (Charlotte Greenwood), the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil (Don Ameche) and Jeff (Robert Cummings), who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.
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A tomboy is sent to a private school to become a refined young woman, but her innocent crush on the headmaster leads to serious complications.
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British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.
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O camponês analfabeto Juan Gallardo se eleva meteoricamente à fama e fortuna na arena de touradas, apenas para semear as sementes de sua própria queda. O toureiro Juan Gallardo se apaixona pela socialite Dona Sol, se afastando da fiel Carmen, que ainda assim se mantém fiel a seu homem enquanto ele continua a enfrentar um perigo real na praça de touros.
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After WWI two men go into radio. Failure leads the wife of one to borrow money from another; she goes on, after separation, to stardom. A coast-to-coast radio program is set up to bring everyone back together.
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The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
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No Rio de Janeiro o barão Manuel Duarte (Don Ameche), um mulherengo, se encontra em sérias dificuldades financeiras. Ele precisa viajar até Buenos Aires para tentar conseguir um empréstimo. Para não haver nenhuma suspeita do que o barão está fazendo, seus sócios contratam Larry Martin (Don Ameche), um ator que é muito parecido com o barão. A baronesa Cecilia Duarte (Alice Faye) fica sabendo da história, mas até ela fica na dúvida de quem é quem, pois o barão resolveu o assunto mais rápido do que esperava mas finge ter voltado só no dia seguinte, deixando Cecilia toda confusa.
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O detetive particular Michael Shayne tenta o seu melhor para secretamente escoltar a testemunha de julgamento Helen Carlson pelo trem de Denver a São Francisco.
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When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.
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A família Lester, oprimida, vive na Geórgia rural, numa terra agrícola que outrora fora próspera, ao lado da antiga estrada de tabaco. Durante a crise de 29, a miséria toma conta da família Lester, que impossibilitada de pagar o aluguel, corre o risco de ser despejada. Sua permanência também se vê ameaçada pelos planos de um banco em ter controle da terra.
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A teenage horse trainer fears she'll lose her beloved horses when the stables where she works is sold.
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Jockey (Stephens) struggles against gamblers with the help of stable trainer (Pallette) and horse onwer's daughter (Quigley).
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Robin Hoodish gangster in 1929 Chicago is an object of affection, kind to New York hood and bad to a bad crook.
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Highly fictionalized early history of Canada. Trapper/explorer Radisson imagines an empire around Hudson's Bay. He befriends the Indians, fights the French, and convinces King Charles II to sponsor an expedition of conquest.
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Country boy joins a circus in the 1840s and falls in love with the bare-back rider. Later he falls in love with another circus runaway.
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Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
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US-to-Central-America freight service pilot gets engaged to radio broadcaster and promises to take a desk job but the urge for adventure is too strong.
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Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
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O aristocrata Don Diego Vega regressa da Espanha e encontra sua pátria aterrorizada por um governador tirano. Ele deixa de lado sua nobreza, coloca uma máscara e luta por justiça e pelo povo
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Uma garota americana em férias na Argentina se apaixona por um rico proprietário de cavalos de corrida.
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When a waiter gives a society girl a public spanking for attending a Communist rally, her soup-tycoon uncle makes the waiter a vice-president of his company.
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Wendy Ballantine's parents decide to retire from show biz so she can have a normal life. They are unwelcome in the small town until a storm lets the family show their stuff.
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An alcoholic film star attempts a comeback. Director Walter Lang's 1940 comedy stars John Barrymore, Mary Beth Hughes, Anne Baxter, John Payne, Lionel Atwill and Edward Brophy.
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Frank James deixou sua vida de crimes e se tornou um pacífico fazendeiro. Nem quando Clem Tom Grayson, um jovem e grande amigo, lhe conta que Jesse James foi baleado pelas costas pelos irmãos Ford, Frank procura se vingar, pois crê na justiça. Aparentemente isto acontece, pois Bob e Charles são condenados por assassinato. Porém meia hora após o veredicto o governador lhes dá total perdão, e ainda recebem uma recompensa. Ao ver isto Frank constata que precisa fazer justiça com as próprias mãos.
Art Direction
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
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A policeman makes the startling discovery that his girlfriend is involved in a waterfront smuggling racket.
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A woman tormented by the hunting death of her husband forbids her son to have anything to do with horses. But when he falls for the daughter of his father's trainer, he defies his mother by entering the Maryland Hunt.
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Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
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Four Sons is a 1940 film directed by Archie Mayo. It stars Don Ameche and Eugenie Leontovich. It is a remake of the 1928 film of the same name.
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A priceless necklace goes missing at a plush party. Police close in on the jewel thieves but is one cop getting too close to one of the crooks?
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Alice Faye plays the title role in this 1940 film biography of the early-20th-century stage star.
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The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
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Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
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On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
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A movie company making a film about a famous sheriff hires his grandson as a stand-in for the lead.
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Wall Street broker Robert Cain, Sr., is jailed for embezzling. His college graduate son Bob then turns to crime to raise money for his father's release. As assistant to mobster Mickey Dwyer, then falls for Dwyer's girl Lucky. He winds up in the same prison as his father.
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Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
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When the studios reject her because she"s too young, a young actress sets out to build a career on her own.
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Tom, filho mais velho de uma pobre família de trabalhadores rurais, retorna para casa após cumprir pena por homicídio involuntário. Ele planeja levar os parentes até a Califórnia, onde dizem que trabalho não falta. Durante a viagem eles passam por diversos tipos de provações e quando finalmente chegam na "Terra Prometida" descobrem que é um lugar bem pior do que aquele que deixaram.
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Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
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A teenager who's been raised and home-schooled at her father's Texas ranch must adjust to her new surroundings and being with other students when she's sent to a San Antonio high-school.
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Mytyl e Tyltyl são irmãos que acabam sendo levados em uma encantadora viagem pelo passado, presente e futuro. Eles conhecem os poderes da natureza em busca do pássaro azul da felicidade.
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An orphan whose father has been killed by bandits inherits a mine. Cisco saves the mine and the child and also finds the child's real mother.
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Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
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Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
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The Jones family females decide to teach Father a lesson. He's neglecting the family business to run for mayor, so they decide to neglect their household chores.
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Chan, in Paris for a reunion with friends from World War I, becomes involved in investigating the murder of a munitions manufacturer who was supplying arms to the enemy, even as the rising clouds of World War II force the city into nightly blackout status..
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Albany, Nova York, 1776. Magdelana Borst e Gilbert Martin casam-se e vão para o Vale do Mohawk, no norte. Devido aos constantes ataques dos índios fogem, juntamente com outros colonos do vale, para um forte próximo, de onde assistem aos índios a destruírem suas fazendas e cabanas. Sarah McKlennar, uma solteirona com uma grande fazenda, vai ajudá-los e contrata Gilbert para trabalhar no campo, dando aos Martin um lugar para ficar. A vida dura da fazenda não é boa para Lana, que foi criada na riqueza e em boas condições. Com o tempo ela começa a gostar da nova vida no Vale do Mohawk, especialmente depois de dar à luz o primeiro filho. Gilbert une-se à milícia que precisa lutar contra as tribos locais, com os soldados britânicos incitando-os para a batalha. Gilbert volta ferido e, enquanto se recupera, há uma grande colheita nos campos. Porém a alegria dura pouco, pois os índios mais uma vez invadem as terras dos colonos.
Art Direction
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
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The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
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O investigador caça seu arquiinimigo, Professor Moriarty, que está planejando o crime do século.
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Guests at a women's residence club help a jilted small-town girl turn to modelling.
Art Direction
Wyatt Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone in this very romanticized version of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
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Studio publicist discovers Minnesota skating teacher and takes her to Hollywood. She goes back to Minnesota but he follows her.
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This classic family drama stars Shirley Temple as young orphan Susannah Sheldon, the sole survivor of a brutal Indian attack who's befriended by Canadian Mountie Angus Montague (Randolph Scott) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Margaret Lockwood). The couple takes Susannah under their wing and soon learn that having a precocious child around can come in handy; when the Indians return, the girl uses her charm to broker peace.Shirley is the orphaned survivor of an Indian attack in the Canadian West. A Mountie and his girlfriend take her in...
Art Direction
Nova Salem, Illinois, 1832. Uma família que está viajando em uma carroça necessita de mantimentos da loja de Abraham Lincoln e a única coisa de valor que eles tem para trocar é um livro sobre Direito. Abraham fala sobre suas ambições com Ann, uma jovem mulher que logo morre. Ele se muda para Springfield, a nova capital do estado, e em 1937, juntamente com o amigo John T. Stuart abre um escritório de advocacia. Lincoln conhece Mary Todd, uma mulher do Kentucky que, ao contrário de Lincoln, era rica. É focado o primeiro caso de Lincoln, no qual primeiramente impede que Matt Clay e Adam Clay sejam linchados por terem assassinado Scrub White. Ambos os irmãos se declaram culpados, como se um protegesse o outro. Abigail Clay, a única pessoa que poderia testemunhar, é a mãe dos acusados e se recusa a dizer algo, pois o testemunho dela salvaria um dos filhos, mas automaticamente condenaria o outro à forca.
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Father goes to an American Legion convention in Hollywood and the family goes along, visiting a studio a causing havoc on the set.
Art Direction
When an escaped circus gorilla appears to have gone on a murderous rampage, a threatened attorney calls on the detective trio of Garrity, Harrigan and Mullivan to act as bodyguards. In short order, we discover that there is more to the attorney than meets the eye, and the ape may be innocent after all. When a pretty young heiress faces peril, it's up to our heroic trio to save the day.
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Rose Sargent, a Roaring '20s singer, becomes a Ziegfeld Follies star as her criminal husband gets deeper in trouble.
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Alexander Graham Bell falls in love with deaf girl Mabel Hubbard while teaching the deaf and trying to invent means for telegraphing the human voice. She urges him to put off thoughts of marriage until his experiments are complete. He invents the telephone, marries and becomes rich and famous, though his happiness is threatened when a rival company sets out to ruin him.
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Uma lendária maldição envolvendo um cão sobrenatural assola a família Baskerville há gerações, e Sherlock Holmes é chamado para resolver o mistério.
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Woman hopes to be a great singer and is encouraged by her scheming teacher. After she flops her husband, encouraged by an amorous professional singer tries opera and also flops.
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While Charlie is distracted with the birth of his first grandchild, son Jimmy impersonates his father in order to investigate a murder aboard a freighter in the harbor.
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Mary Smith decides after a lifetime of being a shut-in to do something wild while her father is out campaigning for the presidency, so she takes off for the family's home in West Palm Beach and inadvertently becomes romantically entangled with earnest cowboy Stretch Willoughby. Neither the dalliance nor the cowboy fit with the upper class image projected by her esteemed father, forcing her to choose.
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Marco Polo (Cooper) cruza o mar em busca de tesouros e aventuras. Com a ajuda de seu fiel e covarde amigo Binguccio (Ernest Truex), encontra na China, como primeiro visitante do país europeu, várias inovações práticas como massas e explosivos. Ele é também apresentado a Kublai Khan (George Barbier), o imperador sábio e benevolente da China, e sua adorável filha, a Princesa Kukachin (Sigrid Gurie). O romance começa a florescer entre Marco e a princesa, mas Ahmed (Basil Rathbone), o dissimulado assistente do Imperador, também tem seus olhos sobre a princesa e ele está determinado a conquistar a mão dela e assim usurpar o trono de Kublai Khan.
Color Designer
Movie producer chooses a simple girl to be "Miss Humanity" and to critically evalute his movies from the point of view of the ordinary person.
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A Polynesian sailor is separated from his wife when he's unjustly imprisoned for defending himself against a colonial bully. Members of the community petition the governor for clemency but all pretense of law and order are soon shattered by an incoming tropical storm.
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O mafioso "Baby Face" Martin volta para casa para visitar o bairro de Nova York onde cresceu, encontrando sua mãe, que o rejeita por causa de seu estilo de vida de gângster, e sua antiga namorada, Francey, agora uma prostituta sifilítica. Martin também cruza o caminho de Dave, um amigo de infância que luta para se tornar um arquiteto, e os Dead End Kids, uma gangue de garotos vagando pelas ruas das favelas do East Side da cidade.
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Stella e Stephen Dallas são casados e têm uma filha, Laurel. O casal se separa quando Stephen se cansa do comportamento vulgar de Stella. Em pouco tempo, Stephen se casa com a viúva Helen, abalando Stella profundamente. Isso faz com que Laurel passe a ser a única razão pela qual Stella viva.
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A pretty architect devises a wild scheme to convince a handsome millionaire to fund a new housing development project.
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In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
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Wyoming, década de 1880. Lenhador Barney Glasgow despreza a amada Lotta Morgan, cantora de saloon, em favor de um casamento por interesse com Emma Louise, filha do patrão. Seu amigo Swan Bostrom une-se a Lotta. Barney enriquece derrubando árvores sem o cuidado de replantá-las. Anos mais tarde, tanto ele quanto o filho Richard apaixonam-se pela filha de Lotta e Swan, também chamada Lotta e também muito parecida com a mãe.
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Um empresário se aposenta vendendo sua montadora de veículos e parte em uma viagem com sua esposa para a Europa, que está em negação sobre sua idade e usa a viagem como uma oportunidade de flertar com outros homens.
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Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
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Martha and Karen graduate from college and turn an old Massachusetts farm into a school for girls. The friends are aided in their venture by local doctor Joe Cardin, who begins a relationship with Karen, and a prominent woman whose granddaughter, Mary, later enrolls in the new school. Mary soon reveals herself to be a spiteful child and tells a scandalous lie about Martha and Joe that threatens to destroy the lives of all involved.
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Meek Eddie Pink becomes manager of an amusement park beset by mobsters.
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Opera singer Chivo is currently playing a singing cowboy, and Mexican bandito Braganza kidnaps him (along with Jane, an heiress) so he can learn to become more like the American movie gangsters he admires.
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When Brighton Lorrimore returns home with his new bride, Phyllis, his family makes their disappointment in his choice obvious. Facing bankruptcy and the loss of their mansion and social position, they had hoped that Brighton would marry wealthy heiress and family friend, Edith Gilbert.
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Opera prima donna leaves the Metropolitan to form her own company with Tibbett as leading man. She leaves this company too which means Tibbett and company must carry on without her.
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Numa corrida do ouro californiano que atraiu aventureiros dos quatro cantos do mundo, chegam por terra ou por mar. Na véspera do ano novo em São Francisco chega um barco com pessoas só com um pensamento: ouro, mas igualmente está a bordo Marcus Aurelius Cobb (Frank Craven), um jornalista que pretende fundar um jornal na cidade, e Mary Rutledge (Miriam Hopkins), que veio da cidade de Nova Iorque.
Mary quer se casar muito brevemente com Dan Morgan, que foi responsável pela greve no Vale dos Colonos, mas ela tem uma desagradável surpresa ao ter conhecimento que o mesmo vale e Dan já não existem. Uma história que fala da febre do ouro e das diferentes maneiras que o homem com sede de riqueza arranja para o conseguir.
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Kitty Vane, Alan Trent, and Gerald Shannon have been inseparable friends since childhood. Kitty has always known she would marry one of them, but has waited until the beginning of World War I before finally choosing Alan. Gerald graciously gives them his blessing. Then, Gerald and Alan go to war. Angered over a misunderstanding involving Alan and Kitty, Gerald sends Alan on a dangerous mission that will change all their lives forever.
Art Direction
Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from being shot by an arrogant Englishman also headed for the Yukon. En route to the Yukon with Shorty Houlihan -- who spent time in jail for opening someone else's letter with a map of where gold is to be found -- Jack rescues a woman whose husband was the addressee of that letter. Buck helps Jack win a $1,000 bet to get the supplies he needs. And when Jack and Claire Blake pet Buck one night, fingers touch.
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In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.
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The cunning Cardinal Richelieu must save King Louis XIII from treachery within his inner circle.
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While working on a novel in his country home in Connecticut, married writer Tony Barrett (Cooper) becomes attracted to Manya (Sten), the daughter of a neighboring farmer. Manya is unhappily engaged to Frederik (Bellamy). Due to a snowstorm, Tony and Manya are trapped together in his house overnight. The next day, Manya's father insists her wedding to Frederik take place in spite of Manya's misgivings. Drunkenness and jealousy result in tragedy at the wedding reception that night.
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An entertainer impersonates a look-alike banker, causing comic confusion for wife and girlfriend.
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Fort St. David, Cuddalore, southern India, 1748. While colonial empires battle to seize an enormous territory, rich in spices and precious metals beyond the wildest dreams, and try to gain the favor of the local kings, Robert Clive (1725-1774), a frustrated but talented clerk who works for the East Indian Company and struggles to earn his fortune, makes a bold decision that will change his life forever.
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20th Century Fox's highly fabricated film biography of circus showman P. T. Barnum stars Wallace Beery (as Barnum), Virginia Bruce (as Jenny Lind), Janet Beecher and Adolphe Menjou. Released in 1934.
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A musical comedy about a Brooklyn boy who inherits a fortune from his archaeologist father, but has to go to Egypt to claim it.
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Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process.
Art Direction
The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.
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Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
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Neste tocante clássico, Cary Grant interpreta um fazendeiro cuja bondade para com uma mulher sem marido (Loretta Young) e seu filho resulta em traição. Malcolm Trevor (Grant) e sua esposa (Marion Burns) não podem conceber filhos. Então, quando Malcolm acidentalmente atropela o filho (Henry Travers) de Letty (Young) e ela é declarada uma mãe incapaz, o casal assume o garoto para criá-lo como seu próprio filho. Decidida a tirar vantagem da riqueza de Malcolm, Letty tenta chantageá-lo. Por fim, o amor desinteressado e a caridade são celebrados neste clássico enternecedor e bem-feito.
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In New England circa 1933, a niece is reported missing and presumed dead and Cabot Barr (George Arliss) summons his relatives to the family estate for a memorial service. Once there, Barr taunts each one, claiming their only interest in him is his money, and sends them away when the report about the niece proves to be false. Only niece Marjorie, who has ridiculed one of his pet eccentricities, seems to be the object of any sentimental affection.
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Joe and Casey trouble-shoot for the phone company. They try to prove that Joes's girl Ethel's boss Dan is a crook but are trapped by criminals and left in a burning building.
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Young Parisian Nana wards off of a boozed-up military officer at a local restaurant, and fellow diner Gaston Greiner is so impressed with her pluck that he decides to make her a performer at his musical theater. Soon, Nana is a star, and the girlfriend of Greiner and two other men. But when he learns that she's been getting around, Greiner fires her. As she tries to reclaim her singing job while dodging yet another suitor, her treachery might get the better of her.
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A singer marries a famous composer, and after a while she gets the itch to go back on the stage. However, her husband won't let her. When she hears that a popular French singer named "Raquel" is coming to New York, she decides to go to Raquel with a plan--unbeknownst to her husband, "Raquel" is actually her sister, and her plan is for them to switch places so she can fulfill her dream of going back on the stage. However, things don't go quite as planned.
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Los Angeles newspaper reporter Toby Prentiss is continually in trouble with his editor. He is demoted to running the paper's "Miss Lonelyhearts" advice column because he missed the scoop on a major earthquake whilst out on the town. Determined to be fired from the column he starts to give crazy advice to the readers, but this only makes him even more popular.
Art Direction
"In the Gay Nineties New York had grown up into bustles and balloon Sleeves ... but The Bowery had grown younger, louder and more rowdy until it was known as the 'Livest Mile on the face of the globe' ... the cradle of men who were later to be famous.
Art Direction
A drug-addicted member of Parliament needs to take time off and secretly pull his life together, so he gets his lookalike cousin to agree to temporarily assume his identity.
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In the 1860s, Mary Marlowe defies her father's wishes to marry a British lord and runs away with clerk John Carlton as he heads West to make his fortune. Mary and John endure the difficult journey and settle into a small cabin, then face the hostilities of a cattle rustling gang, as well as the tragic loss of their only son. With Mary's help, John defeats the gang, which propels him to political power that, over the years, gradually erodes the once-happy marriage.
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A New York tramp falls in love with the mayor's amnesiac girlfriend after rescuing her from a suicide attempt.
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A London barrister's marriage is under strain after his affair with a shopgirl who is out to have him. The story is told in flashback.
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Eddie and his Mexican friend Ricardo are expelled from college after Ricardo put Eddie in the girl's dormitory when he was drunk. Per chance Eddie gets mixed up in a bank robbery and is forced to drive the robbers to safety. To get rid of him they force him to leave the USA for Mexico, but a cop is following him. Eddie meets Ricardo there, Ricardo helps him avoid being arrested by the cop when he introduces Eddie as the great Spanish bullfighter Don Sebastian II. The problem is, the cop is still curious and has tickets for the bullfight. Eddie's situation becomes more critical, when he tries to help Ricardo to win the girl he loves, but she's engaged to a "real" Mexican, who is, unknown to her father, involved in illegal business. While trying to avoid all this trouble, Eddie himself falls in love with his friend's girl friend's sister Rosalie, who also want to see the great Don Sebastian II to kill the bull in the arena.
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Due to a possible cholera epidemic onboard, passengers on a ship are forced to disembark at Pago Pago, a small village on a Pacific island where it incessantly rains. Among the stranded passengers are Sadie Thompson, a prostitute, and Alfred Davidson, a fanatic missionary who will try to redeem her.
Set Decoration
A trio of money-hungry women rent a luxurious penthouse, spending their dough on drink and debonair clothing, backbiting and catfighting as they steal each other's boyfriends.
A medical researcher is sent to a plague outbreak, where he has to decide priorities for the use of a vaccine.
Set Decoration
A medical researcher is sent to a plague outbreak, where he has to decide priorities for the use of a vaccine.
Set Decoration
A stock market broker plans to liven up his boring life by taking up piracy on the high seas.
Set Decoration
A comedy-drama about marriage and divorce. A wife does not want children, her husband leaves her and marries a woman who does.
At a hotel in the middle of the Sahara, an old man and his daughter try to keep the location of a hidden treasure from a collection of thieves and criminals staying at the hotel who are determined to get it. A suave gentleman thief arrives at the hotel one day with his own plan to get the loot, but complications ensue when he begins to fall for the daughter.
The setting is a city block during a sweltering summer, where the residents serve as representatives of the not-very-idealized American melting pot. There is idle chitchat, gossip, jealousy, racism, adultery, and suddenly but not unexpectedly, a murder.
Hildy Johnson, repórter de jornal, é noivo de Peggy Grant e planeja se mudar para Nova York para um emprego em publicidade com salário maior. A sala de imprensa do tribunal está cheia de repórteres mambembes que inventam histórias tanto quanto as escrevem. Todos estão aguardando para cobrir o enforcamento de Earl Williams. Quando Williams escapa do inepto xerife, Hildy aproveita a oportunidade usando seus 260 dólares da lua de mel para subornar um insider e obter um "furo" sobre a fuga. No entanto, Walter Burns, editor do Post, propositadamente demora para reembolsar Hildy da despesa, na esperança de que ele fique cobrindo a história. Conseguir uma grande matéria parece possível quando Hildy tromba com o confuso fugitivo Williams e o esconde em uma mesa roll-top na sala de imprensa. Burns chega do jornal para ajudar. A questão é, eles poderão manter o paradeiro de Williams em segredo o tempo suficiente para dar o furo, especialmente com o xerife e outros repórteres zanzando ao redor?
Art Direction
A poor but basically honest flower woman agrees to impersonate a wicked opera star.
Art Direction
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Art Direction
Western sheriff Bob Wells is preparing to marry Sally Morgan; she loves part-Indian Wanenis, whose race is an obstacle. Sally flees the wedding with hypochondriac Henry Williams, who thinks he's just giving her a ride; but she left a note saying they've eloped! Chasing them are jilted Bob, Henry's nurse Mary (who's been trying to seduce him) and others.
Art Direction
Early Vitaphone short.
Set Decoration
A young prince falls in love with a beautiful barmaid while at university in old Heidelberg.
Art Direction
Um atirador de facas, de grande sucesso num circo por não ter braços e usar os pés nos seus números, esconde um grande segredo.
Criado por seu avô para respeitar as antigas leis da China, Mandarin Wu é um homem extremamente autoritário. Entretanto, ele é um pai amoroso com sua linda filha Nang Ping. Ela está para se casar com um homem escolhido por seu pai, um homem que ainda não conhece. Mas ela se apaixona por um visitante britânico, Basil Gregory. Basil informa Nang Ping que deve retornar para a Inglaterra com sua família, mas ela o surpreende com a revelação de que carrega um filho seu. Wu fica sabendo da desonra de sua filha e deixa as antigas leis da China o conduzirem à tragédia inevitável.
Cock Robin is the swaggering ballyhoo man of a Hungarian sideshow known as the Palace of Illusions. The highlight of the show is a reenactment of Salome's dance of the seven veils, replete with the beheading of Jokanaan. The performer portraying Salome is in love with Cock Robin. Jealous, sinister The Greek is determined to eliminate that competition.
Set Designer
Durante o reinado de Luís XIII, um adolescente arrogante chamado Bardelys tornou-se famosa graças a suas conquistas amorosas.
Set Decoration
When Prince Danilo falls in love with American dancer Sally O'Hara, his uncle, King Nikita I of Monteblanco, forbids him to marry her because Sally is a commoner. Thinking she has been jilted by her prince, Sally marries wealthy Baron Sadoja. When the elderly man dies suddenly, Sally must be wooed all over again by Danilo.
Art Direction
O filme mostra a transformação do caráter de três pessoas. Após um bom tempo trabalhando em uma mina, McTeague se muda para a Califórnia, onde passa a trabalhar ilegalmente como dentista, e conhece e se casa com Trina, prima de seu amigo Marcus, também interessado nela. Trina ganha um grande prêmio na loteria e, aos poucos, vai sendo dominada pela avareza, o que desperta o caráter violento de McTeague, e a inveja de Marcus.
Costume Design
A nobleman, posing as a necktie salesman, falls in love with the daughter of a circus puppeteer, even though he is already married to the daughter of his country's war minister.
Art Direction
A nobleman, posing as a necktie salesman, falls in love with the daughter of a circus puppeteer, even though he is already married to the daughter of his country's war minister.
Set Decoration
An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.