Claudia Gerini

Claudia Gerini

Nascimento : 1971-12-18, Rome, Italy


Claudia Gerini (born 18 December 1971 in Rome) is an Italian actress and showgirl.


Claudia Gerini
Claudia Gerini
Claudia Gerini


The Well
A young restorer (Lauren LaVera) travels to a small village to restore a medieval painting to its former glory. She will put her life in danger due to a curse attached to the painting.
The Order of Time
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
The Undecided Groom
Maga Cecilia
An unlikely marriage between two worlds that would like to unite, but their diversity will inexorably make them incompatible. And the more they try, the more they move away, with the hand of fate. Or maybe not...
I migliori giorni
Margherita (segment "8 marzo")
Anthology comedy film about ordinary stories of holiday hypocrisy.
The Tiger's Nest
Miss Hannah
In the valleys of the Himalayas, an orphan boy saves a Bengal tiger cub from the ruthless poachers who killed the tiger's mother. Together they set out in the Himalayan mountains to the Taktsang monastery in Bhutan known as "The Tiger's Nest" where Buddhist monks took refuge after the 1950 Chinese invasion of Tibet and protect the big cats. A new great film for the whole family that talks about the importance of defending animals through the story of the friendship between two orphans, a tiger cub and a child, in a tale of brotherhood and the discovery of life.
Sé stessa
La bambola di pezza
Natural Lefty
A widowed mother, tries desperately to get an entry into the ruthless world of professional football for her 12-yer-old son.
Noi siamo cinema
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
O Grande Diabólico
Mrs. Morel
A história sombria e romântica se passa na fictícia Clerville na década de 1960 e conta sobre o encontro entre o “ladrão anti-herói” Diabolik (Luca Marinelli) e a fascinante Eva Kant (Miriam Leone) — um encontro em que amor e crime se unem em uma mistura explosiva. E apenas o Inspetor Ginko (Valerio Mastandrea) parece capaz de frustrar os planos diabólicos do casal.
Breaking Up in Rome
Elena Veneziani
Aspiring writer Tommaso makes a living by penning the self-help column of a women's magazine. One day he receives a letter from a woman asking for advice on how to break up with her boyfriend: it is none other than Zoe, his girlfriend of ten years—unaware of his pseudonymous side job. Tommaso can't believe his eyes and answers her in private under his alias to learn more, discovering cracks in their relationship he didn't thought existed.
Per tutta la vita
Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.
Sulla giostra
Io sono... Italia
Burraco fatale
Irma (Claudia Gerini), Eugenia (Angela Finocchiaro), Miranda (Caterina Guzzanti) and Rina (Paola Minaccioni) are four different women, each with their own character, their own weaknesses and their own eccentricities, but linked by a deep and lasting knowledge over time, united and marked by their essential card games. When they decide to participate in a national buraco tournament and get out of their everyday life, they will suddenly find themselves with their cards exposed. Life always offers a second chance and love can go back to upsetting at any age. After all, it is the game of burraco that has taught him that a game must be played completely, to the end, and that no result is ever taken for granted.
Anna Rosenberg
Anna Rosenberg
A psychological thriller inspired by a true story, which tells of the physical and psychological violence that lead Anna, the protagonist, to its extreme consequences.
O último ano da vida de Bettino Craxi, um dos líderes italianos mais importantes e controversos dos anos 80.
A mano disarmata
Federica Angeli
A Rosa Venenosa
Violet Gregory (uncredited)
Carson Phillips, um ex-astro do futebol que virou detetive particular, assume um caso de desaparecimento que lentamente se revela uma complexa teia de crimes, suspeitos e cadáveres. Quando ele descobre que sua filha é a suspeita número um, ele corre contra o relógio para salvá-la, resolver os assassinatos e descobrir os segredos sujos da cidade.
I'm Not a Killer
Paola Maralfa
One livid dawn, a cold and damp wind blows as a man walks alone through the darkness. Deputy Police Superintendent Francesco Prencipe is on his way to meet his best friend, Judge Giovanni Mastropaolo whom he hasn't seen for almost two years. The men drive for two hours and exchange but a few words. Later that morning, the Judge is found dead, a single gunshot wound to his head. Francesco is the last person who saw him and his fingerprints are the only ones found in the house. But is he the murderer?
Andrea Serrano é um escritor aspirante que é forçado a trabalhar em um necrotério à espera da grande ocasião de sua vida. Isso finalmente chega. Um grande produtor de cinema, Oscar Martello, decidiu levar seu romance para a telona. Mas as capitais disponíveis são modestas, o diretor é incompetente e o resultado é desastroso.
Detective per caso
Giulia dreams to become a detective since she was little. When one night her cousin dissapears, Giulia starts searching for him with the help of her friends.
Aqui em Casa Tudo Bem
Uma grande família se reúne em uma ilha em Nápoles para comemorar as bodas de ouro dos avós, Alba e Pietro. Porém, quando em meio as festividades uma tempestade faz com que o numeroso grupo fique preso na ilha, eles são obrigados a encarar os rancores e hipocrisias escondidos por muitos anos na família.
Nine and a Half Moons
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Amor e a Máfia
Donna Maria
Ação, amor, violência e música se misturam nessa história de mafiosos em que um temido assassino se vê preso entre o dever e o coração.
John Wick 2
Gianna D'Antonio
Forçado a abandonar a sua reforma, uma vez mais, devido a uma promessa antiga, John Wick viaja para Roma, a Cidade Eterna, com o objetivo de ajudar um velho amigo a derrubar uma organização internacional secreta, perigosa e mortal de assassinos procurados por todo o mundo.
Il traduttore
Italy, third millennium. Andrei, a Romanian university student, ends up embroiled in an intrigue linked to the disappearance of a German antiquarian.
Two Stepmoms
What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?
A Necessidade de Estar Sempre Com Você
Giuliana trabalha como caixa em uma província do sul da Itália e é casada com Martino. Os dois nunca brigaram e entre eles sempre houve lealdade mútua. Quando Leonardo, um policial, encontra Giuliana no supermercado onde trabalha, os dois inicialmente trocam apenas alguns olhares. Mas a vida deles mudará para sempre quando Giuliana se envolver em um assalto.
Tutta colpa di Freud
O protagonista é um psicanalista (Marco Giallini), pai de três filhas em crise: uma lésbica frustrada tentando se tornar heterossexual (Anna Foglietta), uma jovem de dezoito anos de idade com um homem maduro (Laura Adriani), uma bibliotecária atraído por um ladrão de livros (Vittoria Puccini). Todos os três acabam no escritório do pai para falar sobre seus problemas
Indovina chi viene a Natale?
Chiara Sereni
A very extended family gathers for the Christmas holidays, after the death of the breadwinner Leonardo Sereni, famous singer. The eldest son Julius, with his wife Marina, has a panettone factory.
A Lenda de Kaspar Hauser
The Duchess
Arriving on a deserted beach in the Mediterranean sea, in a time and a place unspecified, Kaspar Hauser is forced to confront the evil of a Grand Duchess who feels threatened by the power she exercises over the community.
Amiche da morire
Three very different women who are hiding a secret are forced to work together to save their own skin.
Una famiglia perfetta
Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred.
Garibaldi's Lovers
A widowed working-class father falls in love with a struggling, poor artist.
Tulpa - Perdições Mortais
Lisa Boeri passa os dias estressada, lidando com contratos que envolvem fortunas na empresa corretora de valores para a qual trabalha. Ao anoitecer, enquanto seus colegas vão a pubs ou a suas casas descansar com suas famílias, Lisa frequenta Tulpa, um clube budista de sexo, e lá realiza seus desejos sexuais mais selvagens. No entanto, todas as pessoas com quem Lisa transa começam a ser misteriosamente assassinadas.
Reality: A Grande Ilusão
Presentatrice Grande Fratello
Luciano é o dono de uma peixaria que faz vários bicos para manter sua família. Um dia, sua família passeia em um shopping center e descobre que lá estão fazendo testes para o Grande Fratello, a versão italiana do programa de TV Big Brother. Chamado via celular, Luciano vai ao local fazer um teste. Os produtores gostam dele e o chamam para um segundo teste.
Love is in the Air
Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.
My Tomorrow
Noi c'eravamo
Meno male che ci sei
Different from Whom?
Political strategists in a northern Italian city push gay-rights campaigner Piero into the mayoral race, pairing him with uptight conservative toughie Adele (Claudia Gerini). Piero and his partner, Remo, are the stable ones, while buttoned-up divorcee Adele nurses her bitterness.
Ex is a 2009 film directed and co-written by Fausto Brizzi and interpreted by a rich and large cast of characters. The film, produced by Italian International Film, in co-production with the French company and Mes Films in collaboration with RAI Cinema. It was released February 6, 2009 in Italian cinema and has been recognized as "national cultural interest" by the Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
Grande, grosso e Verdone
Enza Sessa
A comic movie divided in three episodes.
Aspettando il sole
Nero bifamiliare
A couple's pleasant new life in the country is threatened by the mysterious new next door neighbors.
Secret Journey
After witnessing the murder of their mother thirty years ago, a man and his sister struggle with challenges of their adult lives.
A Desconhecida
Valeria Adacher
Irena, a Ukrainian woman coming to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.
La terra
Luigi Di Santo is a professor of philosophy in Milan who returns to his Apulian hometown to finalize the sale, together with his brothers, of an old family farm. But this project is hampered by his violent stepbrother Aldo. Things degenerate further when the four brothers find themselves embroiled in a murder.
Não Se Mova
O médico Timoteo Rossi (Sergio Castellitto) é forçado a confrontar-se com seu passado quando Angela (Elena Perino), sua filha adolescente, fica entre a vida e a morte após um acidente de trânsito. Ele se recorda do caso que tivera com uma sofrida camareira de hotel chamada Italia (Penélope Cruz). Por causa desta moça, Timoteo pôs em risco seu casamento com Elsa (Claudia Gerini): a esposa se fazia de desentendida e permitia que o marido levasse uma vida dupla. Foi assim até o momento em que Elsa engravidou e Timóteo foi obrigado a tomar uma decisão.
The Big Question
Although it was shot on the set of director Mel Gibson's controversial epic The Passion of the Christ, this thought-provoking documentary is not about the making of the movie. Rather, filmmakers Francesco Cabras and Alberto Molinari delve into the nature of divinity and spiritual beliefs through revealing interviews with Gibson and members of his cast and crew -- including stars Jim Caviezel and Monica Bellucci.
A Paixão de Cristo
Claudia Procles
O filme narra as últimas 12 horas de Jesus Cristo, que, após ser traído por Judas, é preso e levado para o julgamento de Poncio Pilatos. Sem conseguir encontrar um motivo para sua condenação, ele sofre com a pressão popular, que pede a crucificação de Jesus.
Guardiani delle nuvole
Al cuore si comanda
Lorenza Sacchetti
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband "for rent".
Sob o Sol da Toscana
Signora Raguzzi
Uma comédia romântica em torno da personagem de Frances Mayes (e da sua obra autobiográfica com o mesmo nome), uma escritora recém divorciada que compra uma casa na Toscânia à espera de começar uma nova vida e ultrapassar o bloqueio criativo a que a conduziu o trauma do divórcio. E as coisas correm-lhe bem...
La playa de los galgos
Martín tries to find his brother Pablo, who disappeared after a terrorist incident to which he was apparently linked. In the course of his investigation, he meets Berta, a mysterious woman who leads him to an Argentinean psychiatrist exiled in Denmark who may have information about Pablo's whereabouts.
Francesca e Nunziata
No início do século, na Itália, a rica mulher Francesca (Loren), adota uma menina pobre chamada Nunziata. Os anos passam, Nunziata se apaixona Federico (Bova), seu irmão adotivo, filho de Francesca.
Off Key
A trio of opera singers are reunited by a wedding ten years after their stormy breakup.
Hors Service
Ils sont cinq tueurs. Francis, le chef, Louis le parano, Victor, l'accro aux series tele, M'sieur, fan de tamagochi et Marchand, dont la femme est la seule certitude. Elle le croit representant en chaussures. Jusqu'au jour ou elle decouvre la verite. Une discussion plus qu'orageuse suit, au cours de laquelle il lui balance un coup de poing d'une telle force qu'elle tombe dans le coma. Marchand est effondre. Il acquiert la conviction que, s'il se rachete, elle se reveillera. Il decide non seulement de raccrocher mais encore de sauver ses hypothetiques victimes.
Il gioco
Amarsi può darsi
During their divorce trial, Davide and Giulia go back through episodes of their life together while they listen to a series of witnesses. Do they really want to go different ways?
Tutti gli uomini del deficiente
Stella Leone
Nearing death, videogame genius Leone Stella holds a contest to find an heir: all the people named like him will compete in a live-streamed reenactment of his most famous endeavors, and the winner will inherit his billionaire fortune.
Fatima Turchini
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
The Wasp and the Queen
A gay man and a lesbian, both having reasons to try going straight, end up as a couple!
Fuochi d'artificio
Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.
Iris Blond
Em busca de uma mulher que tenha o nome de uma flor, que, segundo uma mulher santa, será seu destino, ele conhece Iris, uma garçonete com uma bela voz e sede de sucesso. Juntos, formam a dupla “Iris Blond and the Freezer”, mas suas expectativas divergem.
Viaggi di nozze
Um bolo de casamento explosivo simboliza as dificuldades entres os casados. Verdone faz vários papéis: um médico obsessivo que leva sua esposa a cometer suicídio, um homem compulsivo que faz sexo com sua nova esposa em situações extremas até que o tédio toma conta e um marido que é forçado a desistir de sua lua de mel para cuidar de familiares.
L'anno prossimo vado a letto alle dieci
This rollicking Italian black comedy follows the hellish, bizarre New Year's Eve night of two average guys who find themselves stumbling from one outlandish situation to the next. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man tags along to the party his friend is attending, leading to a series of misadventures.
Padre e figlio
The father, Corrado, is a worker who left his peasant roots in southern Italy and moved to Genoa to find employment a worker. His son, Gabriele, is neurotic and feels a sense of rage for which he can find no outlet. Despite the strength and dignity with which he has met the difficulties in his life, Corrado doesn't know what to do when faced with his son's problems.
A mythical land who must be discover. Or invented. In an impressive library, two old men. One is a great Polish archaeologist at the end of his work. The second- his best friend. They are masters of a substantial slice of human history: legendary Atlantis. It is refuge and masterpiece, propriety and treasure.
The Dark Tale
It is the story of a terrorist who manages to escape during a transfer by sea and lands on a remote desert island where there is a large mansion inhabited by a little girl about 9 years old, a girl of 18, and their housekeeper.
The nightlife of young carefree friends in a wonderful 60s Rome.
Ciao ma'
Stuff for the Rich
'Mucci' Petruzzelli, figlia di Petruzzelli (2° episodio)
3 episodes set in Monte Carlo. In the first one a priest is compelled to become the lover of a princess. In the second, a con woman tries to cheat an insurance man. In the third, a man has to deal with his wife's suicidal attempts.