Cardiologista aposentado, Doutor S agora se sente perdido sem o seu trabalho. Ao voltar para sua aldeia natal, ele decide trabalhar como clínico geral para ajudar o povo. Mas de maneira inesperada ele é confrontado com a dura realidade de um vilarejo dominado por políticos despreocupados e falta de atendimento básico.
Depicts the slow decline of three individuals as they are sucked into a world of sinful existence. It is the story of a wild and voracious love triangle.
It is Dr. Borlai's job to tell the patients that they just have a few days left. But one day his colleauge tells him this story. So the sample husband the best father and doctor comes up with a devilish plan. To ruin every relationship that he is in so the loved ones will let him go easily. And when he achieves this he is still alive but he should be in the cemetery long ago.
Áron's Mother
Szabolcs joga futebol em um time alemão junto com Bernand, seu companheiro de quarto e amigo inseparável. Após perder uma partida e ter uma discussão feia, Szabolcs volta para a Hungria na busca de simplicidade. Porém, ele não fica muito tempo sozinho, logo ele conhece Áron e eles desenvolvem uma atração mútua. De repente, Szabolcs recebe uma ligação de Bernand, dizendo que ele acabou de chegar na Hungria.
Uma jovem escritora, lutando pelo seu sucesso, contrata uma mulher idosa chamada Emerenc para ser sua empregada. Apenas um drama na vida da escritora faz com que Emerenc revele o seu passado traumático -- um passado que lança luz sobre o seu comportamento peculiar.
Sister Hortenzia
O Dr. Brenner, viciado em drogas, chega a um asilo para um novo trabalho. Estamos nos primórdios da era da lobotomia. O Dr. Brenner não se encontra muito bem e pouco depois descobre que uma das suas doentes, a completamente disfuncional Gizella, é uma escritora muito talentosa. Mas Gizella negou a escrita, porque a torna ainda mais louca. O médico viciado e a escritora louca vão iniciar uma espécie de relação amorosa, tornando-se dependentes um do outro.
The slow decay of a marriage sets the stage for this drama, which is leavened with understated humor. In 1988, Jozsi (Gergely Kocsis) is a Hungarian laborer who decides to marry Elizaveta (Eniko Borcsok), a woman of Hungarian descent living in the Ukraine. 1996 finds Joszi and Elizaveta the parents of a young girl, but otherwise their marriage is a shambles; Jozsi has become an alcoholic and Elizaveta has decided she needs to strike out on her own for the sake of her child. Shot on digital video as a project for Hungarian television, Paszport was directed by Peter Gothar, who previously made the international success Megall Az Ido.
This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the road, called The Glass Tiger. Gaben pinches cars; Fox is a petty swindler; Sanyi a half-wit homeless; Coco can't shut up about getting some dough and going to America; Slimmy keeps playing the saxophone, despite the others' frayed nerves. Gaben talks Lali into buying an old Chevrolet Impala, the real American dream. After the long escapade of getting the car, Lali doesn't even get the chance to try the Chevvy out, because a truck completely demolishes it. Fox in the meantime is looking excitedly for the "Wreck", what he has been trying to sell for big money. But Lali has sold what he thought to be scrap, not good for anything. Fox is threatened by some tough guys to bring it back or pay up. He has to get money at all costs...
Esta história se passa em uma pequena cidade na planície húngara. Em uma cidade provincial, que é cercada com nada mais do que gelo. É tempo muito frio - sem neve. Mesmo neste confuso frio centenas de pessoas estão em pé ao redor da tenda de circo, que é colocar-se na praça principal, para ver - como o resultado de sua espera - a principal atração, a carcaça empalhada de uma baleia verdadeira. As pessoas estão vindo de todos os lugares. A partir dos assentamentos vizinhos, mesmo de muito longe as partes do país. Eles estão seguindo esse monstro desajeitado como um mudo, sem rosto, pano vestindo multidão. Este estranho estado de coisas - o surgimento dos estrangeiros, a geada extremo - perturba a ordem da pequena cidade. Ambiciosos personagens da história acham que podem tirar proveito desta situação. A tensão crescente com o insuportável é trazido a explosão, a figura do príncipe, que está fingindo ausência de face.
Waiters’ competition at Heroes’ Square in the late thirties. Dressed as waiters, Kapa and Pepe awake in the bronze chariot of the millennial sculpture group. They drive along the Danube promenade, and on the concrete reinforcement of the demolished Budapest rondella hotel they get involved in a showdown of political background. In the burnt-down Sports Hall the waiters train for a last supper, Pepe and Kapa run around the big laid table with trays in their hands. While doing so, Pepe keeps crying out: "I am the best one, I am the most beautiful one, I am the king, I am the god..." Sitting in a boat on the Danube, a ship goes past them, and the Niagara falls, majestic and breathtaking, resound in their ears. On each passing away something new will come to life – as rapped by Sub Bass Monster.
This drama follows the dilemma of a young, unwillingly pregnant wife who gives her child up for adoption by a businesswoman. Anna doesn't need another mouth to feed. She can barely afford to care for the two she already has so when she discovers that she is six weeks pregnant she readily accepts the cash offer from Terez, her tough boss at the store where she works. If she will isolate herself throughout the pregnancy, secretly bear the child and immediately allow Terez to sign for it, Anna will receive $50,000. Most of the story then focuses upon Anna's emotional processes as she evaluates her choice. Included are dream segments and shots an unborn baby in the womb.
The story of a love-triangle is recounted through Anitas memories and jagged monologue. Anita is tremendously naive and in love, Laci is a petty small-town gangster with great powers of persuasion and the secret lover of Szilvi. The three of them leave for Vienna, where Laci sells off the two girls to a peep-show for some small money.
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
The film is a modernised version of the Chekhov drama, put in Budapest, Hungary, in a Soviet barracks between 1987 and 1991.