Carole's Father
Young Timmy starts as a window cleaner in the little company of his brother. Soon he learns that some female customers expect additional service. Young and curious as he is, he reluctantly accepts the juicy duty. However his heart belongs to Liz, who demands the highest commitment until she lets him go all the way.
Sir Charles Furness
Tim (Cliff Richard) is a successful ambitious young financier working for a London Merchant bank, but even his happy-go-lucky attitude is severely jolted when he is sent to Birmingham instead of his promised New York for his posting! But comedy reigns when the enterprising bank manager helps an unsuccessful Birmingham restaurant compete with its rivals by introducing a new fast food - the Brumburger!
A series of vignettes exposing how women manipulate their men into submission.
Two funeral parlours fight one another for business, one of whom is more shady than the other.
Mr. Lothran
Joanna Lumley and Penny Brahms star as notorious prostitutes Fanny Hill and Lady Chatterley faced with the challenge of seducing the seemingly impossible in this 1970s sex comedy
Based upon the Celtic legend Tam Lin, a young man is bewitched by a beautiful, heartless, aging sorceress to become her lover. When his attention wanders to a lovely girl, he is doomed to ritual sacrifice by the sorceress.
'Egghead' Wentworth adapts his father's robot paratrooper to perform his chores, but forgets to programme it to keep him out of trouble.
Secretary at Sweet Factory (Uncredited)
Na primeira década do século XX um carro de corrida, que tinha ganho três grandes prêmios, sofre um acidente e fica totalmente queimado. Algum tempo depois duas crianças, Jemima (Heather Ripley) e Jeremy (Adrian Hall), os filhos de Caractacus Potts (Dick Van Dyke), um inventor fracassado, vêem a carcaça deste carro de corrida, que seria vendido por 30 xelins. Eles imploram ao pai que o compre, mas Potts está sem dinheiro e o avô das crianças (Lionel Jeffries), que mora com eles, se encontra na mesma situação. Após uma tentativa desastrosa de vender uma de suas invenções para o Lorde Scrumptious (James Robertson Justice), o fabricante de doces da região, Potts consegue acidentalmente dinheiro suficiente em um parque de diversões. Potts compra o carro e, milagrosamente, transforma um veículo que estava caindo aos pedaços em um carro novo em folha.
The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated of her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions
British Army Officer
Sir James Bond aposenta-se no auge da fama. A CIA, a KGB e a Scotland Yard imploram que ele volte à ativa para uma última missão. Em meio a uma multidão de imitadores e aproveitadores, Sir James provará que ainda é o único, e verdadeiro, Bond. Sátira ao agente criado por Ian Fleming. Este filme não é considerado um legítimo representante da antologia "James Bond" no cinema. Ele também é notável pelos inúmeros problemas e brigas que ocorreram durante as filmagens (incluindo discussões entre Orson Welles e Peter Sellers, que chegou a abandonar a produção, deixando as suas cenas inacabadas), chegando ao ponto do filme ter tido vários roteiristas e cinco diretores!
Mr. Wentworth
Egghead creates a robot double of his sister.
Manton Bassett
The all-girl school foil an attempt by train robbers to recover two and a half million pounds hidden in their school.
The Belgian detective Hercule Poirot investigates a series of murders in London in which the victims are killed according to their initials.
Lever, Music Publisher
A dreamy Australian singer comes to London to seek his fortune and falls for a down-to-earth lass and a high-strung debutante at the same time.
Flying Instructor
Coronel Mostyn é o chefe de uma seção do Serviço de Segurança britânico de serviços quando estão embaraçados pelo número de espiões e deserções. O Chefe diz-lhe para fazer algo sobre ele para que ele contrata Boys Oaks de agente L - O síndico, para assassinar pessoas para causar problemas. Embora os meninos gosta de carros e as meninas que sua nova posição atrai ele não é nenhum bom para ele. Ele também tem uma fobia sobre o vôo que faz jorrar fora a lugares exóticos um pouco de constrangimento.
Shipping Clerk
Mulher recentemente instalada em Londres entra em desespero quando não encontra a filha na saída de seu primeiro dia de escola. Porém, ninguém lembra de ter visto a garota e não há qualquer prova de que ela realmente exista, levando a polícia a suspeitar que tudo seja fruto de sua imaginação.
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
Travel Agent
Two British children travel to Italy in an attempt to break up their runaway mother's affair with an Italian concert pianist.
Sir Charles Sims
Em um esforço para saber mais sobre os foguetes alemães V1 e V2, os aliados se infiltram como trabalhadores na fábrica de mísseis nazista em Peenemünde. Os agentes selecionados são todos engenheiros e eles assumem as identidades de indivíduos da vida real que estão mortos ou permitiram. O que eles não sabem é que a missão foi comprometida desde o início pelo fato de que um deles é procurado por assassinato e que um dos candidatos para a missão é na verdade um agente nazista. No final, os dois agentes restantes ajudam a RAF a localizar a fábrica durante uma campanha de bombardeio maciço.
A BAFTA award nominated animation.
Carry On favourite Barbara Windsor makes her debut in this outrageous send-up of the James Bond movies. Fearless agent Desmond Simpkins and Charlie Bind, aided and abetted by the comely Agent Honeybutt and Agent Crump, battle against the evil powers of international bad guys STENCH and their three cronies.
Wealthy passengers fogged in at London's Heathrow Airport fight to survive a variety of personal trials.
British Paratrooper
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
Party Guest
Casal sai de férias em uma viagem à Europa, e levam consigo os três filhos; um rapaz, uma jovem adolescente e um menino.
Nervous Man
A struggling singer and his band befriend an heiress who, against the wishes of her father, is searching for the lover who she has been forbidden to see and with whom she is hoping to elope.
Colonel Proudfoot of Proudfoot Industries tries to entice a couple of newly qualified dentists to advertise "Dreem", a revolutionary type of toothpaste, but he knows that if the dentists learn that they are part of an advertising campaign, they will be struck off, and the campaign will be a disaster.
The RAF Group Captain has a hard job to restrain the aircraft-man from tinkering with everything he can get his hands on
Woodcock, Entertainments Officer
Comedy set in World War Two, starring James Robertson-Justice and Leslie Phillips. Sir Ernest Pease (Robertson-Justice) is a self-important scientist who is sent undercover on a bombing mission to monitor the effectiveness of his latest invention, a new-fangled radar. When the plane is attacked, he parachutes to safety - only to be sent to a POW camp, where he takes on the alias of Lieutenant Farrow. There, the somewhat happy-go-lucky bunch of Brits suspect their acerbic new fellow prisoner of being a spy, and all sorts of culture clashes and misunderstandings ensue.
A race horse swallows a microfilm and is pursued by the major superpowers spy agencies.
Hubert Fry
A domestic comedy about a couple who take in boarders to pay the rent on their large house.
The Judge
A California commercial pilot sees a telecast in London of an interview with Sir Mark Lodden at his home. The Canadian is convinced that the baronet is a fraud, and he is actually a look-alike actor named Frank Welney.
Henry Jekyll was always the outsider, a bungling and awkward buffoon, relegated to waiting for his invitation to participate in life that never arrived: until he discovers a medical formula developed by a dead uncle, which claimed to turn 'a man of timid disposition into a bold, fearless dragon'. Taking a draught of the elixir Henry is transformed into suave, sophisticated and highly desirable Teddy Hyde. Armed with his new persona, Teddy is ready to face the world; but is Henry ready for the consequences?
At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
Major Haven
Two rivals from a German bomb squad are left to deactivate duds in postwar Berlin.
A captain is promoted by his company from tramp steamers to their flagship passenger liner. Although he is a thoroughly competent sailor ready to take charge of such a ship, he is less prepared for the social duties his new position involves, not least the way he in which becomes the target for all the unattached women on board.
Dr. W. Chatterway
Norman Truscott is a store worker who dreams of stardom. Vernon Carew is a singer whose star is fading. Vernon manages to get a recording of Norman singing and passes it off as himself.
Mr. Murfin
Toda sua vida a inglesa Gladys Aylward sabia que a China era o lugar onde ela pertencia. Não qualificada para ser enviado para lá como missionária, Gladys trabalha como doméstica para ganhar o dinheiro necessário para custear a viagem à uma pobre aldeia remota chinesa. Lá, ela finalmente vive uma vida plena e feliz. tocando uma pousada, atuando como "Inspetora de Pés", aconselhando o mandarim local e até mesmo ganhando o coração do mestiço Capitão Lin Nan. Mas Gladys descobre seu verdadeiro destino, quando o país é invadido pelo Japão e as crianças chinesas precisam dela para salvarem suas vidas. Baseado em uma história verdadeira.
Registrar of Shipping
A seasick sea captain commands an amusement pier despite local opposition. Released in the U.S. as 'All at Sea'
Manton Bassett
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
Dr. Peter Fox
Um gentil botânico inglês, acompanhado por um cientista americano chamado Shelley, decidiram conduzir uma expedição única aos Himalaias em busca do lendário Yeti, que o jovem escocês McNee, que tamém segue viagem com eles, afirma ter visto. Chegando lá, após encontrarem as pegadas, as verdadeiras intenções de alguns serão reveladas.
Em 1912, o príncipe Charles (Laurence Olivier), regente de um reino na Europa, faz uma visita a Londres para participar da coroação do novo rei britânico. Ele passa a noite em um clube, onde conhece Elsie (Marilyn Monroe), uma corista americana. O regente fica encantado pela jovem e resolve chamá-la para um jantar na embaixada. A convite da rainha, Elsie fica mais tempo e começa a trazer Charles de volta à vida.
Bill Turner
Deborah and Charles, young executives at the thriving Pontifex Advertising Agency, are very much in love. Deborah is recognised by her employers as the most brilliant TV executive in the country, while Charles is regarded as 'thoroughly reliable'. But there is one hard-and-fast rule at the agency: the board of directors will not allow any married women on their staff; as soon as a girl marries, she must resign!
Unknown to everyone but his shady Middle Eastern bosses, watchmaker Hawkins is actually a professional hired assassin with a predilection for killing his targets with bombs. After disposing of a dictator and millionaire, Hawkins is assigned to kill a politician who is heading to a remote hotel, The Green Man, for a secret tryst with his secretary. There, however, Hawkins' plot is discovered by vacuum salesman William Blake, who determines to stop him.
An accountant who is creative with his firm's books uses the money to fund a romantic spree.
A hotel porter is left a fortune but after living it up for a while he returns to his old place of work which is in financial difficulties.
Lingerie Clerk
A Capitã Vinka Kovelenko deserta da Rússia, mas não por razões políticas. Ela deserta porque ela se sente discriminada como mulher. O Capitão Chuck Lockwood recebe a missão de mostrar a ela o lado bom do capitalismo, enquanto ela tenta convencê-lo da superioridade do comunismo. Naturalmente eles se apaixonam, mas ainda há a KGB que não gosta da ideia de ter um oficial russo desertor passeando em Londres.
Two aspiring songwriters finally manage to sell a tune by claiming that it was composed by a reclusive musical genius. When the tune hits the top of the charts, they find themselves having to produce the "real" composer.
When she has a fight, with her husband, Lucy runs out of the house, and into a night of terror. She heads for the local cinema, and in doing so, becomes the only eyewitness to a couple of crooks, who are robbing the cinema's safe. In her haste to escape the thieves, she is knocked down by a passing bus, and is taken to the local hospital. The two crooks follow, and wait for a chance to finish her off, and thus eliminate the only person who can tie them to the robbery.
Assistant Manager
Pouco antes de morrer, um espião inglês conta para o doutor Ben McKenna e sua esposa Jo, dois turistas inocentes, algum segredo que os envolve em um caso internacional de espionagem. Seu filho é seqüestrado e, sem saber em quem confiar, eles tem de lutar para recuperá-lo. Remake em widescreen e Technicolor do filme de 1934 do próprio Hitchcock.
Shop Assistant
Durante a II Guerra Mundial, a inteligência britânica está tentando fazer com que o alto comando alemão remova sua força armada, pronta para atacar a Itália. Para criar a ilusão de que a Inglaterra vai invadir a Grécia, eles arrumam um cadáver no qual colocam papéis secretos da autoridade espanhola.
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
Controller of Television Drama
Bickering married performers agree to star in a "Mr. and Mrs." TV show. Director Muriel Box's 1956 British comedy also stars Muriel Pavlow, Ian Carmichael, Maurice Denham and Richard Wattis.
This is a feature-length compilation of three short episodes taken from a TV series called 'Colonel March of Scotland Yard' (1954-56, 26 episodes) starring Boris Karloff as Colonel March, head of Scotland Yard's Department D.3, otherwise known as The Bureau of Queer Complaints.
Bespectacled Man at Book Launch (uncredited)
Just before the Nazis ascend to power in Berlin, Chris, an aspiring novelist from England, meets flamboyant cabaret entertainer Sally Bowles and an unusual friendship is born. As Sally feeds her extravagant tastes, Chris goes along for the ride, until their Jewish pal, Fritz, encounters trouble.
Hippodrome Stage Manager
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
Richard Gordon
O Castelo de Colditz foi usado pelos nazistas para manter os "bad boys", aqueles que regularmente tentavam escapar dos outros campos de prisioneiros. Sempre a quantidade de guardas ultrapassou o número de presos e, porque alguns presos políticos também foram levados para lá, eles foram "muito" rigorosamente vigiados. Mas se você colocar todas as pessoas em um lugar e todas elas estão tentando escapar, bem...
An American airman inherits an Earldom in England along with the small matter of $3 million on the proviso that he gives up his US citizenship. Unsure if he is prepared to make the sacrifice he takes a trip with his two best friends to try our his new title, but will he be able to cope with the British aristocracy?
Mr Pastry's social climbing daughter, president of a society for the rehabilitation for ex-convicts, hides the fact that her father is himself a prisoner. When he is released and arrives at her home, she panics and locks him in the attic until a job can be found for him, preferably abroad!
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Mr. Christopher
One day in the lives and loves of the staff in a large department store.
Manton Bassett
The unruly schoolgirls of St Trinian's are more interested in men and mischief than homework and hockey. But greater trouble than ever beckons when the arrival at the school of Princess Fatima of Makyad coincides with the return of recently expelled Arabella Fritton, who has the kidnap of a prize racehorse on her mind. The first film in the classic comedy series.
Albert Prosser
Henry Hobson (Charles Laughton) é dono de uma sapataria de sucesso na cidade de Salford, no século XIX. Os motivos de tantas vendas são dois: Willie Mossop (John Mills), um jovem analfabeto que tem um talento especial para trabalhar com couro e uma de suas filhas, Maggie Hobson (Brenda De Banzie), que tem um dom especial para vendas. Apesar do seu talento para os negócios, Hobson não quer que Maggie se case, prefere que as duas filhas mais novas façam isso, enquanto ela continue nos negócios. Revoltada, ela decide tomar uma decisão crucial em sua vida.
Medical Book Salesman (uncredited)
The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-car driving that constitute 1950s medical training. There is, however, always the looming and formidable figure of chief surgeon Sir Lancelot Spratt to remind them of their real purpose.
Canadian ex-serviceman Bob Regan returns to Oldchester, the English town where he was posted during the war. Meeting up with his friend Mike, now manager of the local football club, he discovers that Oldchester are desperate for promotion as they stand to inherit £25,000 from recently deceased supporter Wallace Hammond if they make the Third Division a situation that Hammond's devious nephew finds intolerable...
David Wallace
Two years of deterioration sees John and Barbara Lomax's marriage reduced to bitter sniping and "keeping up appearances" for the sake of the children. When John's old friend Bill professes his love for Barbara, the marriage finally breaks up – causing their three children to react in different ways and their son secretly determined to do Bill harm.
School Master
When Ex Colonel Merton discovers a burglar ransacking his home, he is shocked to find out that the thief is a former soldier from his tank regiment. When the thief escapes, Merton tries to contact former members of the regiment, in order to find out what set the thief on the road to crime.
Theodore Feather
Suave private investigator Norman Conquest intercepts a secret message and meets a beautiful but foreign blonde lady in room 605 of the Park Plaza hotel. But when Conquest wakes up in the room the next morning he is lying next to a dead body. With the mysterious blonde nowhere to be seen, Conquest soon becomes the police s number one suspect with Inspector Williams following his every move. In order to clear his name, Conquest enlists the help of Pixie Everard (Joy Shelton), but the going gets rough when he discovers that the murder is connected to a stash of stolen diamonds. As gun-happy gangs of communists and Nazi sympathizers turn up the heat, Conquest has to solve the murder whilst staying one step ahead of both the gangs and the police.
Cricket Fan
Legendary England cricketer Sam Palmer (Jack Warner) is due to bat in his final test match against Australia. He is desperate for his son Reggie (Ray Jackson) to see his final innings. But Reggie prefers poetry to cricket and when he is offered the opportunity to read his poetry to England's greatest playwright Alexander Whitehead (Robert Morley) on the last day of the test, the relationship between father and son is tested to the limit. As Sam prepares for his final knock, the conflict with his son weighs heavily on his mind, but he is also upset over England's young batsman and ladies-man, Syd Thompson (George Relph), dating the woman whom he hopes to marry.
Wing-commander Tim Mason leads a squadron of Lancaster bombers on almost nightly raids from England. Having flown eighty-seven missions he will shortly be retiring from flying, but the strain is showing. He tries to make sure his men concentrate only on their job and so keeps women away from the base, but then he himself meets naval officer Eve Canyon.
A con man hides out in a boys' school, posing as a professor. When the undisciplined and lazy boys have to pass a few tests, cheating becomes the only option.
Detective Inspector MacLeod
Discharged by his employer, a private eye stays on a jewel theft case after a model with information for him is murdered.
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
The vicar
Residents of the small English village of Dunmow react in comical ways when the Topham family hires a beautiful and young Hungarian maid.
P.C. Freddie
The legendary Bela Lugosi as "the Vampire" teams up with Britain's much-loved "Mother Riley" in this hilarious comedy adventure. The Vampire plans to control the world with the help of his robot, which accidentally gets shipped to Mother Riley. Through radar control, he contacts the robot and orders it to come to him, bringing along Mother Riley! But his life is turned upside down when he holds this most meddling of mothers captive.
Entertaining ensemble piece dealing with several characters who are on the way to the races on Derby day. It cleverly blends dramatic, romantic and comic elements, including the woman and lover who have murdered her husband, and the working class couple who are excited about their chance to go to the races, but end up listening to it on the radio in the car-park because they've got such a bad view.
Algernon Moncrieff fica surpreso ao descobrir que seu afluente amigo - que ele conhece como "Ernest" - na verdade se chama Jack Worthing. Jack criou seu alter ego para escapar de suas obrigações em sua propriedade rural, onde tem sob seus cuidados Cecily Cardew. Cecily acredita que o desconhecido Ernest é um irmão caprichoso de Jack e está interessada em seu estilo de vida libertino. Algernon, vendo uma oportunidade, assume a identidade de Ernest e sorrateiramente começa a cortejar Cecily. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
Casting Director
Marjory Clark wins a competition in her Midland town and finds herself in a Festival of Britain procession as Lady Godiva - though not in the buff. This leads by way of a suspect beauty competition to the show-business world of London. But it could be a slippery slope for simple home-town Marge.
Carruthers - Higher Executive
At the outbreak of WWII the British realise they can't prevent the invasion of the Channel Islands. However, someone realises that a prize cow is on the islands and the Nazis mustn't get hold of her. This is the intrepid story of the cow-napping from under the noses of the Nazis.
Employment Agent
After leaving the British Secret Service, David Somers (played by Trevor Howard) finds work cataloging butterflies at the country house of Nicholas and Jess Fenton. After the murder of a local gamekeeper, suspicion (wrongfully) falls on their niece, Sophie Malraux (Jean Simmons). Somers helps Sophie to escape arrest and they go on the run together. After a cross-country chase they arrive at a coastal city with the intention of leaving the country by ship. All's well that ends well after the true identity of the murderer is revealed.
Arnold Billings: Staff of Nutbourne
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
Vicar (uncredited)
Young Viscount Tony Pym wangles National Service leave on the pretext of standing as a Tory candidate for a local seat held by his family for generations. The request is a ruse to enable Pym to marry his wealthy American fiancee while she's still in England, but his masterplan backfires when he finds himself swept into an election campaign and beaten by Labour's Mr Cleghorn – who is then made a peer. In an attempt to save face, Pym decides to stand again – as a socialist. It all proves too much for the Pyms' loyal, true-blue butler, Mr Beecham...
Defence Counsel (uncredited)
A mãe de Louis Manzzini pertence à aristocrata família D'Ascoyne, até ela fugir com um cantor de ópera. A partir daí, ela e Louis são rejeitados pelos D'Ascoynes. Quando vira um adulto, Louis resolve se vingar, tornando-se o próximo Duque da família. O caminho mais fácil para ele acaba sendo assassinar o sucessor natural ao cargo.
Minor Role (uncredited)
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
Compere of Nick Nack Show
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Latin Speaker at Dinner (uncredited)
A brash young American aristocrat attending Oxford University gets a chance to prove himself and win the heart of his antagonist's sister.