Ralph Truman

Ralph Truman

Nascimento : 1900-05-07, London, England, UK

Morte : 1977-10-15


Ralph Truman


Lady Caroline Lamb
Lady Caroline Lamb, dissatisfied in her marriage, has an affair with the dashing Romantic poet Lord Byron.
Nicholas e Alexandra
Tsar Nicholas II, the inept last monarch of Russia, insensitive to the needs of his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.
El Cid
King Ferdinand
Filme épico sobre o lendário herói espanhol Rodrigo Diaz, "El Cid" para os seus seguidores, que, sem comprometer o seu rigoroso sentido de honra, consegue tomar a iniciativa e expulsar os mouros da Espanha cristã.
Based on Leon Uris' novel, this historical epic provides a dramatic backstory to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, in the aftermath of World War II. Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport 600 Jewish refugees on a dangerous voyage from Cyprus to Palestine on a ship named the Exodus. He faces obstruction from British forces, who will not grant the ship passage to its destination.
Sob Dez Bandeiras
Admiral Bensen
"Under Ten Flags" is a WWII movie loosely based on the true story of the German navy commerce raider Atlantis, a converted Auxilliary Cruiser, and her Captain Bernhard Rogge. Atlantis, camouflaged as a merchant ship, cruised the South Seas ( Atlantic, Indian & Pacific) and sank or captured 22 merchant ships from May 1940 through November 22, 1941 when she was sunk by the British Cruiser HMS Devonshire. Rogge was one of the few German officers of flag rank who were not arrested by the Allies after the war ended. This was due to the very proper and ethical way he exercised his command of Atlantis. After the war he advanced to Rear Admiral in the West German Navy and became a high-ranking NATO commander.
Aide to Tiberius (uncredited)
Na Judéia invadida pelos conquistadores romanos, o príncipe Ben-Hur tenta conduzir seu povo rumo à liberdade. Mas isso gera um conflito de interesses com o seu amigo de infância, Messala, agora um severo comandante dos exércitos de Roma. Preso, o príncipe é enviado para trabalhar como escravo, longe de suas terras, família e sua amada Esther (Haya Harareet). O pacífico Ben-Hur transforma-se em um guerreiro forte e corajoso, disposto a enfrentar seus inimigos e restabelecer a paz.
Algemas Quebradas
Sir Matthew Sprott
A World War II evacuee (Van Johnson) returns years later to England and finds his father in prison framed for murder.
The Spaniard's Curse
Sir Robert Wyvern
A convicted murderer uses an ancient curse to take his revenge on those responsible for sending him to prison.
The Good Companions
George Memsford
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst
Vice Admiral
While sailing lawfully up the Yangste in 1949, the British warship Amethyst found its return to the open sea blocked by Communist Chinese shore batteries that unexpectedly opened fire. In charge, Lietenant Commander Kerans was not however prepared for his crew and his ship to remain as a hostage for the Chinese to use as an international pawn.
Justiça Final
Colonel Blenkinsop
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Lodo na Alma
John Dowling
A ruthless woman takes advantage of gullible men to climb up the social ladder.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Pouco antes de morrer, um espião inglês conta para o doutor Ben McKenna e sua esposa Jo, dois turistas inocentes, algum segredo que os envolve em um caso internacional de espionagem. Seu filho é seqüestrado e, sem saber em quem confiar, eles tem de lutar para recuperá-lo. Remake em widescreen e Technicolor do filme de 1934 do próprio Hitchcock.
The Black Tent
Major Cross
During the British retreat through Libya, a British officer takes shelter with a group of Arab Bedouin. He marries the chief's daughter. Sometime later, his younger brother, who had believed him to be dead, is informed that he may be alive in Libya - prompting him to set out and search for him.
Tons of Trouble
Inspector Bridger
An apartment handyman is unusually attached to a pair of boilers he names "Mavis" and "Ethel."
The Ship That Died of Shame
Sir Richard
After World War II the crew of a motor gunboat join together to buy their old vessel and go into business for themselves. This may sound like a laudable scheme, but the business they choose to go into is smuggling.
The Night My Number Came Up
At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a Royal Navy officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
O Rebelde Aventureiro
Em 1745, enquanto a Escócia se levanta em rebelião para apoiar o último herdeiro da realeza escocesa caída em desgraça, dois irmãos, de uma pequena família nobre, decidem o que fazer: o mais velho e herdeiro da família, James, apoia os revoltosos, ao passo que Henry, o mais novo, irá manter-se do lado do rei inglês. Vença quem vencer, a família estará protegida. Acontece que, em meio à derrota da revolta patriota, James fica certo de que o seu irmão o traiu e deseja ver morto, revelando aos ingleses onde estava escondido. É o começo de uma grande aventura que irá levá-lo até às Caraíbas, antes do reencontro dos irmãos para o derradeiro acerto de contas.
Heróis de Malta
Vice Adm Willie Banks
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
A Carruagem de Ouro
Duc de Castro
No Século 18, a atriz Camilla viaja pela América do Sul como a estrela principal de uma companhia de teatro e se envolve com três homens. Uma das principais obras na filmografia do cineasta.
Quo Vadis
Após três anos em campanha, o general Marcus Vinicius (Robert Taylor) retorna à Roma e encontra Lygia (Deborah Kerr), por quem se apaixona. Ela é uma cristã e não quer nenhum envolvimento com um guerreiro. Mas, apesar de ter sido criada como romana, Lygia é a filha adotiva de um general aposentado e, teoricamente, uma refém de Roma. Marcus procura o imperador Nero (Peter Ustinov), para que ela lhe seja dada pelos serviços que ele fez. Lygia se ressente, mas de alguma forma se apaixona por Marcus. Enquanto isso, as atrocidades de Nero são cada vez mais ultrajantes e, quando ele queima Roma e culpa os cristãos, Marcus salva Lygia e a família dela. Nero captura todos os cristãos e os atira aos leões mas, no final, Marcus, Lygia e o cristianismo prevalecerão. Na filmagem da obra de Sienkiewicz, foram utilizados cerca de 32 mil figurinos e milhares de figurantes, dentre eles então os 'desconhecidos' Bud Spencer, Sophia Loren (então com 17 anos) e Elizabeth Taylor.
A Ilha do Tesouro
George Merry
Após receber o mapa do tesouro escondido pelo capitão Flint, o garoto Jim Hawkins embarca num barco pirata rumo a uma ilha do Caribe. E vive uma incrível quando, entre outros perigos, tem de encarar velhos companheiros do bucaneiro como o nada simpático Long John Silver. Aventura, produção dos estúdios Disney, baseada no clássico da literatura de Robert Louis Stevenson.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.
The Interrupted Journey
Inspector Waterson
When John North, a budding author, pulls the communication cord of a late night train that is taking him away on a weekend with his publishers wife, he sets in motion a series of events that lead to a train crash, a murder and a police man hunt, but all is not what it seems.
Eureka Stockade
Gov. Hotham
Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.
Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill
A handsome young master at a boys school incurs the jealousy of an embittered colleague. From the novel by Hugh Walpole.
Oliver Twist
Na Inglaterra vitoriana, o jovem órfão de nove anos, Oliver, é mandado para um reformatório, onde é castigado e perseguido. Ele encontra em Fagin (o mentor e chefe de uma quadrilha de jovens ladrões de Londres) a falsa ilusão da liberdade.
Mrs. Fitzherbert
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The tangled affairs of George, Prince of Wales, leading to his illegal marriage to commoner Mrs. Fitzherbert. Also portrayed is the conflict between the future George IV and his father George III.
The Adventures of Dusty Bates
Dusty Bates observes some smuggled jewels hidden in a crate aboard a ship; he is pursued by low-lifes when the crate is put ashore.
The Man Within
Prison Interrogator
A man goes on the run from hardened smugglers.
The Laughing Lady
Lord Mandeville
A musical set during the French Revolution.
Papworth Village Settlement
Narrator (voice)
Following the recuperation and treatment of patient Frank Thompson, 'Papworth Village Settlement' is an account of the varied medical and social services available to sufferers of tuberculosis at Papworth.
Beware of Pity
Maj. Sandor Balinkay
A paraplegic mistakes a man's pity for love.
Lisbon Story
Police Commissionaire
A musical cabaret singer meets a British agent and goes with him to Nazi occupied France to save an atomic scientist.
Read All About It
An account of the technique of reading the tabloid press in an intelligent manor via differing editorial techniques that leads to three styles of newspapers giving varying accounts of a strip-tease act.
Henrique V
Mountjoy - The French Herald
Henrique V (Laurence Olivier) foi o rei da Inglaterra de 1413 até 1422, e se envolveu em um episódio heróico e patriótico. Ele partiu em uma pequena expedição até a França para reivindicar a coroa daquela nação. Só que quando ele chegou a Agingcourt, foi recebido pelo vasto exército francês, que não estava nem um pouco disposto a deixá-lo passar.
The Butler's Dilemma
Rodney Playfair is persuaded, by a promise to meet his gambling debts, to impersonate a manservant named Chapman at his fiancée's house...
Sabotage at Sea
Horace Chandler
The captain of a British cargo ship shanghais a group of sabateurs, unaware that the daughter of the ship’s owner is among them.
The Saint in London
Suave soldier of fortune Simon Templer gets mixed up with a gang of counterfeiters who've murdered and robbed an European count of 1,000,000 pounds. He is aided reluctantly by Scotland Yard inspector Teal, who's convinced that Templar himself pulled off the heist, and less reluctantly by light-fingered Dugan and dizzy socialite Penny Parker.
Black Eyes
Ivan Petrov has one weakness in his life, and one love: his little black-eyed daughter, Tania. In fact, his entire career is devoted to her future happiness, though Tania remains ignorant as to his vocation. Done with cool deliberation, Petrov's all-consuming fear is that one day his lovely daughter will discover his true profession, and despise him for it...
The Outsider
Sir Nathan Israel
A controversial osteopath sets out to cure the daughter of a famous surgeon - and falls in love with her in the process.
Life of St. Paul
The Life of St. Paul, including reenactment of the Book of Acts, and St. Paul's Epistles.
The Challenge
Dramatization of the first climbing of the Matterhorn in 1865.
South Riding
Nursing Home Doctor
Winifred Holtby realised that Local Government is not a dry affair of meetings and memoranda:- but 'the front-line defence thrown up by humanity against its common enemies of sickness, poverty and ignorance.' She built her story around six people working for a typical County Council:- Beneath the lives of the public servants runs the thread of their personal drama. Our story tells how a public life affects the private life; and how a man's personal sufferings make him what he is in public. " Corruption, intrigue and romance in a Yorkshire setting. A country squire whose wife is in a mental hospital becomes attracted to a crusading local schoolmistress.
Ceia no Ritz
The daughter of a murdered financier works as a jewelry salesperson while she tracks her father's colleagues who plotted against him.
Secret Lives
Prison Guard
A German-born woman works as a spy for the French in Switzerland during the First World War, and has to marry an interned French lieutenant in order to be able to stay in the country.
The Crimson Circle
Lawrence Fuller
Based on the novel by Edgar Wallace, detectives at Scotland Yard try and track down The Crimson Circle, a secret society of blackmailers
The Marriage of Corbal
The film hinges on the love triangle between a young aristocratic lady on the run (Cleonie, played by Hazel Terry), the murderous Varennes, Citizen-Deputy of the Revolution who saves her by disguising her as his nephew (Nils Asther) and finally the Marquis of Corbal of the film's title, played by Hugh Sinclair.
Captain Bill
A barge operator helps a schoolteacher tackle a gang of criminals.
The Silent Passenger
A really well made British murder mystery from British Gaumont studios. Story opens with a dead body found in a trunk. Who's the cold-blooded killer?
The Case of Gabriel Perry
Inspector White
An unstable Victorian doctor murders a woman.
Mr. Cohen Takes a Walk
Sam Cohen
Old Mr. Cohen (Paul Graetz) simply walks away from his London department store, leaving his sons to run it.
The Perfect Flaw
Richard Drexel
A clerk is planning to murder a stockbroker but is foiled in the attempt.
The Shadow
Chief Inspector Elliot
A group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one.
Partners Please
An aristocrat becomes a gigolo.
The Bells
Mathias, an Alsatian innkeeper, murders a rich Pole staying at his inn. However, Mathias' conscience will not let him rest, and the murdered man's spirit drives the innkeeper nearly mad. The victim's brother calls for an inquest and brings with him a sideshow hypnotist, who is supposedly able to read minds. Mathias, as burgomaster, is called upon to conduct the inquest, but under the intuitive eye of the hypnotist cannot resist torment of his own conscience.