Mattia Sbragia
Nascimento : 1952-04-17, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Mattia Sbragia (born 17 April 1952) is an Italian character actor.
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
Cardinale Muti
Fedele Confalonieri
Internationally released Director's Cut of "Loro 1" and "Loro 2", which were released separately as two movies in Italy. The film talks about the group of businessmen and politicians – the Loro (Them) from the title – who live and act near to media tycoon and politician Silvio Berlusconi in the years between 2006 and 2009.
A young woman with cancer travels to a remote wilderness zone in Northern Italy in search of an alternative cure. What she and her friend, Martino, find is a secluded paradise, but their arrival threatens its fragile existence.
Teo é um publicitário sedutor que divide seu tempo entre a amante e a namorada. Ele leva a vida sem a intenção de assumir responsabilidades, até conhecer Emma, uma osteopata que perdeu a visão. A relação inicia como um mero jogo de sedução, mas se transforma em algo íntimo e intenso.
Padre di Diego
Five down-on-their luck strangers meet by chance while looking at a property in the country none of them are able to afford. They decide to join forces and risk everything to turn it into a B&B, only for the local mafia to show up demanding their "fair" share.
Depicts various periods in the life of Saint Francesco: Youth and the first conversion in 1206, the process that inflicts his father, the birth of the historical nucleus of Fraternitas and the departure for the Holy Land up to the writing of rules and death, addressing the problem of the legacy of his message in the different interpretation that Chiara and Elia will give it.
Barone De Corbis
Leopardi (o poeta italiano Giacomo Leopardi) é uma criança-prodígio, a crescer sob o olhar implacavelmente vigilante do seu pai, numa biblioteca a que chama casa. A sua mente corre livre mas a vida familiar aprisiona-o: é um leitor ávido mas o mundo está longe. Na Europa, está tudo a mudar, revoluções emergem e Giacomo procura desesperadamente o contacto com o exterior. Aos 24 anos, deixa finalmente Recanati e a alta sociedade abre-lhe as portas, mas o nosso rebelde não se adapta.
Roberto Manfredini
Andrea is a handsome and cocky 38-year old man with a successful business career. Shallow, womanizing and a confirmed bachelor, his life seems to be just perfect... until the day he comes home and finds there Layla, a teenage girl who claims to be his daughter. Alongside Layla is her grandfather Enzo, a former rockstar and the father of Andrea's first fleeting and forgotten conquest. And they've come to stay!
Armando Carnera
Diaz - Política e Violência reconstrói com brutal e chocante realismo os eventos acontecidos durante o último dia do encontro do G8 de 2001, em Gênova, quando mais de 300 policiais atacaram a escola Diaz, buscando ativistas em protesto. O resultado foi uma explosão de cruel e descontrolada violência.
Luciano Moggi
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Mario Moretti
Genoa, Italy, 24th of January 1979. Red Brigades' member Roberto Dura is waiting with two other comrades for trade unionist leader and factory worker Guido Rossa to leave his home to go to work. Three months earlier, Rossa had denounced a work colleague, Francesco Berardi, because he was distributing Red Brigade flyers inside the factory. Berardi was arrested and, after a fast tracked trial, was convicted to four and a half years. ....
Filippo Camposanto
Padre Lombardi
Commissario Giordano
Após o sucesso do roubo e de conseguir de volta sua esposa, Danny Ocean (George Clooney) reparte o dinheiro e cada um da equipe vai viver de forma discreta. No entanto, Terry Benedict, o dono do cassino assaltado, reaparece e exige a quantia roubada de volta com juros, mas os membros da gangue já gastaram grande parte do dinheiro. Danny e sua equipe concluem que a melhor opção é roubar uma raríssima obra que está sendo exibido em um museu de Roma, no valor que eles precisam.
O filme narra as últimas 12 horas de Jesus Cristo, que, após ser traído por Judas, é preso e levado para o julgamento de Poncio Pilatos. Sem conseguir encontrar um motivo para sua condenação, ele sofre com a pressão popular, que pede a crucificação de Jesus.
Apathetic Bishop
O monge Alex Bernier é um integrante da ordem religiosa dos carolíngios. Quando o líder da ordem morre, Alex é enviado a Roma para investigar as estranhas circunstâncias de seu óbito. O corpo do religioso apresenta estranhas marcas no peito que indicam a ação de um devorador de pecados, um praticante de um ritual pagão no qual alguém, por pagamento, literalmente come os pecados de outra pessoa e garante sua salvação. Alex pede a ajuda de um colega, o padre Thomas, e os dois vão em busca de Mara, uma artista vítima de uma possessão demoníaca e em quem Thomas fez um exorcismo.
Major Pini
Turim. Quatro inocentes morrem em um atentado. Phillippa (Cate Blanchett), uma professora de inglês, não oferece resistência e permite que a prendam. Ela não nega seu ato, sua culpa. Mas seu alvo era outra pessoa: um traficante. Um jovem policial (Giovanni Ribisi) é o único que acredita na história da inglesa, pois está secretamente apaixonado por ela. Ele desenvolve um plano que lhe devolverá a liberdade, mesmo que isto custe sua carreira ou até mesmo sua vida. Ele sabe que não deve pedir nada em troca para provar seu amor. E sabe que não pode se arrepender de sua decisão.
Leonardo Da Vinci
A man uses the principles of double-entry bookkeeping to settle his accounts with society.
The Duke
An intricately plotted tale of thwarted love and betrayal, "The Golden Bowl" tells the story of an extravagantly rich American widower and his sheltered daughter, both of whom marry only to discover that their respective mates, a beautiful American expatriate and an impoverished Italian aristocrat, are entangled with one another in a romantic intrigue of seduction and deceit.
Maestro Weigel
Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie.
A história do homem que criou jesus como se fosse seu próprio filho. José (Tobias Moretti) é um pobre carpinteiro, noivo da jovem Maria(Stefanis Rivi). Certo dia é chamado pelo Rei Herodes (Ennio Fantastichini) para trabalhar em uma distante terra. Quando retorna, recebe a notícia de que sua futura esposa está grávida. Desconfiado, não acredita nas palavras de Maria, que afirma estar grávida do Espírito Santo. José, sendo justo e não querendo difamá-la, resolve deixá-la secretamente. Mas numa noite, em sonho, lhe aparece um anjo do Senhor e lhe diz: "Casa-se com Maria que ela dará à luz ao filho de Deus".
Judge Quinzi
Determinado a quebrar o reinado da máfia na Itália, Giovanni Falcone, um advogado corajoso, ousou desafiar a Cosa Nostra.
Maresciallo Poli
A young recruit to the Italian army discovers and rejects the seedy world of soldiers who prostitute themselves to supplement their income. But before leaving this world he is raped by a highly-respected senior officer and must decide whether to risk bringing proceedings against him.
The life and times of Claudia Bertelli, born in Milan in 1949 from bourgeois parents, educated in England, rebel and single mother, then feminist and married woman and again doctor in the developing countries and mystical nun who dies peacefully in 2011.
Alitalia Pilot
Faith é uma professora que acredita que sua alma gêmea é um homem chamado Damon Bradley, pois quando era garota este nome apareceu em uma tábua Ouija e também por ter sido predito por uma cigana. O tempo passou e ela vai se casar com um médico. Faltando poucos dias do casamento ela atende o telefonema de um amigo do seu noivo, que pede desculpas por não poder ir a cerimônia pois está partido naquele instante para Veneza. O nome do amigo era Damon Bradley, o que faz com que ela não pense duas vezes e decida ir até Veneza, tentando encontrar um homem que ela não conhece.
Giorgio Spinelli
Doctors at a rejuvenation clinic discover a formula that will prevent aging.
Deus decide fazer uma nova promessa à humanidade depois das calamidades que culminaram no desastre da Torre de Babel. Abraão é escolhido para torna-se o "Pai das Nações" e a história da redenção se inicia.
Comedy Film
A composer rushing to meet a deadline meets a beautiful woman who says she is his biggest fan. However, it turns out that not only is she not a fan, she is a secret agent who has her own reasons for wanting to meet him.
O romancista americano David Raybourne acidentalmente fica enredado no plano terrorista da Brigada Vermelha para sequestrar o primeiro ministro italiano Aldo Moro durante uma viagem de pesquisa a Roma. Enquanto os terroristas tentam matar David, ele e sua amiga fotojornalista devem lutar para se manterem vivos.
le faussaire
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
Il dottor Marchini
Three friends, Fulvio, Marco and Filippo who are employed in a company that sells agricultural machinery are working under contract in socialist Bulgaria. Seeking entertainment, they are introduced to three Bulgarian beauties...
Don Luigi
The story of a young Calabrian widow who initially reclusive, must come to terms with her loss and live her life.
March/April 1917. The first world war is already a couple year to pace. A sealed train with Russian emigrants keeps on driving from Zürich Germany and Sweden to Sint-Petersburg. The outlaws stand under the guidance of Vladimir J. Lenin. Two senior officers support the revolutionary bomb "to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Yet there are some unpleasant clashes between Socialists and enthusiastic workers who are worried about the war. During train travel there comes an end to Lenin's affair with the gracious Inessa, and his wife Nadja is prepared take back him. The triumphant entrance in St. Petersburg will exceed all expectations....
Don Oronte
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
In this romantic story, a couple (Michel Serrault and Virna Lisi) who have been married for over forty years are forced to separate, one to each of their two children's families, when they can no longer pay the rent on their longtime apartment. Absence, in this case, refreshes their memory of the love they have shared, and they take to meeting one another furtively in hotel rooms for sex and affection. One summer, as each of their daughters families takes them on separate vacations, they have had enough, and elope, finding contentment as lighthouse keepers off the coast of Sicily.
Mayor Vito Palmisani
A dying man gives his lawyer a tape that manipulates her into taking a posthumous revenge on those who made his life Hell.
A psychic finds herself tapping into the "energy" of a deceased phone operator. She also finds that her friends soon begin dying mysteriously. An investigator determines to track down the cause.
Dott. Paolini, lo psichiatra
Capo della banda
Traveling from New York to Italia, pretty Mary rushes into moody macho lawyer Tito. The girl immediately falls for the guy with the gruffy manners and in an very impertinent way, she leans on him as she gets in trouble: Not only that she gets tied up in her suite by some Gangsters, but also, her new husband is found dead.
BR #1
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
dottor Baldini, regista
A series of skits involving customers and store personnel from several departments of the big department store.
Domenico Vasature
Carlo Pariani
In this tragic story that has an unrealized potential to tug at the emotions, a woman in mourning for her two sons lost in World War I is the only one in her village determined to financially support a war memorial. The village poor have too little money, and the richer are tight-fisted. She has given a whole 15 years of savings -- yet the good priest, for whom she works as a maid, is not enthusiastic about her action because he is worried that the memorial will not remind the villagers of past horrors and suffering but disguise the human cost of war in rhetoric. As the memorial's advocates begin to sustain the day, flashbacks show how the woman's youngest son shot his captain, deserted the army, and came to die of fever while in his mother's care. The priest helped her as much as possible, yet he feels compelled to tell the authorities that her son was a deserter.
Edoardo Mazzarini
A background of rising fascism in Venice in 1930s. A music-student, Matthias, mixes with the town's bourgeoisie and falls in love with a mature teacher, Carla, the mother of his friend Renato, and then with his young colleague, Elena.
1936. In a village in the Bassa Padana, a beautiful and shapely forty-year-old girl is aunt of some boys in the middle of their sexual maturity.