Judi Farr

Judi Farr

Nascimento : 1938-10-05,


Judi Farr AM (Member, Order of Australia), is an Australian former actress of theatre, film and television, best known for several situation comedy roles on Australian television.


Judi Farr


Jack Irish: Bad Debts
Mrs Bishop
Jack, um ex-militar, ex-advogado criminal e ex-alcoólatra, actua como detetive particular especializado em localizar pessoas e aprendiz de marceneiro nas horas vagas
Um Verão para Toda Vida
Eles nasceram no mesmo mês, por isso o orfanato os batizou de December Boys (Os Garotos de Dezembro). Mas estes adolescentes - Maps, Spit, Spark e Misty - têm muito mais em comum. Sem esperanças de comporem uma família, eles fortaleceram seus próprios laços familiares. Então, notícias inesperadas dão conta que um deles poderá ser adotado por um casal, e os companheiros de longa data compartilham mais alguma coisa: a rivalidade para ser o escolhido. Um Verão Para Toda Vida, uma pungente memória de amizade e família, marca o primeiro grande papel de Daniel Radcilffe fora da série Harry Potter. Ele interpreta Maps, um irmão mais velho nesse grupo, que vive erros e acertos rumo à fase adulta. Compartilhe com esses garotos esta memorável jornada rumo ao amadurecimento.
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
Mrs. Koppel
Com a explosão de um surto de gripe aviária, a Dra. Iris Varnack vai começar uma corrida contra o tempo para tentar erradicar esse vírus mortal, que pode infectar os humanos, antes que seja tarde demais.
Unfolding Florence: The Many Lives of Florence Broadhurst
Florence Broadhurst
A Colourful Life is a Docu/Drama based on the colourful life of flamboyant design pioneer Florence Broadhurst.
Mrs Jones
After a near death experience, five Boys, all devoted AC/DC fans, make a pact to bury their best friend next to the grave of Bon Scott. 12 years later, having gone their different ways, they come together to fulfill the promise.
Walking on Water
Friends and family gather around the death bed of Gavin, where they assist in the dying man's suicide. But though Gavin's pain has been laid to rest, the grief felt by everyone there has only begun, and Walking on Water compassionately follows the attempts of Gavin's closest friends Anna and Charlie to recover from their loss.
To The Other Shore
A deeply personal study of motherhood as a ‘rite of passage’. It interweaves moments from the filmmaker’s childhood, family life and psychotherapy with world events, including the Holocaust, the Vietnam War and the Chernobyl nuclear accident, to evoke the complex inner world of maternal experience. Grethel’s tale from the fairy story Hansel and Grethel juxtaposes the personal story with a mythical exploration of freedom and individual responsibility.
Flertando - Aprendendo a Viver
Shella Embling
Two freethinking teenagers - a boy and a girl - confront with authoritarian teachers in their boarding schools. The other students treat this differently.
The Year My Voice Broke
Sheila Embling
Set in 1962, a young prepubescent boy in rural Australia watches painfully as his best friend and first love blossoms into womanhood and falls for a thuggish rugby player, changing the lives of everyone involved.
Double Sculls
Ellen Bayliss
A man tries to rehabilitate his alcoholic friend by entering them both into the Australian national rowing championships.
For Love Alone
Aunt Bea
A jovem Teresa (Helen Buday) é muito pobre e vive na Austrália dos anos 30. Ingênua, apaixona-se pelo arrogante Jonathan Crow (Hugo Weaving), um professor que acredita no amor livre e no socialismo. Apaixonada, Teresa acompanha-o em uma viagem à Inglaterra, onde conhece o banqueiro James Quick (Sam Neill). O filme passa a focalizar o relacionamento dos três, renovado pelos ares ingleses.
Just Out Of Reach
This short feature film begins with a suicide attempt by Cathy, and then follows by telling her story in flashbacks. Cathy is a neurotic young woman who retreats from cold British parents into an equally uncommunicative relationship with a former teacher who aspires to be a poet. Cathy's self-destructive behavior is presented as a legacy of her (British) family and past.
New Resident
Dawn! is a 1979 Australian sports biopic about the three-time Olympic gold medallist swimmer Dawn Fraser.