Jonny Phillips

Jonny Phillips

Nascimento : 1963-09-05, London, England, UK


Jonny Phillips


Robert takes his beloved 3.2 litre saloon for a spin in the neighbourhood. But his world is crumbling, and his car is merely a symptom of male vulnerability and denial.
A broken family on a road trip to redemption.
The Heiress
Dr. Medhurst
Clare e Anna são irmãs dedicadas que moram juntas. Clare sofre de convulsões e Anna cuida de Clare entre o tempo no trabalho e a visita ao namorado. No entanto, quando Clare começa a ter visões fantasmagóricas dentro da casa, Anna tem dificuldade em acreditar nela. Conforme as visões pioram, elas testam a sanidade de Clare, até que uma noite ela ataca Anna por engano - acreditando que ela seja um dos fantasmas. Clare está hospitalizada, mas as visões continuam a assombrá-la. Mas Clare nunca foi o verdadeiro alvo, os espectros estavam atrás de Anna e seu filho por nascer o tempo todo. Agora Clare deve descobrir como proteger sua irmã, enquanto está trancada em uma clínica psiquiátrica segura.
Unknown Number (voice)
Tommy, an out of work building contractor, faces up to the consequences when a series of phone calls expose a lie that spirals out of control. With his family in danger and everything he knows rapidly unravelling around him, he must make the toughest decision of his life. Set entirely within the claustrophobic confines of a parked car, HOLD brings an atmospheric and tense twist on a familiar genre.
Lawrence of Arabia: Britain's Great Adventurer
T. E. Lawrence
The epic story of Thomas Edward Lawrence the First World War military officer who united the tribes of Arabia against the Ottoman Turkish army. The film reveals that while being one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century, he was also a deeply troubled man, delving into his personal torment, the secret his family were hiding, and the punishment he endured.
The Dead of Jaffa
With their father in prison and mother dead, three children from the West Bank are smuggled into Israel and taken to the house of their distant relatives, George and Rita, in Jaffa. Rita, who longs for a child, embraces them as her own but George is wary of the grave legal implications their actions might have. Meanwhile, a British film director recreates 1947 Jaffa outside George and Rita’s house. When their present-day reality meets the historical events that led to it, tragedy ensues.
Legítimo Rei
Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster
Depois de ser coroado Rei dos Escoceses, o lendário Robert "The Bruce" luta para tentar recuperar o controle. Mas, acaba sendo derrotado em um ataque surpresa feito pelo rei inglês, o que o deixou um fora-da-lei.
A Morte de Stalin
NKVD Officer Pervak
União Soviética, 1953. Após a inesperada morte do ícone Josef Stalin, o alto escalão do comitê do Partido Comunista se vê em momentos caóticos para decidir quem será o sucessor do líder soviético e quais rumos a nação seguirá a partir de então, uma enorme disputa que envolve até os complexos herdeiros do político.
The Outer Darkness
Father Crowe
On Friday evenings in the hall of St Barabbas’ Church meets a group led by Father Jonathan Crowe. Together they share their stories – tales of strange occurrences, horrific events and bizarre encounters that have scarred their lives. Tonight, a young woman called Jenny will share her story of her experience with a game of chance that sealed the fate of her family…
An ancient Oak tree awakens a jaded tree surgeon to the intensity of life when a routine job suddenly turns out to be anything but. [imdb]
Essa Noite Você É Minha
Em um festival de rock, dois cantores se estranham e começam a brigar. Eles acabam algemados um ao outro por 24 horas e descobrem que não se odeiam tanto assim.
Jam Today
Robert is stuck on a boating holiday with his parents in the English countryside. Impatient to grow and become a man, an unexpected sight cracks his world open.
Teenager Jade is pregnant. Her relationship with the father is complicated.
Things We Leave Behind
Chris Newman
Whilst clearing the belongings of his missing father, a man unearths some unexpected truths.
Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution
In 1794, French revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre produced the world's first defense of "state terror" - claiming that the road to virtue lay through political violence. This film combines drama, archive and documentary interviews to examine Robespierre's year in charge of the Committee Of Public Safety - the powerful state machine at the heart of Revolutionary France. Contesting Robespierre's legacy is Slavoj Zizek, who argues that terror in the cause of virtue is justifiable, and Simon Schama, who believes the road from Robespierre ran straight to the gulag and the 20th-century concentration camp. The drama, based on original sources, follows the life-and-death politics of the Committee during "Year Two" of the new Republic.
Big Things
Graham Beace
Richard, bored of his mundane existence as a cycle courier, attempts to make his film "A Distance Too Far" in a bid to escape to a better life. Driven by the belief that it will propel him, his friends and his girlfriend to fame and fortune, and the fear of ending up like his family, the completion of his 'masterpiece' becomes the sole focus of Richard's life.
Prison Governor
Michael Peterson tinha o sonho de ser famoso, mas suas condições de vida nunca fariam dele uma pessoa especial. Após um assalto que deu errado e a condenação a sete anos de prisão, atrás das grades, Michael descobre a sua verdadeira vocação: a violência; e descobre como se tornar famoso: ser o prisioneiro mais caro da história do Reino Unido. Essa é a história real de uma das figuras mais emblemáticas da história da Inglaterra.
Amor Extremo
John Eldridge
A paixão do lendário poeta Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) é contada através das vidas de duas mulheres.
Attila the Hun
Theodosius (as Jonathan Phillips)
(History Channel) A marauding barbarian with a reputation as one of history's monsters, even today Attila's name is a synonym for savagery.
A father rediscovers his fear of confrontation at the worst possible time.
One for the Road
One for the Road follows Jimmy, Paul, Richard and Mark who meet on a rehabilitation course for drink drivers. Jimmy is young, ambitious and desperate to sell his late father's business; Paul has been salesman of the year three times running, however, that was five years ago; Richard is a retired millionaire property developer and Mark is a taxi driver with a weakness for weed and philosophy.
Dead Gorgeous
Barry Bell
Rose and Antonia are two old friends who meet up again after the second world war. Unhappy in their relationships, they plan to 'accidentally' murder each others husbands.
The Last Great Wilderness
Charlie's wife has left him for a successful pop star, and he wants revenge. He sets out for Scotland's Isle of Skye, where he will burn down the star's mansion. In a cafe, he meets Vincente, a Spaniard who asks him for a ride. With his new friend in tow, Charlie soldiers on, only to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. They walk to the nearest residence--where they are greeted by a suspicious and motley group of people who may or may not be part of a bizarre cult that lives in the area. Charlie and Vincente will be staying longer then they expected, and it is going to be a strange visit!
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Trenches of Hell
In the eighth film in the series, in August 1916, using the name "Henri Defense," 17-year-old Indiana Jones has enlisted in the Belgian army to fight in the Great War. After his commanding officers have all been killed in battle in Flanders, Corporal "Defense" is left in charge of what's left of the 9th Belgian Infantry. They are assigned to the French 14th Company and dispatched into the Battle of the Somme. When Indy is captured by the Germans, he quickly gains a reputation as an escape artist, and is sent to the maximum security prison at Dusterstadt on the Danube.
A Guerra dos Outros
Brian North
Em 1993 a guerra da Bósnia está em seu momento mais crítico e vários refugiados da Iugoslávia estão chegando na Inglaterra. Quatro típicas famílias londrinas terão suas vidas transformadas pelo conflito e pelos refugiados da guerra.
The Quarry
This thriller investigates the mysterious assassination of a gay pastor in rural South Africa. Without witnesses or explanations, the crime appears to the police and others as a jigsaw puzzle without enough pieces. The police then suspect and arrest people based on the usual prejudices, black and coloured people who plant marijuana in this case. Meanwhile, the true assassin not only goes his way unpunished from the very beginning, but becomes one of the rural town's most respected citizens. The sheriff at one point does begin having certain suspicions, and from there on the bulk of the plot is played out. The location is a very arid part of South Africa, so with so much desert rock, there are bound to be quarries. Some may reveal important secrets.
Second Officer Lightoller
Um artista pobre e uma jovem rica se conhecem e se apaixonam na fatídica jornada do Titanic, em 1912. Embora esteja noiva do arrogante herdeiro de uma siderúrgica, a jovem desafia sua família e amigos em busca do verdadeiro amor.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
An opium-addicted choirmaster develops an obsession for a beautiful young girl and will not stop short of murder in order to have her.
A play about the gunpowder plot written from a new angle by Jimmy McGovern.
Max and Helen
Werner Schultze / Mark Weiss
In trying to bring a former concentration camp commandant to justice, Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal uncovers the tragic story of two lovers separated by the war.
Killing Dad (Or How to Love Your Mother)
A man, always very devoted to his mother, decides to look for his father whom he never met. He meets a seducing older woman prone to drinking and her aged boyfriend whom she grew tired of.
Leave to Remain
James Johnstone
Set during the political upheaval following Ayatollah Khomeini's rise to power in Iran, Les Blair's gripping work tells the story of Shahin Mohamedi, a young Iranian woman studying in London. When the cheques her father sends from home are intercepted by the Khomeini government, she is threatened with repatriation by vicious British immigration officers. To remain in England she must be granted 'Leave To Remain'. Enter Jimmy Johnstone, an English wide-boy strapped for cash and willing to perform the paper marriage that will ensure Shahin's freedom. Jimmy wants to build on the relationship, but Shahin's heart is a thousand miles away with her old fiance.
Crepúsculo do Caos
Various roles (as Jonathan Phillips)
The artist's personal commentary on the decline of his country in a language closer to poetry than prose. A dark meditation on London under Thatcher.
Sleeping Beauty
Feature-length, live-action musical version of the classic fairy tale by Charles Perrault.
O Amor Não Tem Sexo
Youth Outside Lavatory
Stephen Frears directs this biographical drama focusing on controversial British playwright Joe Orton, revealed in flashback after his murder by lover Kenneth Halliwell. Born in 1933 in Leicester, in the English Midlands, John 'Joe' Orton moves to London in 1951, to study at RADA, and enjoys an openly gay relationship with Halliwell in their famous Islington flat in the 1960s. However, when Orton achieves spectacular success with such plays as 'What the Butler Saw' and 'Loot', Halliwell begins to feel alienated and the pair's future looks increasingly uncertain.
A Princesa e o Gnomo
Magia e suspense formam o enredo desta fantástica fábula infantil. Na floresta, perto do castelo do reino, morava um moleiro e sua linda filha que sonhava um dia encontra um príncipe encantado... O moleiro, orgulhoso da beleza de sua filha, espalha pelo reino a mentira de que a jovem poderia transformar tudo que tocasse em ouro! A mentira chega aos ouvidos do Rei da Rainha, eles exigem que ela prove sua magia. Para tirá-la da encrenca surge um malvado gnomo (que não é assim tão malvado) e faz um estranho trato com ela.