Kim Fupz Aakeson

Kim Fupz Aakeson

Nascimento : 1958-09-12,


Kim Fupz Aakeson
Kim Fupz Aakeson


A man takes his daughter on the Camino de Santiago to honor his late wife's last wish.
Lykkelige omstændigheder
When Karoline has an unwanted pregnancy, she makes a plan to give the baby to her childless sister – for a large amount of money in return.
Vingança a Sangue Frio
Original Film Writer
Nels é um tranquilo homem de família que trabalha como motorista de um removedor de neve e vê seu mundo virado de cabeça para baixo quando seu filho é morto por um poderoso traficante de drogas. Impulsionado pelo desejo de vingança e sem nada para perder, ele faz tudo o que for preciso para destruir o cartel.
Tornando-se Astrid
Ela adquire a habilidade de realizar uma introspecção na alma das crianças. Isso a convence de romper com as expectativas religiosas e sociais da época, quebrar as regras e se transformar em uma contadora de histórias, uma das mulheres mais inovadoras do nosso tempo que seguiu seu coração.
Vitello is brimming with energy and has good friends in Max and Hasse, but misses having a father in his life, so he decides to go off in search of one, only to find he isn't the person Vitello was quite expecting.
Eu Sou William
William's father is dead and his mother is mentally ill, so he lives with his uncle Nils. Nils is on early retirement, making money by buying things cheap and selling them high. He has also accumulated a large debt and city's gangsters are on him, demanding that he pays it full. William sets out to pay off the debt of his uncle - and perhaps his courage might impress Viola too, a girl from his class.
Eu Sou William
William's father is dead and his mother is mentally ill, so he lives with his uncle Nils. Nils is on early retirement, making money by buying things cheap and selling them high. He has also accumulated a large debt and city's gangsters are on him, demanding that he pays it full. William sets out to pay off the debt of his uncle - and perhaps his courage might impress Viola too, a girl from his class.
The moving love story of a dancer on the rollercoaster ride of her life, a drama about the rise and fall of a modern woman as she summons the courage to face her greatest trial.
The moving love story of a dancer on the rollercoaster ride of her life, a drama about the rise and fall of a modern woman as she summons the courage to face her greatest trial.
Vitello Digs a Hole
Can you catch a friend in a trap? Vitello is bored, he has no one to play with. His mother tells him to go outside and look for a new friend. He meets the Brat, who comes up with the idea to dig a hole in the cycle path in order to catch a new friend for Vitello. The two boys are digging and struggleing when something unexpected happens.
Johannes lives together with his father, the middle-aged widower Ulrik in a small fishing town in the northern part of Denmark. They live a quiet routine life, each minding their separate jobs in the fishing industry. Ulrik misses the love and tenderness of a woman and arranges for the young, beautiful, Filipino Rosita to come to Denmark - just as many other men in the town have done before him. Johannes is reluctantly drawn into this as Ulrik's translator. However, over the following weeks Johannes and Rosita are getting more and more attracted to each other which forces Johannes to take responsibility for his dreams and his future.
Someone You Love
Someone You Love is a story about world famous singer-songwriter Thomas Jacob who lives in Los Angeles. He is a successful man with a lot of burned bridges. After years abroad Thomas travels back to Denmark to record a new album. There his estranged daughter Julie suddenly turns up with his 11-year-old grandson, Noa. Soon, Thomas is forced to take care of the boy. Against all odds the two of them slowly begin to connect through music. But disaster strikes, forcing Thomas to realize he has to make a choice that will change his life forever.
O Cidadão do Ano
Nils vive em Beitostølen, é casado com Gudrun e tem um filho chamado Ingvar, que acaba de começar a estudar em Oslo. Ele é um homem feliz aos 45 anos de idade, e trabalha como motorista de arado, responsável ​​por manter a estrada do condado sobre Valdresflya livre de neve. Ele foi recentemente escolhido como Cidadão do Ano da cidade e está ansioso para a aposentadoria e para ter netos, o que seria uma vida totalmente despreocupada. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema dizendo que seu filho morrera de overdose. O luto pela perda de Ingvar se transforma em escuridão e vingança, e de repente Nils se coloca no meio de uma guerra contra as drogas. O paraíso bonito e calmo do inverno de Beitostølen é transformado em uma zona de guerra de fogo.
O Cidadão do Ano
Nils vive em Beitostølen, é casado com Gudrun e tem um filho chamado Ingvar, que acaba de começar a estudar em Oslo. Ele é um homem feliz aos 45 anos de idade, e trabalha como motorista de arado, responsável ​​por manter a estrada do condado sobre Valdresflya livre de neve. Ele foi recentemente escolhido como Cidadão do Ano da cidade e está ansioso para a aposentadoria e para ter netos, o que seria uma vida totalmente despreocupada. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema dizendo que seu filho morrera de overdose. O luto pela perda de Ingvar se transforma em escuridão e vingança, e de repente Nils se coloca no meio de uma guerra contra as drogas. O paraíso bonito e calmo do inverno de Beitostølen é transformado em uma zona de guerra de fogo.
The story starts approx. 2000 years after the human race has destroyed itself in a mixture of ecological disaster and war hell. Contrary to all current odds, it's the sheep who have taken over planet Earth as the dominant race (all of it grew out of the man made cloning experiments with sheep). In order not to repeat mankind's mistakes, the major virtues are now ecology and peace. Unity and uniformity is now the fundamental cornerstone of culture: If we just stick together, we can handle everything and everyone. This is where we meet our hero "Woolfert", a loser among loser wolves, simple minded and lonely, living on an old human dump. Woolfert simply wants a more simple and natural world, though he isn't quite sure what that is.
Niels e Maria, junto a seu filho Markus, se mudam para uma pequena cidade na Noruega para recuperar o casamento e a relação familiar. Mas uma tragédia pode dar forças para eles se manterem unidos e buscar a redenção.
A Caretaker's Tale
A custodian in a housing project discovers that a naked, mute woman he found in one of his apartments has miraculous healing powers.
Sentidos do Amor
Quando Susan, uma epidemiologista, se recupera de um caso malsucedido, ela encontra um paciente peculiar: um caminhoneiro que perdeu seu olfato. Ela logo descobre que centenas de pessoas no mundo todo começam a ter sintomas estranhos, inclusive um chef de cozinha por quem ela se apaixona.
Happy End
They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction.
A Family
Ditte owns a gallery, has a loving boyfriend and her dream job in New York is within reach. But Ditte is also the youngest generation of the famous bakery dynasty, Rheinwald, and when her beloved, but dominating father comes down with a serious illness, Ditte is faced with the grueling decision: To pursue her own dreams, or to continue the legacy of her family.
Um Homem Um Tanto Gentil
Ulrik volta às ruas depois de mais de uma década preso por matar o amante da mulher. Entre o reencontro com velhos parceiros, a ex-mulher e um filho, ele se revela sempre humilde e gentil, mas não perde a estatura ameaçadora – um assassino que está tentando se reenquadrar na sociedade. Enquanto seu ex-chefe quer que ele se vingue do dedo-duro que o entregou para a polícia, ele prefere se reconectar com o filho que não quer saber de suas intenções.
Little Soldier
A soldier returning from war is hired by her own father to drive his prostitutes around town. She calls upon herself to help one of them.
»Dancers« is centred round a dance school run by the bright and lively Annika and her no-nonsense mother. One day Annika meets Lasse and falls passionately in love. But there is something Lasse hasn't told her, something he has done that is not so easy to forgive. Confronting an unknown darkness in Lasse, and in herself, Annika is forced to recognize the high cost of saying yes to love.
To Love Someone
Lena lives a safe and happy life with her husband Alf and together they run a fish shop. No one who sees her can imagine what kind of hell she has gone through with her former husband Hannes. One day, her life turns upside down as a random meeting with Hannes leads to an emotional chaos for her. She thinks he has changed, but no one else wants to believe that Hannes is a new and better person. At the same time, Alf can only look at how his beloved Lena is drawn to Hannes who's been hurting her so much before.
Andre omgang
Andre omgang is the story of a father and his two sons trying to adjust to life's later summers; the father becomes a member of a singles' club, Sverre joins a swingers club, and Erik finds a new woman to live with. The three of them are passionate supporters of Skeid Football Club.
Christoffer and Maja's trip to Prague to bring back Chistoffer's deceased father, evolves into the story of a break-up. With the dead father lurking in the background, secrets gradually emerge threatening to destroy their marriage.
Pure Hearts
To the mentally ill Kriss, the world is divided up into 'good and evil', just like in the old B&W melodrama, 'Pure Hearts', which Kriss and his fellow patient, Willy, spend their days repeatedly watching at the psychiatric ward. To Kriss this film is the bible. One day after a serious conflict with one of the hospital's other patients their viewing rights are retracted. Kriss is deeply frustrated by this, until he realises that Linda, the young girl in the film, actually exists in the shape of the film's star, the actress Ulla Vilstrup. Setting fire to the hospital, Kriss and Willy escape into the night, determined to find her, because life is what you make of it.
A Soap
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
A Soap
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
In a Copenhagen suburb the 19-year-old Per is found unconscious after having been badly beaten up. He is taken to hospital in a coma. The police have no clues, but the air is thick with suspicion. His mother struggles to maintain her faith in his survival. His younger sister, Mie, begins to pick up rumors. Her boyfriend, Shadi, suspects that his elder brother is behind the assault but he cannot tell anyone. Many well-meaning people find themselves at sea in a fable about emotions leading us astray.
Keld, um bombeiro dinamarquês tímido e introvertido, fica sozinho quando sua frustrada esposa o abandona, e ele passa a fazer suas refeições num restaurante chinês do outro lado da rua onde mora. Encontra um inesperado amigo em Feng, o chinês dono do estabelecimento. Ocorrendo um vazamento no restaurante, enquanto jantava, Keld oferece sua ajuda. Passado algum tempo, já amigos, Feng propõe a ele se casar com sua irmã, para que ela obtenha o visto de permanência na Dinamarca.
O Acusado nas Grades
À primera vista, Henrik, Nina e a filha de 14 anos, Stine, formam uma família perfeita. Mas um dia, Stine acusa o pai de ter cometido um crime atroz. Ele é preso enquanto a investigação avança.
A young married couple has to deal with their emotional breakdowns after the death of their only daughter.
In Your Hands
Anna, a young theology graduate, starts work as a prison chaplain. She becomes especially concerned about one inmate, Kate, regarded as difficult and withdrawn, but whom the other inmates credit with mysterious healing powers.
Velho, Novo, Emprestado e Azul
Katrine vai casar-se. O noivo é lindo, o apartamento deles é luxuoso e os seus futuros sogros são ricos. Katrine só tem um problema: ela às vezes tem dificuldade em dizer a verdade, e isso fá-la incorrer em passeios divagantes com um velho amigo, Thomsen, que acaba de aparecer sem aviso prévio vindo do Quénia e que quer devolver um favor e ajudar Katrine com seus preparativos para o casamento. Uma excursão labiríntica ocorre. Amanhã é outro dia, o dia do casamento!
Velho, Novo, Emprestado e Azul
Katrine vai casar-se. O noivo é lindo, o apartamento deles é luxuoso e os seus futuros sogros são ricos. Katrine só tem um problema: ela às vezes tem dificuldade em dizer a verdade, e isso fá-la incorrer em passeios divagantes com um velho amigo, Thomsen, que acaba de aparecer sem aviso prévio vindo do Quénia e que quer devolver um favor e ajudar Katrine com seus preparativos para o casamento. Uma excursão labiríntica ocorre. Amanhã é outro dia, o dia do casamento!
Nete is a tough woman of 37 who runs her job, husband, and teenage daughter with a firm and efficient hand. Her father suddenly becomes ill. Seriously ill. Nete forces a doctor to tell her how much time he has left. 3 weeks, hardly any longer. Nete's father becomes bitter and introvert, but Nete insists that he come to live with her and her family the few weeks he has left. "You should die with your family." Nete's father moves in and puts even more strain on Nete's family and everyday life. They all try to cope with the situation - he has only three weeks left, and you don't argue with a dying man. Three weeks pass by. A month. Nete's father does not die, his appetite comes back, the doctors begin to have doubts as to the prognosis, and Nete has a problem.
Minor Mishaps
Minor Mishaps is the story of a family's reaction to the untimely death of their matriarch, examining the effect of the tragedy on John, her husband, who is himself ill, his daughters, Marianne and Eva, and their friends and family. When a man's wife dies in an accident, his children return home to deal with the tragedy together. The film throws a spotlight on each of their lives as they confront the changed dynamic in the family and their own lives, with some surprises, revelations and false accusations occurring along the way.
What do you do if you're twelve years old, your mum is a neurotic babbler, your best friend is hitting on the girl you love, and you're the only guy in your class who doesn't yet sport pubes ...? For Dennis P. there's only one way out - pray. In this musical adventure the miracle comes in the shape of an angel clone looking suspiciously like Dennis P.'s late father. The angel issues Dennis P. with a license to perform medium grade miracles, but there's a string attached - Dennis P. must stop using swearwords. Dennis P. throws himself into readjusting his existence. But one miracle leads to another, and the 'adjustments' lead to grotesque consequences.
The One and Only
When kitchen fitter Niller comes to install Sus's new suite, their immediate attraction to one another proves a sweet escape from both of their problematic relationships.
Hannibal and Jerry
Hannibal is a nice and polite boy, but Father and Mother think he hangs too much in front of the television. They therefore give him the dog Jerry, whom he is very pleased with. It turns out that Jerry, as the dog is called, is not an ordinary dog, because it can not bark, but on the other hand it can speak. The crafty toy maker Uncle Grandfather and his henchman Uncle Harry would like to grab Jerry, and it involves various conflicts involving a cheeky dog trader, an unlucky glazier and a distinct police cops.
Hannibal and Jerry
Hannibal is a nice and polite boy, but Father and Mother think he hangs too much in front of the television. They therefore give him the dog Jerry, whom he is very pleased with. It turns out that Jerry, as the dog is called, is not an ordinary dog, because it can not bark, but on the other hand it can speak. The crafty toy maker Uncle Grandfather and his henchman Uncle Harry would like to grab Jerry, and it involves various conflicts involving a cheeky dog trader, an unlucky glazier and a distinct police cops.