Sonia Dresdel

Sonia Dresdel

Nascimento : 1909-05-05, Hornsea, Yorkshire, England, UK

Morte : 1976-01-18


Sonia Dresdel (5 May 1909 - 18 January 1976) was an English actress, whose career ran between the 1940s and 1970s. She was born Lois Obee in Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, England and was educated at Aberdeen High School for Girls. Her leading role in the 1947 film While I Live gained her a great deal of acclaim. In the film she plays Julia Trevelyan, a spinster living in a lonely cliff top house in Cornwall and haunted by the death of her sister 25 years earlier. Her most noted role was that of "Mrs. Baines" in the 1948 film version of Graham Greene's The Fallen Idol, which starred Ralph Richardson and Michèle Morgan. The film received Academy Awards nominations for Best Director (Sir Carol Reed) and Best Screenplay. She died of undisclosed causes, aged 66.


Sonia Dresdel


Lady Caroline Lamb
Lady Pont
Lady Caroline Lamb, dissatisfied in her marriage, has an affair with the dashing Romantic poet Lord Byron.
The Break
A group of inmates escape from Dartmoor prison. They hide out in the English country side but are doggedly chased by police.
O julgamento de Oscar Wilde
Lady Wilde
No auge de sua fama, Oscar Wilde irrita o marquês de Queensberry por ter o que (corretamente) se acredita ser um relacionamento romântico com o filho de Queensberry, Lord Alfred Douglas ("Bosie"), que é vinte anos mais novo que Wilde. Quando Queensberry calunia Wilde, o artista decide levar o assunto a tribunal e causa a sua própria queda.
Now and Forever
Miss Fox
A rich young society girl falls in love with a car mechanic. Her family is appalled and stops her seeing him. The girl attempts to commit suicide and then decides to elope.
Nuvens de Desespero
Jess Fenton
After leaving the British Secret Service, David Somers (played by Trevor Howard) finds work cataloging butterflies at the country house of Nicholas and Jess Fenton. After the murder of a local gamekeeper, suspicion (wrongfully) falls on their niece, Sophie Malraux (Jean Simmons). Somers helps Sophie to escape arrest and they go on the run together. After a cross-country chase they arrive at a coastal city with the intention of leaving the country by ship. All's well that ends well after the true identity of the murderer is revealed.
The Third Visitor
Steffy Millington
Suave supercilious Carling (Karel Stepanek) receives several callers to his isolated house, all of whom hold a grudge against him. Next morning a corpse is found, and later identified as his by one of the visitors.
O Ídolo Caído
Mrs. Baines
Um mordomo que trabalha em uma embaixada estrangeira em Londres torna-se o principal suspeito quando sua esposa cai acidentalmente e morre. A única testemunha é um menino impressionável. Philippe, filho de um diplomata e bom amigo de Baines, o mordomo, confunde-se com as complexidades e evasões da vida adulta. Ele tenta manter segredos, mas acaba dizendo a eles. Ele mente para proteger seus amigos, mesmo sabendo que deve dizer a verdade. Ele resolve não ouvir mais as histórias de adultos quando Baines é suspeito de assassinar sua esposa e ninguém vai ouvir as informações vitais de Philippe. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
This Was a Woman
Sylvia Russell
The woman here is Sylvia Russell, who is a bit power mad and has some set goals. In order to achieve those goals she is sadistically devoted to her son and daughter, able to possess and direct them; subtly ruins her daughter's marriage by corrupting a servant girl and, then, uses her to compromise her son-in-law; slowly breaks her bumbling, unambitious husband's confidence, finds in her husband's executive friend the man she desires, and then poisons her husband in her own manner in their quiet English manor
While I Live
Julia Trevelyan
In 1922, young pianist and composer Olwen Trevelyan, troubled and sleepless over her inability to finish the final notes of her composition, falls to her death from the cliffs of Cornwall. 25 years on, Olwen has gained posthumous fame as a result of her tragic death and her haunting uncompleted composition 'The Dream of Olwen'. Her reclusive sister Julia (Sonia Dresdel), who has never come to terms with Olwen's death, becomes convinced that Olwen has returned when she meets an amnesiac woman who looks like her.
The World Owes Me a Living
Eve Heathley
When a British pilot is hospitalized after a plane crash, the woman he loves sits by his bedside and remembers, in flashbacks, key episodes from their life together.