George Leverett


Cinderela em Paris
Sound Recordist
Um famoso fotógrafo de modas, Dick Avery (Fred Astaire), trabalha para a Quality Magazine, uma conceituada revista feminina. Dick cumpre as determinações da editora da revista, Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson), que não está satisfeita com os últimos resultados e tenta encontrar "um novo rosto". Dick o acha em Jo Stockton (Audrey Hepburn), uma balconista de uma livraria no Greenwich Village onde um ensaio fotográfico ocorrera recentemente. Após certa resistência, Maggie aceita Jo como a modelo que irá à Paris para fotografar e ser o símbolo da Quality. Jo só concorda pois lá poderá conhecer Emile Flostre (Michel Auclair), um intelectual cujas ideias ela idolatra. Entretanto, ao chegarem em Paris as coisas não correm como o planejado.
Terrível Suspeita
Concentration camp survivor Victoria Kowelska finds herself involved in mystery, greed, and murder when she assumes the identity of a dead friend in order to gain passage to America.
Bill Lawrence ganhou uma enorme quantidade de prêmios em um programa de perguntas e respostas no rádio. Mas sua felicidade dura pouco quando ele descobre que tem que vender todos os prêmios para pagar os impostos.
I'll Get By
I'll Get By is an updated remake of the 1940 20th Century-Fox musical Tin Pan Alley. William Lundigan and Dennis Day play William Spencer and Freddie Lee respectively, successful song publishers who make hits out of such numbers as "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo", "Deep in the Heart of Texas", "You Make Me Feel So Young", "There Will Never Be Another You", and other favorites (the rights to all of these songs were conveniently held by 20th Century-Fox). The partnership has some hard times, especially during the feud between ASCAP and the radio networks, when only public-domain songs like "I Dream of Jeannie" were permitted to be broadcast.
Mother Didn't Tell Me
Jane Morgan (Dorothy McGuire) marries handsome doctor William Wright (William Lundigan), despite warnings from a host of other doctor's wives that she will be neglected and lonely, thanks to his career. Based on the novel The Doctor Has Three Faces by Mary Bard and billed as a movie with "all the answers" for new wives, this dated little film follows Jane's struggles to adapt her life to better suit her husband's needs.
A Noiva Era Ele
Depois de se casar com uma tenente americana com quem foi designado para trabalhar na Alemanha do pós-guerra, um capitão francês tenta encontrar uma maneira de acompanhá-la de volta aos Estados Unidos, sob os termos da Lei da Noiva de Guerra. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
You're My Everything
In 1924, stage-struck Boston blueblood Hannah Adams picks up musical star Tim O'Connor and takes him home for dinner. One thing leads to another, and when Tim's show rolls on to Chicago a new Mrs. O'Connor comes along as incompetent chorus girl. Hollywood beckons, and we follow the star careers of the O'Connor family in silents and talkies.
O Toque Mágico
Following American reporter Stephen Fitzgerald from Ireland to New York, a grateful leprechaun acts as the newsman's servant and conscience.
Sitting Pretty
Tacey and Harry King are a suburban couple with three sons and a serious need of a babysitter. Tacey puts an ad in the paper for a live-in babysitter, and the ad is answered by Lynn Belvedere. But when she arrives, she turns out to be a man. And not just any man, but a most eccentric, outrageously forthright genius with seemingly a million careers and experiences behind him.
Rosas Trágicas
When a music-hall dancer is murdered, a moss rose marks the page of a Bible next to her body. Luckily, another chorus girl saw a gentleman leaving the lodgings. She approaches him directly, saying she'll go to the police if he doesn't meet her demands, but he brushes her off contemptuously. When he learns she's dead serious, he tries to buy her off with a thick wad of pound notes. But it's not money she's after; all she wants is two weeks at his country estate, living the life of a `lady.'
Circumstantial Evidence
Sound Technical Supervisor
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Climbing to fame, Irish-American composer Ernest R. Ball romances a showgirl, who catches the eye of an underworld character.
Entre a Loura e a Morena
Cantora conhece um sargento mas este deve cumprir uma missão no Pacífico. Após o reencontro, ela descobre que ele é rico e está prestes a se casar. Enquanto isso, Dorita usará todo seu charme e ousadia para resolver a situação. Filme conhecido pela cena em que Carmen Miranda dança com algumas frutas sobre a cabeça.
O Cisne Negro
Quando o notório pirata Henry Morgan é nomeado governador da Jamaica, ele pede a ajuda de alguns de seus ex-parceiros para livrar o Caribe dos Bucaneiros. Quando um deles aparentemente seqüestra a linda filha do governador anterior e se junta aos rebeldes, as coisas estão prontas para uma briga. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Ride on Vaquero
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
Vinhas da Ira
Sound Designer
Tom, filho mais velho de uma pobre família de trabalhadores rurais, retorna para casa após cumprir pena por homicídio involuntário. Ele planeja levar os parentes até a Califórnia, onde dizem que trabalho não falta. Durante a viagem eles passam por diversos tipos de provações e quando finalmente chegam na "Terra Prometida" descobrem que é um lugar bem pior do que aquele que deixaram.
The Cisco Kid and the Lady
An orphan whose father has been killed by bandits inherits a mine. Cisco saves the mine and the child and also finds the child's real mother.
Segure Este Gorila
When an escaped circus gorilla appears to have gone on a murderous rampage, a threatened attorney calls on the detective trio of Garrity, Harrigan and Mullivan to act as bodyguards. In short order, we discover that there is more to the attorney than meets the eye, and the ape may be innocent after all. When a pretty young heiress faces peril, it's up to our heroic trio to save the day.
Anjo de Felicidade
Sound Designer
Plucky Penny Hale está animada porque vai voltar do internato para morar com seu pai viúvo, mas quando fica sabendo que ele está com dificuldades financeiras devido a um projeto imobiliário, Plucky decide conquistar um ranzinza investidor do ramo imobiliário, que ela erroneamente acredita ser o "Tio Sam".
Sonho de Moça
Sound Designer
Rebecca é uma garotinha talentosa deixada aos cuidados de sua tia Miranda. Seu vizinho Anthony Kent, um caçador de talentos, leva-a secretamente para participar de um programa de rádio, onde a garota irá se transformar em um sucesso.
One Mile From Heaven
A female journalist travels to a new neighborhood after getting a (false) lead and is surprised by what she finds.
Caminho da Glória
Sound Engineer
O tenente Denet (Fredric March) é um oficial do exército francês que luta com todas as forças para impedir o avanço alemão durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial. O que ele não sabe é que sua obsessão pela vitória o está transformando, aos olhos de seus homens, em seu pior inimigo. Além disso, ele disputa o amor de uma mulher com um capitão.
A Queridinha da Família
Eddie Ellison is an ex-con who spent time in Sing-Sing prison. Kay marries him as soon as he serves his time. Five years later, Eddie and his ex-convict buddy Larry, have both gone straight, and Eddie and Kay have a beautiful little girl named Shirley. However, Welch has kept a close eye on them for years. He believes in "once a criminal, always a criminal." Then, when Eddie's employer's wife's pearls go missing, it comes out that Eddie and Larry both spent time in prison, and they're fired. Welch suspects that Eddie and Larry have something to do with the theft of the pearls. Will Welch prove that Eddie and Larry had something to do with the theft, or will the truth prevail?
Coming Out Party
In this romance, a lovely young debutante falls in love with a jazz violinist. Her mother wants her to marry a wealthy young man, but the strong-willed girl initially demurs until the night of her debut. Her social adviser fills the debutante’s dance card with partners, which inflames the violinist.
Me and My Gal
Jaunty young policeman Danny Dolan falls in love with waterfront cafe waitress Helen Riley.
While Paris Sleeps
Sound Recordist
To save his daughter Manon from falling into the hands of a vicious gang of pimps, convict Jacques Costard escapes from jail. Jacques' problems are twofold: he must keep Manon from being abducted into a life of prostitution, and he must also hide his true identity from the girl, who has been raised to believe that Jacques died a hero in WWI.
After Tomorrow
Sound Recordist
In the Depression, Pete and Sidney are good kids, working hard, giving money to their parents, and engaged for three years while they save to get married. Each has a selfish mother: Sydney's is cold, Pete's is clingy. Sidney's mother is looking for her own happiness, no matter how much that search harms her daughter and long-suffering husband; and, the longer the engagement lingers, the more pressure Pete's mom puts on Sidney to break it off and set her son free. "After Tomorrow" is Pete and Sidney's favorite song, but with illness, poverty, and temptation: will that good day ever come?
A Grande Jornada
Sound Engineer
Um jovem guia conduz uma enorme caravana de colonos por um caminho acidentado e cheio de perigos, com despenhadeiros, tempestades de neve, ataques de índios e manadas de búfalos. Durante a viagem, ele se apaixona por uma pioneira e faz de tudo para conquistá-la.