Peter Whitney

Peter Whitney

Nascimento : 1916-05-24, Long Branch, New Jersey, USA

Morte : 1972-03-30


Peter Whitney


A Morte Não Manda Recado
Traído e abandonado sem água no deserto, Cable Hogue se salva quando encontra uma nascente de água. E a nascente fica exatamente no ponto certo para uma parada de descanso muito necessário para a linha de diligência local, e Hogue usa isso como sua vantagem. Ele constrói uma casa e ganha dinheiro com os passageiros de diligências. Hildy, uma prostituta da cidade mais próxima, vai morar com ele. Hogue tem tudo andando bem até que o advento do automóvel acaba com a era da diligência.
The Great Bank Robbery
Brother Jordan Cass - Tunneling
A motley group of phony church leaders attempts to rob a bank controlled by brothers in 1880's Texas.
No Calor da Noite
Deputy Courtney
Quando um rico empresário que planejava construir uma fábrica na cidade de Sparta, no estado do Mississipi, é encontrado assassinado em uma rua escura, o chefe de polícia Bill Gillespie pede a seus homens que procurem nas cercanias. O guarda Sam encontra o negro Virgil Tibbs na estação, esperando o trem das três da manhã para Memphis e suspeita dele. Ao revistá-lo e ver a carteira de Tibbs com muito dinheiro, Sam resolve levá-lo para a delegacia.
A wild beach boy takes a job on a tuna fishing boat.
The Big Parade of Comedy
(archive footage)
Film clips highlight the funniest scenes and brightest comic stars in MGM's history.
O Mundo Maravilhoso dos Irmãos Grimm
The Giant
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
Fibra de Herói
Amos Agry
No caminho de volta para a sua casa, Tom Buchanan passa pela cidade de Agry, na fronteira entre a Califórnia e o México, e acaba se envolvendo em um conflito entre o mexicano Abe Carbo e a família que domina a região.
Domino Kid
Lafe Prentiss
A rancher vows revenge on the five men responsible for his father's death.
Man from Del Rio
Ed Bannister
Mexican gunfighter Dave Robles outdraws the town's outlaw-turned-sheriff and is invited to fill the dead man's shoes. But a tin star doesn't bring automatic respectability and Robles is shunned by the town's leading citizens. His popularity with its less-savory element, particularly saloonkeeper Bannister, wanes dramatically, too, as he starts to take his job seriously. It is his love for a decent, caring woman that keeps Dave in town, but can she convince him to lay down his gun and start a new life?
The Cruel Tower
'Joss' Jossman
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
Pelo Sangue de Nossos Irmãos
Phil the Cannibal (uncredited)
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Fremont: The Trailblazer
Cass Jerome
Fremont: The Trailblazer was a television pilot episode that never aired.
O Tirano da Fronteira
Sergeant Major Decker
Three trappers become scouts for a cavalry captain who loses his fort to a hated colonel.
Mares Violentos
No começo da Segunda Guerra Mundial o capitão de cargueiro alemão Karl Ehrlich tenta levar seu navio para a Alemanha em meio a um cerco de navios de guerra Aliados. Quando a Segunda Guerra Mundial explodiu, o capitão alemão Karl Ehrlich estava prestes a deixar Sydney, Austrália com seu navio cargueiro, o Ergenstrasse. Ehrlich, um alemão anti-nazista mas orgulhoso, espera conseguir escapar do navio de guerra britânico que o persegue. A bordo de seu navio está Elsa Keller, uma mulher que Ehrlich convidou a retornar à Alemanha com segurança, com qualquer segredo que ela carregue. Quando o feroz oficial nazista Kirchner comete uma atrocidade, a busca britânica torna-se mortal.
Day of Triumph
A film about the last days of Jesus Christ.
Rebelião em Dakota
Durante a Guerra Civil, o presidente Abraham Lincoln envia um emissário com um tratado de paz com os índios Sioux.
Gorilla at Large
At a carnival called the Garden of Evil, a man is murdered, apparently by a gorilla...or someone in a gorilla suit.
Os Corruptos
O policial durão Dave Bannion enfrenta o sindicato do crime politicamente poderoso. Dave Bannion é um policial honesto investigando uma gangue cruel que ele suspeita ter influência sobre a força policial. Bannion é alertado após o suicídio de um colega e o silêncio suspeito de seus colegas policiais o leva a acreditar que eles estão na folha de pagamento dos gângsteres. Quando uma bomba destinada a ele mata sua esposa, Bannion se torna uma furiosa força de vingança e justiça, auxiliado ao longo do caminho pela rejeitada namorada do gângster, Debby. Quando Bannion e Debby caem cada vez mais na armadilha traiçoeira e brutal do mundo do crime, eles devem usar todos os meios necessários (incluindo assassinato) para chegar à verdade. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Hordas Selvagens
Ahab Jones
Durante a Guerra Civil, os sulistas agitadores utilizam equipamento dedicado a estragar a paz de soldados da União com Sioux em Wyoming. Ela oferece ajuda á um negociante de cavalos sem escrúpulos.
The Gangster
Garage mechanic
Based on the novel Low Company. One of the most peculiar film noirs of the 1940s stars Barry Sullivan as a small-time hood who suffers a mental breakdown as his big plans begin to crumble. Beautiful Belita is the slumming society girlfriend who only fuels his paranoia.
Northwest Outpost
Volkoff Overseer
US cavalry officer James Laurence (Nelson Eddy) arrives at one of the Russian colonies to pave the way for the eventual American takeover of the territory. He faces resistance in the form of Prince Nikolai Balinin (Hugo Haas), who has no intention of weakening his despotic hold over the local peasants. The plot thickens when Laurence falls in love with Natalie Alanova (Ilona Massey), the wife of disgraced nobleman Count Igor Savin (Joseph Schildkraut).
Magazine writer Ann Mason infiltrates the United Defenders, a public service organization which is actually a front for racketeers. But a case of amnesia threatens to blow her cover.
The Brute Man
Police Lieutenant Gates
A facially disfigured and mentally unhinged man wreaks his revenge on those he blames for his condition.
Blonde Alibi
Lieutenant Melody Haynes
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Three Strangers
Timothy Delaney aka Gabby
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, three strangers, Crystal Shackleford, married to a wealthy philanderer; Jerome Artbutny, an outwardly respectable judge; and Johnny West, a seedy sneak thief, make a pact before a small statue of the Chinese goddess of Destiny. The threesome agree to purchase a sweepstakes ticket and share whatever winnings might accrue.
Ninho da Serpente
Mert Fleagle / Bert Fleagle
Pete Marshall is sent as a replacement to the mountain district town of Plainville when a public opinion surveyor who went there goes missing. Visiting the hillbilly family of Mamie Fleagle, Pete begins to suspect that she and her two sons have murdered the surveyor. Pete then believes that Mamie is slowly poisoning wealthy Grandma Fleagle, who has put a vital clue to her fortune in a nonsensical embroidered sampler.
Acontece Que Sou Rico
A millionaire joins the Navy hoping to find a girl who'll marry him for himself, not for his money. A beautiful gold-digger who works at a resort hotel sets out to get him.
Hotel Berlin
An assortment of diverse characters gather at the Hotel Berlin in World War II Germany.
Chester Forbish
A popular e bela Fanny Trellis é forçada a um casamento sem amor com um homem mais velho, o banqueiro judeu Job Skeffington, a fim de salvar seu amado irmão Trippy de uma acusação de peculato e as consequentes complicações previsíveis. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Rumo a Tóquio
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Capitão Cassidy e sua tripulação recebem a ordem de ir até a Baia de Tokio em uma missão secreta. O objetivo é reunir informações para o bombardeio planejado de Tóquio. Ao longo do caminho, a tripulação aprende uns com os outros como devem enfrentar o inimigo, e alguns deles perdem a vida. Depois de obter as informações que necessitam, eles enfrentam a angustiante tarefa de escapar da baía uma vez que sua presença foi descoberta.
Baptism of Fire
Pete (uncredited)
Baptism of Fire is a 1943 American documentary, meant to be an Army training film starring Elisha Cook Jr. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
Comboio Para o Leste
Whitey Lara
O tenente Joe Rossi é primeiro oficial num Navio da Liberdade em um grande comboio de Halifax para Murmansk. Depois de submarinos alemães atacarem o comboio seu navio se separa e está indo sozinho para Murmansk. Apesar dos ataques de aviões e submarinos alemães ele luta para levar o navio em segurança para Murmansk.
Whistling in Dixie
Frank V. Bailie
Radio sleuth Wally 'The Fox' Benton travels to Georgia with his fiancé Carol to be married; and to help Carol's college chum, Ellamae Downs, solve a mystery involving a murdered man, old Fort Dixon, and buried treasure.
Uma Aventura em Paris
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
Busses Roar
A sergeant saves the day when Axis agents plant a bomb on a bus bound for California oil fields.
Spy Ship
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
Rio Rita
Doc and Wishey run into some Nazi-agents, who want to smuggle bombs into the USA from a Mexican border hotel.
Valley of the Sun
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
Blues in the Night
Pete Bossett
A struggling band find themselves attached to a fugitive and drawn into a series of old feuds and love affairs, as they try to stay together and find musical success.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
Roy Slocum
A reporter is constantly in trouble for jumping to conclusions.
A Voz da Liberdade
A World War II Hollywood propaganda film detailing the dark underside of Nazism and the Third Reich set between two brothers, Kurt and Erik Franken, whom are SS officers in the Nazi party. Kurt learns and exposes the evils of the system to Erik and tries to convince him of the immoral stance that marches under the symbol of the swastika.