Warner Anderson
Nascimento : 1911-03-10, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Morte : 1976-08-26
Ambassador Post
After spending the last two years in Europe as an exchange student, Gidget returns home to California only to discover that things have changed. The letters she had been writing to her beloved "Moondoggie" to try to make him jealous have had the wrong effect. Disillusioned with love, and after hearing a speech on television, she decides to make a real difference in the world by going to New York to become a youth worker at the United Nations. While there she has a proposal of marriage from an extremely wealthy Arabian sheik, but instead she falls for a handsome but older Australian diplomat.
Col. Wagner
Após a guerra civil, ex-oficial sulista, sádico matador de indios, e um bandido mexicano são liberados da prisão em ordem de acompanhar um capitão nortista e seu companheiro um sargento negro, e achar a fonte de um suprimento de armas que pode ocasionar o reinício da guerra.
Lt. Col. Wilson
An American army unit is trapped in a small town during a German counterattack and discovers that a spy in the town is providing the Germans with information about them.
Lt. Ben Guthrie
In San Francisco, a psychopathic gangster and his mentor retrieve heroin packages carried by unsuspecting travelers.
Hamer Thorne
O xerife Calem Ware (Randolph Scott) da cidade de Medicine Bent, está cansado de matar e de fugir das balas de seus inimigos. Para manter a paz na cidade, suas atividades em nome da lei e ordem destruíram sua vida pessoal. Agora, ele espera poder reconciliar-se com sua ex-esposa, Tally Dickinson (Ângela Lansburry), que agora é a estrela de um show musical itinerante. Mas, logo quando Tally chega à cidade, Ware é forçado a enfrentar uma grande quadrilha de bandidos liderada pelos terríveis Thorne (Warner Anderson) e Clark (John Emery). Assim, Ware precisa decidir entre cumprir seu dever e livrar a cidade dos bandidos enfrentando Baskam (Michael Pate), um pistoleiro de aluguel, ou abandonar as armas e se reconciliar com Tally. Desta vez, o xerife terá que enfrentar mais de um duelo...
Dr. Bradley
Um professor consegue emprego em uma escola de um bairro pobre em Nova York. Recebido com hostilidade, ele terá que enfrentar uma rotina dominada por gangues, delinqüentes, estupros e muita violência.
Jim McCloud
A former Union Army officer plans to sell out to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancée, but the low price offered by Anchor's crippled owner and the outfit's bullying tactics make him reconsider. When one of his hands is murdered he decides to stay and fight, utilizing his war experience. Not all is well at Anchor with the owner's wife carrying on with his brother who also has a Mexican woman in town.
Gen. Canby
President Grant orders Indian fighter MacKay to negotiate with the Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon. On the way he must escort Nancy Meek to the home of her aunt and uncle. After Modoc renegade Captain Jack engages in ambush and other atrocities, MacKay must fight him one-on-one with guns, knives and fists.
Capt. Blakely
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial Willie Keith (Robert Francis), um jovem oficial, se incorpora à tripulação do Caine, um navio de menor porte que funciona como caça-minas. O imediato Steve Maryk (Van Johnson) e o tenente Tom Keefer (Fred MacMurray) também fazem parte do staff. Logo depois da chegada de Willie, o capitão DeVriess (Tom Tully) é substituído pelo capitão Philip Francis Queeg (Humphrey Bogart), que logo impõe sua autoridade e sua neurose acerca de limpeza, pois é de seu intento comandar um navio imaculado, onde até uma camisa fora de calça é motivo de séria advertência. Esta neurose faz com que ele se distraia e navegue em círculos, além de cortar seu próprio cabo de reboque. Incidentes adicionais indicam que Queeg está sofrendo de stress. Maryk acha estranho o comportamento do capitão e Keefer insidiosamente planta a semente, dizendo que Queeg está próximo de um colapso nervoso. e 10.
The Church Pastor
When teen-ager June Kinney is arrested, Warner Anderson, the pastor of a local church she once attended, has her released in his charge. She tells the pastor she doesn't come to church because the congregation is too cold and unfriendly. Realizing that she has spoken the truth, the pastor tries to inject new life into the church and brings up the idea of widened community services before the church board. There is opposition, at first because of the cost, but they vote to give the new plan a chance.
Major Ives
When the army insists on building a fort on Indian land, in defiance of a treaty, the warnings of a scout go unheeded.
Jules Bolduc
A charismatic peddler from the bayous finds his true calling in politics. Is he a demagogue in the making?
Robert Emerson
A posse's pursuit of bank robbers ends with loot missing and a sheriff (Broderick Crawford) wounded.
Harry Stone
Uma ex rainha do cinema encontra romance, mas continua a desejar um retorno ao estrelato.
Endicott Sims
Conta a história de um dia na vida de várias pessoas que passam por um esquadrão de detetives da polícia. Um policial amargurado, Det. Jim McLeod (Douglas) lidera uma série de personagens em sua sombria batalha diária com a baixa qualidade da cidade. Os personagens que passam pela delegacia ao longo do dia incluem um jovem trapaceiro, um par de ladrões e um ingênuo ladrão de lojas.
Bill Parker
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
Trooper Rutledge
Only the Valiant, a classic western adventure, based on a novel by Charles Marquis Warren, the film tells the story of a Cavalry officer who volunteers for a suicidal mission to fight the hostile Apaches in an effort to prove his loyalty to his men and the woman he loves.
Dave Baxter
Depois da Guerra Civil, quatro irmãos mudam-se para o oeste em busca de aventura e trabalho. Após tomarem caminhos diferentes, entre boas e más escolhas, seus destinos se cruzam no final.
A behind-the-scenes look at the responsibilities of the cinematographer.
Dr. Charles Cargraves
Tenta retratar uma futura primeira viagem tripulada à Lua, sendo financiada por um consórcio privado. As dificuldades variadas que ocorrem e precisam ser superadas. Uma tentativa de ser o mais realista possível, baseado em um romance de Robert A. Heinlein que também trabalhou como consultor do filme.
Dr. George Esmond
Dr. Michael Corday, a recent graduate of the Harvard Medical School, is the son of Dr. John Corday, an eminent New York City surgeon who has a tendency to continue to direct the lives of his grown children. The daughter, Fabienne, runs away from home, and Michael, after first following his father's advice of being callous to the point of cruelty toward patients, changes when he falls in love with a patient, marries her and sets up his practice on the lower East Side in New York.
Eddie Britt
A lawyer spooks gangsters by faking a framed singer's electrocution.
What goes in to the phrase, "Let's go to the movies"? An off-screen narrator takes us back to the earliest days of film: clips remind us of early stars and blockbusters. He explains how sound came to motion pictures: we see Jolson singing "Mammy" and John Barrymore playing Richard III. Next is a salute to the 30,000 people working in Hollywood at 272 different crafts. A montage shows us some of those jobs. It ends with a look at the physical production of celluloid (cotton and silver) and the many aspects of movie making. The narrator promises more short films about each step in production.
Joseph Mills
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
Capt. Charlie Lopen
Aging ex-con tries to stop his daughter from getting involved with shady characters.
r. George Poward
Após um homem perturbado confessar ter assassinado a esposa e ser internado em uma clínica, uma doutora tenta provar sua inocência.
Dr. Monolaw
Nick, Nora e Nick Jr investigam o assassinato de um líder de banda em Nova York.
Teddy Selkirk
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Capt. William S. Parsons
The research, development, and deployment of the first atomic bomb, as well as the bombing of Hiroshima, are detailed in this docudrama.
Det. Sam Leonard
A neglected wife gets mixed up with an hypnotic charmer and murder.
The O'Monahan
An orphan girl melts the hearts of three crusty old men.
Walter Medcraft
A U.S. Army sergeant is home on leave to reconnect with his girlfriend he hopes to marry. However, in the years he's been away, she's gotten a huge promotion where they used to work together - and has become engaged to another man.
Luther Mason
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
Frank Everett
Tongues begin to wag when a lonely widow becomes romantically involved with a military man. Problems arise when the gossip is filtered down to her own children.
Paul MacMillan
In a fictional European country, a beautiful princess meets a handsome American reporter and falls in love with him. On a trip to New York, she hopes to find him again. While staying at one of the city's finest hotels she meets a kind-hearted bellhop who mistakes her for a maid. She invites him to be her escort, not realizing that he believes he has fallen in love with her. Every nice thing the princess does encourages him to believe that she feels the same way he does.
Norman Royce
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
Robert Campbell
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Miles Kempen
A young couple's accident could make them rich, if they can evade a Nazi spy ring.
Col. J. Carter
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial uma tropa de para-quedistas invade a Birmânia (atual Myanmar) ocupada pelos japoneses, para destruir um importante posto de radar. A missão tem pleno êxito, mas quando tentam retornar a um ponto para serem resgatados se deparam com japoneses esperando por eles. Assim eles precisam fazer uma perigosa caminhada, através da selva ocupada pelo inimigo.
Dan Fallon
California logger Bill Cardigan must save his stand of redwoods from being bought by unscrupulous Dan Fallon, a logging company owner from Michigan.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Capitão Cassidy e sua tripulação recebem a ordem de ir até a Baia de Tokio em uma missão secreta. O objetivo é reunir informações para o bombardeio planejado de Tóquio. Ao longo do caminho, a tripulação aprende uns com os outros como devem enfrentar o inimigo, e alguns deles perdem a vida. Depois de obter as informações que necessitam, eles enfrentam a angustiante tarefa de escapar da baía uma vez que sua presença foi descoberta.
Whip McCord
In this short western, a gang of outlaws plots to gain control of the town of Tulsa.