Mario Siletti

Mario Siletti

Nascimento : 1897-02-05,

Morte : 1977-03-17


Mario Siletti


I Kill, You Kill
Professor Ferreris (segment "La danza delle ore")
Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.
Amore mio
A man wants to leave his wife for another woman, but this other woman decides not to live with him.
Os Quatro Heróis do Texas
Zack Thomas (Frank Sinatra) e Joe Jarrett (Dean Martin) são dois comerciantes rivais, que lutam pelo melhor cassino da cidade e pela atenção de duas belas donzelas.
Musketeers of the Sea
Il Tesoriere
Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.
Don Camillo: Monsignor
un altro esponente democristiano
Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.
Sua Eccellenza si fermò a mangiare
Il Conte Tommaso Bernabei
A petty thief pretends he is Mussolini's personal physician, wins the confidence of a family, and succeeds in stealing their gold cutlery.
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
O Soldo do Diabo
Tony Santoro
Na cidade rural de Spurline, Virgil Renchler (Orson Welles) é o poderoso dono da fazenda "Golden Empire". Uma noite, um trabalhador rural é espacando até à morte por empregados de Renchler. Quando o novo xerife Ben Sadler (Jeff Chandler) chega à cidade, descobre que será mais dificil do que se imagina, investigar esse crime.
We will get married in Capri
colonnello Teofilo Rossi di Lama
Sanroma (uncredited)
Um jovem trabalhador do campo sonha ser cantor de ópera. Ao cantar em um restaurante, ele é descoberto por uma socialite por quem se apaixona e que lança sua carreira. Ao ser abandonado por ela, ele vai para o México e se apaixona por outra mulher.
Piccola posta
Polish countess Lady Eva is the authoritative signature of the correspondence of an Italian women's magazine; behind the fascinating name hides a Roman girl whose advice will create a series of tangled and comic situations.
I due compari
Il giudice Settimio
Giovanni peddles useless pens in the streets of Rome with his sidekick Francesco, but his college-student daughter thinks he is a rich industrialist. She falls in love with a rich guy and when her father tells her the trust about their financial situation she drops her fiance and refuses food. Luckily, the guy's parents give their consent to the marriage anyway.
Don Camillo's Last Round
avv. Stiletti, l'esaminatore
Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.
O Salário do Pecado
Antonio Cardini
To make an honest woman of his pregnant sister, Rosalie, callous New York mobster Phil Regal intimidates witnesses and bribes a store clerk to get Rosalie’s condemned boyfriend, Nicky Bradna, out of prison. But Regal’s meddling deeds soon backfire.
Bring Your Smile Along
Nancy Willows (Constance Towers), pretty blonde high school teacher, writes song lyrics which spark the careers of struggling young pianist-composer Martin Adams (Keefe Brasselle')and would-be singer Jerry Dennis (Frankie Laine). When Nancy and Martin fall in love but quarrel over her old flame, David Parker (William Leslie), Nancy returns to her teaching job. Jerry reunites Nancy and Martin and, in turn, succumbs to the charms of his new secretary Marge Stevenson (Lucy Marlow).
A Ilha do Inferno
After being dumped by his fiancée, hard-drinking and depressed Mark Cormack loses his job in the Los Angeles district attorney's office and serves as bouncer in a Las Vegas casino. A wheelchair-using stranger Barzland hires him to locate a ruby that disappeared in a Caribbean plane crash. He lures Cormack into doing the job by telling him it may be in the possession of the very woman who jilted him. The ex-detective flies to remote island Santo Rosario to find the stone and investigate the mystery. When he finds his old flame he finds that her husband is in prison. Cormack, again falling for Janet, is convinced into helping him break out of jail. But Janet has other plans.
A Leste do Paraíso
Mr. Piscora (uncredited)
No Vale das Salinas, na Califórnia, na época da Primeira Guerra Mundial, Cal Trask disputa com o irmão Aaron, o "menino de ouro" da família, o amor de seu pai. Cal se sente solitário, e desde a infância luta pela atenção do pai, que não esconde sua preferência pelo outro filho. Só que uma surpresa muda um pouco as coisas: Cal descobre que sua mãe, dada como morta há muito tempo, mora perto dele. Ele vai fazer um empréstimo com ela, que virou prostituta, para salvar a fazenda da família e ganhar a aprovação do pai.
Casta diva
Conte vegetariano
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Il cardinale Lambertini
Il maggiordomo
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
Casanova, Amante Sublime
console tedesco a Saragozza
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
Rosso e nero
Teodora, Imperatriz de Bizâncio
Il magistrato
Teodora, a Roman courtesan and former slave girl, marries the Roman emperor Justinian and assumes the throne as Empress of Rome. But the divide between nobility and slave is too great. Teodora seeks justice for her people, and revolution and armed conflict erupt in both Byzantium and Rome.
In amore si pecca in due
Luisa Galli moves to Rome in search of a respectable job, but instead just finds a job as a waitress for the lawyer Giorgi
L'incantevole nemica
The owner of a cheese factory fears communists and mistakes a meek youth who works for him for one of them. He invites him to his house to win his confidence and the youth falls in love with his daughter.
Hot News
An ex-prize fighter -- now reporter -- tries to expose a gambling ring after an uneven bout in the ring kills a pugilist.
Wings of the Hawk
Gringo miner Gallager is caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910-11 when corrupt administrator Ruiz appropriates his mine. Gallager saves the life of guerilla leader Raquel, then finds there's a price on his head; he becomes romantically involved with her in the course of a series of rescues and ambushes, leading up to Orozco's march on Ciudad Juarez.
Big Leaguer
Mr. Polachuk
John Lobert runs a training camp in Florida for the New York Giants. Every year, he evaluates the 18-22 year old hopefuls to pick the best for a minor league contract.
Louis Chighizola
Logo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o ex-soldado Steve Martin (James Stewart) viaja com o sonho de encontrar petróleo no fundo do Golfo do México. Junto com seu amigo do exército, Gambi (Dan Duryea), ele consegue o apoio financeiro do chefe de uma empresa petrolífera, o irritável Kermit MacDonald (Jay C. Flippen).
Amato (uncredited)
A New York cab driver helps an Irish immigrant with a baby locate her missing husband.
Eu Te Matarei, Querida!
Um jovem planeja se vingar da mulher que acredita ter assassinado seu primo, mas seus planos são abalados quando ele se vê frente a frente com uma beleza enigmática. Quando o amado (e rico) primo de Philip Ashley, Ambrose, morre, ele está convencido de que Ambrose foi assassinado por sua nova esposa Rachel para herdar sua fortuna. Mas quando ele conhece Rachel e se apaixona por ela, ele acha que suas suspeitas devem ter sido infundadas. Mas será que eram infundadas? Ou Rachel está apenas tentando usar Philip para assumir a propriedade que Ambrose deixou para ele em vez de para ela? E será que ela vai matá-lo em seguida?
Il romanzo della mia vita
Os Quatro Desconhecidos
Foster projeta um exuberante esquema para assaltar um carro forte de Kansas City. Ele recruta três dos mais cruéis e impiedosos criminosos para empreender o assalto, chantageando-os com incriminantes provas de outros "trabalhos". Foster obriga cada criminoso a usar máscaras, a fim de esconderem suas identidades um dos outros e prevenir o velho perigo de traição. O assalto é realizado sem problema, até que a polícia captura Joe Rolfe que não participou do assalto. Com o tempo, Rolfe é solto, mas fica inconformado. Finalmente, e por coincidência, encontra um dos criminosos no México, quase o mata de pancada, e então assume sua identidade. Aí, as coisas realmente se complicam.
When in Rome
Luigi Lugacetti
An American fugitive flees to Rome and tries to elude capture by masquerading as a priest.
Don Camillo
In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
Half a Century of Song
Through a series of scenes inspired by famous songs, various episodes of Italian life in the last fifty years are recalled.
Il microfono è vostro
Impresario italo americano
Il mago per forza
In the prison of San Vittore there is, among other detainees, a strange type that they call "Il Cavaliere". The latter suffers a conviction for theft and his fellow prisoners have a certain respect for him.
O.K. Nero
Two American sailors, Fiorello and Jimmy are slugged while sight-seeing in Rome and, together, they dream they are back in Rome in the days of Nero.
A Vingança dos Piratas
Slave Market Auctioneer
Capturado pelo governo britânico por pirataria, o capitão La Rochelle aceita trabalhar para os ingleses como espião, para prender Barbanegra e Providence, dois dos mais perigosos piratas do Caribe. Mas La Rochelle se surpreende ao conhecer Providence, uma das mulheres mais belas que já conhecera. Apaixonados, os dois planejam se tornar uma das maiores forças pirata da região. Providence, no entanto, descobre os planos de La Rochelle para trai-la, planejando vingança contra o capitão que fará de tudo para impedir os planos da rainha dos piratas.
Porca miseria!
Two friends, Giacomino and Carletto, have no job and no money and are looking for a job, or any device that will help them to meet expenses and especially will give them the opportunity to fill their stomachs.
Gina is the daughter of a provincial newsstand dealer and spends her time reading pulp magazines and dreaming of a glamorous vocation on the big city. She enters a beauty contest in a nearby city, without her father's permission, and, en route, meets Franco, a salesman.
Terrível Suspeita
Tony, the Grocer
Concentration camp survivor Victoria Kowelska finds herself involved in mystery, greed, and murder when she assumes the identity of a dead friend in order to gain passage to America.
Stop That Cab
Giuseppe Moscadella
Sid Melton stars as a taxi driver dealing with nutty passengers and a nagging wife. Comedy.
Um Preço para Cada Crime
Louis the Barber (uncredited)
Após anos de investigação, o Promotor Assistente Distrital Martin Ferguson conseguiu construir um caso sólido contra um gangster fugidio cujo tenente-chefe está prestes a testemunhar…
Por Uma Mulher Má
A veteran homicide detective who has witnessed his socialite girlfriend kill her husband sees his inexperienced brother assigned to the case.
La bisarca
Figaro qua... Figaro là
Il presidente del tribunale
In the 18th century, Figaro the Sevillian barber is likely to be arrested because he operates his shop on Sundays, which is forbidden.
A Mulher Sem Nome
Cafe Proprietor (uncredited)
A secret service agent falls in love with an illegal immigrant.
A Mão Negra
Benny Danetta / Nino
In turn-of-the-century New York, an Italian seeks vengeance on the mobsters who killed his father.
Il matto inginocchiato
Mercado de Ladrões
Pietro (uncredited)
Nick Garcos comes back from his tour of duty in World War II planning to settle down with his girlfriend, Polly Faber. He learns, however, that his father was recently beaten and burglarized by mob-connected trucker Mike Figlia, and Nick resolves to get even. He partners with prostitute Rica, and together they go after Mike, all the while getting pulled further into the local crime underworld.
Sangue do Meu Sangue
Gino Monetti (Edward G. Robinson) é um banqueiro ítalo-americano que trata sem muita consideração seus quatro filhos, que já são adultos. Gino participou de várias atividades ilegais para construir seu negócio e agora está preso. Embora os filhos sempre estivessem sabendo dos negócios questionáveis do pai, eles lhe recusam ajuda para ficar fora de prisão. Liderados por Joe Monetti (Luther Adler), o filho mais velho, três dos filhos assumem o negócio. Apenas Max Monetti (Richard Conte) se mantém leal ao seu pai, em razão disto seus três irmãos conspiram e Max também é mandado para a cadeia. Max promete ao agonizante Gino que irá se vingar dos seus traiçoeiros filhos, mas quando ele é libertado não consegue se vingar, nem mesmo depois que um dos seus irmãos, Tony (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.), tenta matá-lo. Max deixa seus irmãos e ruma para a Califórnia para ter uma nova vida com Irene Bennett (Susan Hayward), sua noiva.
Arrivederci, papà!
Two little angels, a boy and a girl, come down on earth to choose their parents prior to birth. They choose the daughter of a retired general as their future mother and an opera singer as their dad. But making the two chosen ones meet, fall in love and marry will prove to be anything but easy.
When Love Calls
Claudio and Anna Tancredi, opera singers, are husband and wife. Their married life, however, is often disturbed by small misunderstandings and Anna's burning jealousy.
Águia Negra
An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a French teacher.
The Misery of Mr. Travet
The ordinary life of the prudent employee Mr. Travet accelerates as he and her wife meet his new chief.
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
Silenzio, si gira!
Il professore La Capra
Our Dreams
cameriere del Ragno d'oro
Leo (Vittorio De Sica) is young man trying to make a living without any success. Through fortuitous circumstances, he is assigned by the director of a big firm to accompany for one night the daughter of the firm's accountant, Titi (María Mercader). Leo pretends then to be the son of a tycoon, and takes her in a luxurious restaurant.
Il viaggio del signor Perrichon
Pazzo d'amore
Four Steps in the Clouds
The delivery boy on the bus
A family man travelling for work, Paolo Bianchi, meets on a train a lonely girl, Maria. He sees her again on a bus and she reveals him that she's in troubles: she's pregnant, her baby's father has left her and she doesn't know how to tell to her parents that she's not married. She asks Paolo to play the role of her husband and he accepts....
Miliardi, che follia!
After his plane makes an emergency landing, a kidnapped millionaire assumes the identity of a poor man.
Headlights in the Fog
La maschera di Cesare Borgia
San Giovanni decollato
Teodoro Cupis
Mastr'Antonio Miciaccio caretaker and shoemaker is devoted to Saint John Beheaded and is trying to find out who has been stealing the oil that keeps the candle to the saint burning. He also does not approve of his daughter's boy friend and he does not want him to marry her.
Capitan Fracassa
Giacomo Lampourde
Il pirata sono io!
Il viceré
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
Piccolo alpino
Eravamo sette vedove
Lasciate ogni speranza
Jack Hilton
Piccola mia
Un vigile urbano
A woman leaves her husband and her young daughter after she falls for a rally driver.
Piccola mia
Vigile urbano
A woman leaves her husband and her young daughter after she falls for a rally driver.