Amadu Mamadakov

Amadu Mamadakov

Nascimento : 1976-10-26, Altay, Ongudaysky rayon, USSR (Russia)


Amadu Vasilyevich Mamadakov is a Russian actor of Altai ethnicity. He is best known for his roles as Targutai in Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan and Pvt. Vakutagin in the REN TV series Soldiers.


Amadu Mamadakov
Amadu Mamadakov


Yura the Janitor
Left without a job in Moscow, the ambitious photographer Roma is forced to return to his native Ufa. There he meets the cheerful and naive janitor Yura, who finds himself in debt because of scammers. To help the poor fellow collect at least some money, Roma photographs Yura in the form of a star and, using Photoshop, places it on the cover of a fashion magazine. This picture goes "viral" on the Internet and turns an unknown janitor into a celebrity. This changes the life of both the "star" and its creator.
Land of Legends
The history of the confrontation between two worlds: the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Ural Parma, the ancient Perm lands inhabited by pagans. Here heroes and ghosts, princes and shamans, Voguls and Muscovites will clash. At the center of the conflict of civilizations is the fate of the Russian prince Mikhail, who fell in love with the young Tiche, a witch-lamia capable of taking on the form of a lynx. Passion for the pagan and fidelity to forbidden love, a campaign against the Voguls, bloody battles and a short peace, the battle between Muscovy and Parma, the hero will face trials in which it is not so terrible to part with life as to commit treason.
Aspiring model Alena dreams of conquering Moscow. Once at a party, she meets Yegor, who offers to fly on his plane to Nice. However, instead of a premium resort, they fly to Yakutsk. Egor does not remember the details of yesterday evening, but he remembers that he has an important meeting in Yakutsk. He promises Alena to send her home tomorrow, but for now he will show her the beauties of nature on the banks of the Lena, which you will not see in Nice. They go on a boat to wild places, where Egor jumps from a cliff into the water. And it doesn't float. Alena is left alone in the middle of a river in the Yakut taiga.
Fighter Max Kholodov nicknamed Bull Terrier is a mixed martial arts star. After a serious injury in the ring, his life goes downhill: the road to the title of world champion is closed, and the girl he loves goes to another. To survive a series of failures and find a new meaning in life, Max leaves for the coast. There he must find the strength in himself to return to the ring again and have the main fight of his life.
AK-47: A Arma Que Mudou o Mundo
Guard in Alma-Ata
O comandante de tanque Kalashnikov está gravemente ferido em batalha em 1941. O acidente o deixa incapacitado e incapaz de retornar à frente. Enquanto se recupera no hospital, ele começa a criar os esboços iniciais do que se tornará uma das armas mais lendárias do mundo. Um inventor autodidata, Mikhail Kalashnikov, tem apenas 29 anos quando desenvolve o agora icônico rifle de assalto – o AK-47.
The Man Who Surprised Everyone
Egor Korshunov (40) is a Siberian forest guard who works in a local environmental company, fighting fearlessly against poachers in taiga. Egor is a great family man, respected by his fellow villagers. He and his wife Natalia are expecting a second child. Unexpectedly, Egor finds out that he has terminal cancer and has only two months left to live. No traditional medicine or shamanic magic can save Egor. Finally, left with no other options, he decides to take the last desperate step. He attempts to completely change his identity in order to fool the oncoming death, just like Zhamba the drake, the hero of a legendary ancient Siberian epos, did.
Uzbek citizen Yury Derbenev is sent to work in Moscow to raise money for the treatment of a seriously ill daughter. His profession, however, is inappropriate: Yury Alexeevich is a teacher of Russian language and literature. And by nationality he is Russian. After many ordeals and misfortunes into which the capital plunged him, Yury is faced with a choice: to go to kill and save his own daughter or remain an honest person.
Mot Ne
Saly, leader of the tribe
Based on a real case in Siberia, a woman lost in the taiga is forced to wander with several families engaged in hunting.
Lucky Case
A group of friends suddenly hit jackpot in a state lottery so now they must decide how to spend the money. Unfortunately their wives don't really agree with all the plans.
Baikal Vacations 2
The action will take place in the same camp, though, children have become older, and therefore in the film we will talk not only about the harmful effects of gadgets and the need for communication, but also about the first sympathy.
Os Vinte e Oito Heróis
Alikbay Kosaev
O filme narra o ato heroico de 28 soldados soviéticos que se sacrificaram em novembro de 1941 perto da vila de Dubosekovo. Segundo a história, os militares do famoso exército vermelho, liderados pelo Major General Ivan Panfilov enfrentaram bravamente as forças armadas de Hitler e mesmo, morrendo em batalha, conseguiram destruir 18 tanques alemães.
Baikal Vacations
A funny adventures of a group of children during their summer camp on the lake of Baikal.
From 5 till 7
He was waiting for Anna in a cafe everyday from five till seven for six months. But another woman came in and their relationship started...
The Soldier
The Soldier tells us about the military operations taking place in the years 1965-1973 when a group of Russian military operatives carried out the advisory support of North Vietnam as well as covert operations to capture the spoils (the enemy's new war technologies) It is the story of a soldier named Paul who was sent from Moscow military school in Vietnam where he discovers a traitor among his colleagues. However, through a turn of events, he becomes a traitor in the eyes of the commander, and he has to run from his comrades to complete the operation and prove that he is not guilty. Along the way, he joins forces with a North Vietnamese man and an escaped military pilot. The three men make a plan to leave the territory of Vietnam but the road to freedom is full of dangers and surprises. In the end, Paul finds the original traitor and destroys him but he still has to prove his innocence.
Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
Guys from Mars
Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny and grotesque picture. The main character, young man from the marketing department, tries to find his stolen car with the help of militia and head of a local gang. He confronts a chaotic life of a small provincial town outside his office, trying to guess its laws. As a result, he fails to fulfill the task of his American boss, and finds his Ford painted and rebuilt as a street-racer's car. Of course, his personal life also changes...
Soldiers: New Year, Your Division!
Everyone is awakened by a combat alarm signal, according to which soldiers and officers instantly wake up and go to save the Motherland. But no one knows exactly where. It is worth noting that all this happens on New Year's Eve. And now, through a snow-covered forest in pitch darkness among centuries-old fir trees, our heroes are riding in a "shishig" on a special mission ... on a narrow track only headlights are visible ... After some time they arrive at a bunker lost in the forest ... What kind of special task can be on New Year's Eve do they wonder? Among other things, it turns out that Ensign Danilych, Private Poghosyan and Nurse Dasha were forgotten in a hurry. And these three, having decided to catch up with those who left, try to get to the place themselves and get lost in the night forest ... How will this adventure end, because there is very little time left before the New Year?
O Guerreiro Genghis Khan
Reconstituição dos primeiros anos de vida de Genghis Khan, que ainda muito cedo foi escravo antes de se tornar um dos maiores conquistadores de todos os tempos. Ele chegou a dominar metade do mundo conhecido até então, incluindo a Rússia no ano de 1206.
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
9º Pelotão
Anos 80. A sangrenta luta entre soviéticos e mujahidin, no Afeganistão, levou à morte milhares de soldados de ambos os lados. O cansado oficial Khokkol (Fyodor Bondarchuk) acompanha a luta dos jovens soldados soviéticos que, acreditando estar servindo ao país, morrem em uma batalha ocorrida na montanha conhecida como "Cume 3234".
72 Meters
Sailor Mukambetov
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
Soldiers: Hello, Company, New Year!
Private Vakutagin
Burning Hot Saturday
Deputy Dmitry Zemcov is working on a Law on State Support for Small Business. After coming home he finds his wife, Vera with their old friend Ivan.
The Star
Pvt. Temdekov
In the summer of 1944, the Nazi Armies prepare a massive Tank Division named 'Viking" for the offensive on occupied Russian land. The Russian Army's special group of seven snipers named "Zvezda" is sent for a reconnaissance operation behind the enemy lines in the back of the Nazi Tank Division. Two previous Russian groups never came back. The seven Russians know that they are going to an almost certain Death for the sake of Victory.