When a lighthouse keeper takes in a seal in need and gives to his children to look after, the whole family is drawn into the shadowy world of illegal seal poaching. The family then finds themselves leading the fight to rid their coastal town of the criminals and save the seals.
Drunk (uncredited)
Vicent Price, o mestre dos filmes de terror, faz sua aparição neste filme de western como o proprietário de uma mina de ouro, que ao lado de sua neta, tenta proteger sua fortuna de ladrões. Diana Ivarson, além de bonita, é Expert no manejo de armas. Robert Gunner interpreta o chefe dos ladrões, que ao se apaixonar por Diana, se junta ao avô e a neta para lutar contra seus antigos comparsas em defesa da mina de ouro.
Dr. Koos Hattingh
Pietergrhamesbosch has it firts beauty contest "miss south easter" with a total sum of 25000 rand.
Dirk Maritz
Conflitos de uma família de pescadores
Anton Rossouw
After a jeweler is shot dead, Michael Gray is taken into custody. He is defended by the experienced Anton Rossouw.
Drama among diamond smugglers and gold fever in South African bush.
Dr. Chris Hugo
An innocent Afrikaans farm girl goes to the city and gets herself pregnant out of wedlock.
Man #2
Um grupo de homens está em um safári na África, quando se deparam com uma tribo de nativos. Um deles se recusa a dar uma oferenda, o que deixa a tribo ofendida. Os nativos então matam cruelmente os homens brancos, deixando apenas um vivo. Este será objeto de uma competição para eles, que o fazem fugir como se fosse um leão para em seguida ser caçado
A young African boy is rescued from a witchdoctor's death curse. He travels to the big city where a blind white man becomes his protector.
An American pilot assists the Portuguese colonial police who are battling a gang of criminals involved in drug smuggling from Lisbon to Mozambique to Zanzibar.
In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a grand bluff...
The first victim is the butler of South African millionaire Wexler, who hires hard-hitting private eye Steve Martin for protection. Once at Wexler’s palatial Cape Town estate, Martin meets the patriarch’s family, close associates – and possible suspects. When it’s discovered that the key to the killing may lie in an old war photograph, Martin sets out on a mission to unravel the identities of the men in the picture before they become target two through VICTIM 5.
Em Natal, África do Sul, em 1879, um pequeno regimento britânico de apenas 105 soldados se recusa a abandonar sua posição e resiste bravamente ao ataque de 4000 guerreiros zulus. Baseado em fatos verídicos.
Rip van Wyk, a slow-witted Afrikaner, is transported from the 1850s to 1959.
Compound Manager
A U.S. private eye falls for a smuggler and clears a native for murder in South Africa.
Wessel Maritz
Comedy and romance meet in this madcap adventure. Cousins Gerrit and Frederik land up on the farm of an eccentric farmer whose only concern is that they might harm his prize bull.