Len Shilton

Nascimento : 1910-04-30, England, UK

Morte : 1985-06-01


The Honey Pot
Sound Recordist
A millionaire fakes a terminal illness to fleece his former girlfriends.
French Dressing
Sound Recordist
Jim é um arrumador de cadeiras de praia na entediante cidade fictícia de Gormleigh-on-Sea. Ele convence o prefeito a organizar um festival de cinema e convida Françoise Fayol, uma estrela de cinema francesa, para atrair turistas para a cidade.
Verdade Oculta
Sound Recordist
O primeiro segredo é o que não dizemos às pessoas, o segundo segredo é o que não nos dizemos, e o terceiro segredo é a verdade. Um proeminente psicólogo londrino parece ter tirado a própria vida, causando uma grande descrença entre seus colegas e pacientes. Sua filha adolescente se recusa a acreditar que foi suicídio, pois isso iria contra todos os princípios que seu pai defendia, portanto ela está convencida de que foi assassinato. Ela pede a ajuda de um ex-paciente para tentar chegar à verdade. A verdade, no entanto, revela-se surpreendente e perturbadora. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Mentira Infamante
Sound Mixer
A schoolteacher plagued by alcoholism and his refusal to serve in World War II, Graham Weir inspires contempt in almost everyone around him, including his bitter wife, Anna. When the lovely young Shirley Taylor, one of Weir's students, falls for her unfortunate instructor, he is tempted and flattered but turns down her advances. Taylor's subsequent actions make Weir's life even more complicated.
Sound Recordist
Humbert é um professor europeu que muda para os Estados Unidos e aluga um quarto da viúva Charlotte, com quem acaba de casando. Porém, se apaixona pela filha sedutora de sua esposa, Lolita, de 12 anos, na esperança de tê-la só para si.
A Filha de Satã
Sound Recordist
Cético professor universitário é contrariado pela crença de sua esposa na feitiçaria, prática que conheceu em uma viagem à Jamaica. Ele tenta convencê-la a abrir mão disto, mas a mulher está cada vez mais obcecada em rodeá-lo de amuletos e outros aparatos de magia para que tenha sucesso profissional.
Operation Snatch
Sound Recordist
Legend has it that if the famous Barbary Apes leave the Rock of Gibraltar, it's a sign that the British will lose control of it. During World War II, a British officer is put in charge of the apes. When he detects that the animals' morale is slipping, he hatches a plan to go behind the German lines to "kidnap" a new ape for his charges to lift their spirits before the Germans find out about their condition and use it as propaganda.
Petticoat Pirates
Sound Recordist
Undistinguished British farce (in Technicolor and CinemaScope). Stoker Charlie (the diminutive Drake) helps 150 Wrens under Superintendent Maxine Audley, who've hijacked a frigate, HMS 'Huntress', to prove they're the equal of their male counterparts. Hardly a feminist masterpiece, but fans will relish the nightmare court-martial in which Drake plays all the parts
Grito de Pavor
Sound Recordist
A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.
Hand in Hand
Sound Recordist
Seven-year-olds Michael and Rachel are best friends who do everything together and who have vowed to remain friends "forever and ever and can't be parted for never and never". Unfortunately, the society that Michael and Rachel live in is one of religious intolerance. The fact that Michael is Irish Catholic and Rachel is Jewish is a point of conflict for just about everyone in the community.
School for Scoundrels
Sound Recordist
Hapless Henry Palfrey is patronised by his self-important chief clerk at work, ignored by restaurant waiters, conned by shady second-hand car salesmen, and, worst of all, endlessly wrong-footed by unspeakably rotten cad Raymond Delauney who has set his cap at April, new love of Palfrey's life. In desperation Henry enrolls at the College of Lifemanship to learn how to best such bounders and win the girl.
Operation Bullshine
Sound Recordist
During World War II, a Royal Artillery officer is assigned to an anti-aircraft battery that is filled with female soldiers of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. His wife who has enlisted is mistakenly posted to the battery in violation of regulations of husbands and wives serving together in the same formation. She becomes jealous of what she perceives as him paying too much attention to the other Auxiliary Territorial Service women.
Algemas Quebradas
Sound Recordist
A World War II evacuee (Van Johnson) returns years later to England and finds his father in prison framed for murder.
No Trees in the Street
Sound Recordist
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
She Didn't Say No!
Sound Recordist
Bridget Monaghan, a single mother who has had six children by different fathers, shocks the conservative inhabitants of an Irish village.
The Moonraker
Sound Recordist
After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish, who as the Moonraker has already spirited away many Royalists. Dawlish travels to the Windwhistle Inn on the south coast to prepare the escape, where he meets Anne Wyndham, the fiancée of a top Roundhead colonel.
Intent to Kill
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
Sound Recordist
Philip (Cary Grant), um americano rico, e uma famosa atriz, Anne (Ingrid Bergman), se encontram de maneira inusitada. Anne insiste em conquistá-lo, como faz com todos os homens. Embora Philip resista, acaba fisgado, e ela também não consegue resistir ao charme eletrizante do galã. Quando Cary Grant e Ingrid Bergman se reuniram novamente em Indiscreta - mais de uma década depois de Interlúdio, de Hitchcock - um grande sucesso já era previsto. Essa dupla de astros mais o grande diretor Stanley Donen (Charada) transformam um simples romance, num clássico de alto nível. "Um filme inteligente, agradável, um belo conto sobre a acidentada estrada do amor" (Variety).
Sob o Sol da África
Sound Recordist
Durante a WW2 na África do Norte, uma Unidade de Campo Médica deve atravessar o deserto em sua ambulância a fim de alcançar as linhas britânicas em Alexandria. Um grupo de militares e enfermeiras tentam uma perigosa e árdua viagem através dos desertos do Norte de África durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O líder da equipe sonha com uma cerveja gelada quando chegar em Alexandria, mas os problemas simplesmente não desaparecem.
Wonderful Things!
Sound Recordist
Set in a beautiful fishing village in Gibraltar, Wonderful Things! stars Frankie Vaughan as Carmello, a young fisherman who, unable to earn enough from fishing to marry his tempestuous fiancée, decides to come to England to seek his fortune and finds fortunes are not quite so easy to come by.
Small Hotel
Sound Recordist
The dining room of the Jolly Fiddler has long been presided over by Albert, an aged but very shrewd waiter. A past master of the gentle art of fiddling, he extracts the maximum profit from his job while managing to endear himself to both the customers and staff. Then, there's a visit from Mr Finch, who feels it's time Albert was replaced.
No Time for Tears
Sound Recordist
No Time for Tears is a moving, sympathetic portrayal of the challenges faced by all those who enter this most demanding yet rewarding of professions – from routine operations to more serious conditions, from anxious, sometimes hostile parents to workplace romance. The lives of the staff and patients of Mayfield Children's Hospital are inextricably woven together with the laughter, tears and devotion that lie behind the work of restoring children to health and happiness.
The Rising of the Moon
Sound Mixer
Three vignettes of old Irish country life, based on a series of short stories. In "The Majesty of the Law," a police officer must arrest a very old-fashioned, traditional fellow for assault. The man's principles have the policeman and the whole village, including the man he slugged, sympathizing with him. "One Minute's Wait" is about an little train station and glimpses into the lives of the passengers, with a series of comic setups. The third piece is called "1921" and is about a condemned Irish nationalist and his daring escape. Tyrone Power introduces each story.
These Dangerous Years
Sound Recordist
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Let's Be Happy
Sound Recordist
On receiving an inheritance from her grandfather, Canadian Jeannie MacLean decides to visit the family's Scottish roots. On the plane she meets businessman Stanley Smith, and romance blossoms in Edinburgh. The complications begin when Stanley breaks a date with Jeannie to woo voluptuous redhead Helene, and Jeannie is flattered by the attentions of the impoverished Lord McNairn; he's heard about her good fortune, and gallantly offers to show her the city.
Perseguição Sem Tréguas
Sound Recordist
Spurred on by the death of his drug-addicted sister at the hands of ruthless narcotics kingpin Frank McNally, U.S. drug enforcement agent Charles Sturgis embarks on an investigation that takes him from New York to London, Lisbon, Rome, Naples and finally Athens in pursuit of McNally's shapely associate, Gina Broger.
Moby Dick
Consumido por uma raiva completamente insana, Capitão Ahab (Gregory Peck) tem apenas um objetivo na vida: Vingar-se de Moby Dick, a grande baleia branca que o feriu e desfigurou. O obcecado capitão de um baleeiro usa seu poder de comando como uma desculpa para navegar pelos Sete Mares em uma busca sem fim pelo seu objeto de ódio. Lutando contra uma tripulação amotinada, o calor tropical e tormentas violentas, Ahab finalmente encontra com sua inimiga e começa um confronto que irá culminar em uma luta épica de uma fúria sem fim…
Meu Amor, Minha Ruína
Sound Recordist
Locked in her cell, a murderer reflects on the events that have led her to death row.
O Príncipe Negro
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
The Laughing Lady
Sound Recordist
A musical set during the French Revolution.
Meet the Navy
Sound Recordist
During World War II, the Canadian Navy gathered a troupe of diverse performers (dancers, comedians, singers, musicians) from its ranks and sent them off to entertain their shipmates, and the show/revue ultimately played London's Hioopodrome. The acceptance was based more on wartime-London's appreciation of the gallantry of Britain's sons and daughters from over the seas than it was on the artistic value of the show or the talent of the performers. The film is a fictional/fact mixture of the adventures of the troupe members, and the ending, only part filmed in Technicolor, is primarily the Revue as seen at the Hippodrome.
The World Owes Me a Living
Sound Recordist
When a British pilot is hospitalized after a plane crash, the woman he loves sits by his bedside and remembers, in flashbacks, key episodes from their life together.
Medal for the General
Sound Recordist
A retired general helps out by sheltering some evacuees during WWII.
The Shipbuilders
Sound Recordist
A patriotic, cinematic salvo, this wartime production tells the story of the owner of a shipbuilding company doing his best to contribute to the British fleet. War is good for business, but what will happen once the war is won? It was based on a novel by George Blake.
The Dummy Talks
Sound Recordist
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...