The acclaimed one-woman show by Nora Burns, which attracted New York City’s A-list to the iconic La Mama Theater for sold out shows. It’s a special and fast-paced celebration of the special bond between straight women and gay men, set against the backdrop, and music, of 1980s New York.
Craig is an older, average-looking man who isn't handling aging well. Gary is a hot, blond young stud at the center of attention. They literally bump heads one night, and become best friends. But Craig wants to be boyfriends, while Gary has other issues. They work things out (somewhat) during a night in the emergency room.
Inspired by bright and sunny gay romantic comedies, Jeffrey’s Hollywood Screen Trick brings fifty anatomically-exceptional “Billy dolls” to life through stop-motion animation on 35mm film.
Party Guest
Fred Flintstone conhece e paquera a bela Wilma Slaghoople. Junto com o melhor amigo Barney Rubble e a futura noiva dele, Fred e Wilma passam um romântico fim de semana em Rock Vegas, o hotel mais badalado do continente.
Female Shopper
Em West Hollywood, sete amigos gays não têm sorte na vida amorosa. A única coisa que parece uni-los é o beisebol, mas quando passam por momentos difíceis, sua amizade é colocada à prova.
True Bonanza