David Puttnam

Nascimento : 1941-02-25, London, England, UK


Ennio, o Maestro
A portrait of Ennio Morricone, the most popular and prolific film composer of the 20th century, the one most loved by the international public, a two-time Oscar winner and the author of over five hundred unforgettable scores.
Who Killed British Cinema?
A feature length documentary about the real state of the British film industry in relation to UK structures past, present and currently for the future. This film exposes the shocking truths about the UK Governments' will to grow an indigenous British film industry, the legacy and testament of the now closed UK Film Council (UKFC), the current British Film Institute and the new Creative England.
My Generation
Self (voice)
The vivid and inspiring story of British film icon Michael Caine's personal journey through 1960s swinging London.
The Genius of George Boole
Narrated by Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons, The Genius of George Boole assembles academics and industry leaders from across the globe to explore the life and importance of one of the world’s greatest unsung heroes.
Billy Fury: The Sound of Fury
Billy Fury became an overnight sensation in the 1950`s and The Sound of Fury album, a landmark in British Rock & Roll history. This the story of Billy Fury and how his Sound of Fury album is now seen by many as the high water-mark of British Rock and Roll. Shot entirely in HD with unique and unseen archive and photos, this music documentary highlights Fury`s contribution to popular music and the reason why Britain`s original teen idol had more Top 40 hits than the Beatles during the 1960`s. Featuring exclusive home movie footage and interviews with Lord Puttnam, Amanda Barrie, Imelda May, Vince Eager, Len Goodman, Clem Cattini, Boz Boorer, Spencer Leigh, Billy`s mum, Jean Wycherley and many more; this is a must-see for Billy Fury and music lovers alike.
Richard Attenborough: A Life in Film
The life story of the film director, movie star and industry figure who furthered the cause of cinema: Lord Richard Attenborough.
Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds
Self (archive footage)
Directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Reynolds talk about the film The Duellists. Reynolds interviews Scott while watching the movie, and they examine some of the key visual shots that Scott created and that eventually got him recognized as one of the best visual directors of our time.
Fame, Fashion and Photography: The Real Blow Up
Tells the story of the photographers who cemented the image of swinging London and who, through their pictures, irreversibly altered the face of fashion and pop.
Enya: A Life in Music
The perfect oxymoron: Enya is as famous as she is withdrawn. There is no other musician in the world who has reached the heights that the Irish singer has reached without ever selling a concert – never. As Ireland’s biggest ever solo artist with over 75 million albums sold, Enya is definitely a mystery.
Tempo da Inocência
O retrato de uma família sob o ponto de vista de uma criança travessa. Baseado no livro de memórias de infância de Sir Denis Forman, Son of Adam, Fraser Pettigrew (Robert Norman), um menino de 10 anos, vive com a mãe (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), o pai (Colin Firth) e os irmãos em um casarão dos campos da Escócia. A excêntrica família é tomada por mistérios e intrigas sexuais que envolvem os adultos a sua volta. Quando completa 10 anos, ele amadurece ao descobrir as fraquezas do pai e se apaixonar pela noiva francesa (Irène Jacob) de seu tio (Malcolm McDowell).
The Peculiar Memories of Bruce Robinson
A journey through the career of the British writer/director best known for his film "Withnail & I" (1987). Robinson reveals how he writes, reads from his screenplays, and revisits the town of his birth where his first novel "The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman" is set. Interviews include Andy Garcia, Richard E. Grant, Ken Russell and David Puttnam.
Ennio Morricone
From his quirky compositions for the spaghetti Westerns of Sergio Leone to his sublime musical contributions to director Roland Joffé's acclaimed 1986 drama The Mission, film composer Ennio Morricone has crafted more than 500 scores over the course of his enduring career in film. Now fans can take a look back at the life and career of one of cinema's most prolific composers through interviews with both the composer himself and many of his longtime collaborators. From his Italian efforts to his work in America, this documentary covers every aspect of Morricone's career as few have, offering insight into his childhood, his longtime association with Leone, and his ultimate disenchantment with the American studio system.
Amazônia em Chamas
Executive Producer
Um homem enfrenta um milionário, que tem a intenção de vender uma terra que pertencente a floresta tropical brasileira.
Segredos da Vida
Cinco personagens, todos chamados Hector, atravessam a história buscando seu lugar no mundo. Seja no tempo das Cavernas, no Império Romano ou na moderna Nova York, a vontade é a mesma: viver o sentimento de pertencer a algum lugar buscando relacionamentos que deem sentido à vida.
Comedy about two Australian garbage collectors starring Los Trios Ringbarkus.
Pontecorvo: The Dictatorship of Truth
Meeting Venus
Celebrated Swedish opera star Karin Anderson is slated to appear in an internationally-telecast production of Tannhauser. Ms. Anderson balks at the notion of working with obscure Hungarian conductor Zoltan Szanto. The much-anticipated production may never get off the ground, thanks to labor-management difficulties, intramural jealousies, and clashing egos. Amidst all this chaos, the mismatched Anderson and Szanto fall in love.
Sem Aviso: A História de James Brady
Executive Producer
Início da década de 80. James Brady, secretário de imprensa da casa branca, é gravemente ferido durante um atentado contra o presidente Reagan. Com muita determinação e a ajuda da mulher, ele, agora paralítico, tenta se adaptar a nova vida.
The Josephine Baker Story
Executive Producer
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
Memphis Belle - A Fortaleza Voadora
Um grupo de jovens tripulantes da segunda guerra mundial, liderados por Matthew Modine e Eric Stoltz, saiu ileso de 24 perigosas missões num avião B-17, também conhecido como "Memphis Belle". Mas ainda falta uma última e quase suicida missão para eles voltarem como verdadeiros heróis: Bombardear Dresden, uma cidade fortemente defendida que invariavelmente causa muitas baixas, na Alemanha de Hitler, em plena luz do dia. É este emocionante episódio verídico que inspirou David Puttnam e Catherine Wyler a realizarem este filme, mostrando as dúvidas, incertezas e determinação de jovens que resolveram desafiar o perigo dos céus.
Um Homem Perigoso
Em 1919, o grande militar inglês T. E. Lawrence tenta ajudar o rei da Síria na Conferência de Paz de Paris.
An interview for Scottish television of film director Bill Forsyth
A Missão
No final do século XVIII Mendoza (Robert De Niro), um mercador de escravos, fica com crise de consciência por ter matado Felipe (Aidan Quinn), seu irmão, num duelo, pois Felipe se envolveu com Carlotta (Cherie Lunghi). Ela havia se apaixonado por Felipe e Mendoza não aceitou isto, pois ela tinha um relacionamento com ele. Para tentar se penitenciar Mendoza se torna um padre e se une a Gabriel (Jeremy Irons), um jesuíta bem intencionado que luta para defender os índios, mas se depara com interesses econômicos.
As Defesas do Império
Executive Producer
A reporter named Mullen 'stumbles' onto a story linking a prominent Member of Parliament to a KGB agent and a near-nuclear disaster involving a teenage runaway and a U.S. Air Force base. Has there been a Government cover-up? Mullen teams up with Vernon Bayliss, an old hack, and Nina Beckam, the MP's assistant, to find out the truth.
The Frog Prince
Executive Producer
A young British girl journeys to Paris to go to college, and is determined to find the man of her dreams and fall madly in love. However, things don't work out quite the way she planned.
Winter Flight
Executive Producer
As the Falklands War looms, an RAF recruit falls for a young barmaid, but their romance is quickly complicated with some surprising news.
Os Gritos do Silêncio
Os Gritos do Silêncio conta a história real de uma amizade entre dois jornalistas, um americano e um cambojano, durante a sangrenta tomada do Camboja em 1975 pelo Khmer Vermelho, que levou à morte de 2 a 3 milhões de cambojanos durante os próximos quatro anos, até regime que Pol Pot foi derrubado pelos intervenientes vietnamitas em 1979.
Arthur's Hallowed Ground
Executive Producer
Arthur is the groundsman. He's a perfectionist who has lovingly tended the cricket pitch for 45 years. Now he is given a new assistant.
Cal - Memórias de um Terrorista
Cal (John Lynch) é um jovem membro do IRA que vive um romance com Marcella (Helen Mirren), uma mulher católica que teve seu marido, um policial protestante, morto pela organização terrorista um ano antes de se conhecerem.
Those Glory Glory Days
Executive Producer
Girls growing up in 1960-61 London develop a passion for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, the first British team in the 20th century to win the English league and FA Cup "double". Twenty years later, one of the girls tracks down players of the '60-'61 Spurs for a documentary.
Red Monarch
Executive Producer
British comedy satirising Stalin's inner circle as an absolute monarchs court. In the face of rampant abuse of power and poisonous distrust some still manage to keep faith with the Bolshevist creed until the very end. In front of the firing squad a stalwart bolshevist of the first hour exclaims: "Even in the best democracy errors are being made!"
Executive Producer
An enjoyable story of a 13-year-old girl, Louise, who lives alone with her widowed mother. Louise is sent off to a boarding school, but not before she discovers some secret documents kept hidden by her father. A curious look reveals that her father was a member of the secret order of Freemasons. When she finally gets to school, she tries to explain to her friends what the Freemasons are. Later, Louise's mother discovers a box of condoms in her daughter's room and wrongly presumes that the girl is sexually active.
The South Bank Show: 'Local Hero'
A documentary about the making of Bill Forsyth's 1983 film "Local Hero."
Momento Inesquecível
Uma companhia petrolífera americana envia um homem para a Escócia para comprar uma vila inteira onde eles querem construir uma refinaria. Mas as coisas não correm como o esperado.
Forever Young
A lonely young boy idolizes his local priest. An old acquaintance of the priest shows up one day, and the boy learns that his idol isn't exactly what he seems to be--it turns out that many years before, the priest had betrayed his friend, and now his friend has come back for revenge.
P'tang, Yang, Kipperbang
Summer, 1948. 14-year-old Alan has just three wishes: that there will be lasting peace, that England will win the Ashes, and that he will finally kiss classmate Ann. So when he's cast opposite her in a play that requires a kiss and England seem to be doing well in cricket, life couldn't be better.
Carruagens de Fogo
Na Inglaterra dos anos 1920, dois rapazes treinam para disputar as provas de atletismo das Olimpíadas de 1924. Harold é um estudante judeu e Eric filho de um missionário escocês e ambos lutam por razões diferentes pelo título de homem mais veloz do mundo. Oscar de melhor filme, roteiro, música e figurino.
O filme aborda os problemas de quatro adolescentes, Jeanie (Jodie Foster), Annie (Cherie Currie), Madge (Marilyn Kagan) e Deirdre (Kandice Stroh), que dividem um apartamento em San Fernando Valley, no início dos anos 80.
O Expresso da Meia-Noite
Billy Hayes (Brad Davis), um estudante americano, ao visitar a Turquia decide traficar alguns pacotes de haxixe, prendendo-os debaixo de suas roupas. Seu plano acaba não dando certo e ele é preso, com sua vida se transformando em um pesadelo a partir de então, pois é brutalmente espancado e jogado em uma imunda prisão. Quando espera ser libertado é levado a um novo julgamento com efeito retroativo, que o condena a uma longa pena.
Os Duelistas
Keith Carradine e Harvey Keitel estrelam este filme dirigido por Ridley Scott (Gladiador), sobre dois oficiais do exército de Napoleão, que se enfrentam violentamente numa série de duelos. Os duelos começam por causa de um incidente insignificante e se tornaram ferozmente compulsivos, passando a reger a vida dos dois homens, durante 15 anos. Baseado na história de Joseph Conrad, Os Duelistas explora os temas de obsessão, honra e violência. Este filme visualmente deslumbrante desenrola uma trama instigante até seu inesperado final. Foi premiado com Melhor Filme de Estréia em 1977, no Festival de Cannes.
Quando as Metralhadoras Cospem
Executive Producer
Sátira aos filmes de gângsteres. Conta a história da ascensão de Bugsy Malone (Scott Baio) e sua companheira Tallulah (Jodie Foster), em meio à luta pelo poder entre Fat Sam (John Cassisi) e Dandy Dan (Martin Lev). As brigas são resolvidas com 'Torta na Cara' e as metralhadoras cospem Chantilly.
Roger Daltrey of The Who stars as 19th century genius pianist Franz Liszt in this brash, loud and free-wheeling rock 'n' roll fantasia centered around an imagined rivalry between Liszt and composer Richard Wagner-- painted here as a vampiric harbinger of doom and destruction.
James Dean: The First American Teenager
Stacy Keach narrates this documentary that chronicles the abbreviated life and career of iconic brooding bad boy James Dean, from his obscure early days working in television to his rise to stardom in films such as Rebel Without a Cause. Clips from Dean's movies are intermingled with candid interviews with the star's friends and Hollywood colleagues, including Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dennis Hopper.
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Jim MacLaine is now enjoying the nomadic 'gigs and groupies' life on tour with his band. When he achieves all his wildest dreams of international stardom, the sweet taste of success begins to turn sour.
Swastika is a feature length documentary about the way in which the Nazi regime infiltrated the lives of the German population, during 1933-45.
Mahler, Uma Paixão Violenta
Executive Producer
Famed composer Gustav Mahler reflects on the tragedies of his life and failing marriage while traveling by train.
The Final Programme
Executive Producer
After the death of his Nobel Prize-winning father, billionaire physicist Jerry Cornelius becomes embroiled in the search for the mysterious "Final Programme", developed by his father. The programme, a design for a perfect, self-replicating human being, is contained on microfilm. A group of scientists, led by the formidable Miss Brunner (who consumes her lovers), has sought Cornelius's help in obtaining it. After a chase across a war-torn Europe on the verge of anarchy, Brunner and Cornelius obtain the microfilm from Jerry's loathsome brother Frank. They proceed to an abandoned underground Nazi fortress in the Arctic to run the programme, with Jerry and Miss Brunner as the subjects.
That'll Be The Day
Britain, 1958. Restless at school and bored with his life, Jim leaves home to take a series of low-level jobs at a seaside amusement park, where he discovers a world of cheap sex and petty crime. But when that world comes to a shockingly brutal end, Jim returns home. As the local music scene explodes, Jim must decide between a life of adult responsibility or a new phenomenon called rock & roll.
A Lenda da Flauta Mágica
1934, quando a Morte Preta atinge o norte da Alemanha. Um boticário local, judeu, procura um tratamento para a praga e os sacerdotes o acusam de bruxaria. E um flautista mágico ajuda uma aldeia a se livrar da peste de ratos.
Glastonbury Fayre
In the Summer of 1971 the Glastonbury legend was born when the organisers decided to try and create a festival that would be a forerunner for an 'alternative and utopian society'. The festival encompassed Midsummer's Day, and in true medieval tradition, the area of Worthy Farm, Pilton was given over to music, dance, poetry, theatre, spontaneous entertainment and nudity.
Melody: Quando Brota o Amor
Two youngsters declare to their parents that they want to get married. Not sometime in the future but as soon as possible.