A flighty socialite neglects her family to promote a new religious group.
Comic mayhem results when a small town pet store owner, mistakenly believed killed during a sea voyage, turns up very much alive. Director William Thiele's 1940 film stars Frank Morgan, Billie Burke, Ann Rutherford, John Shelton, Harold Huber, Donald Meek, Nat Pendleton, Renie Riano, Frank Albertson, Reginald Owen, Ann Morriss and Richard Carle.
Jeff Wilson, dono de um pequeno circo, deve US$10.000 ao seu sócio, Carter. Antes que Jeff consiga pagar, Carter permite que seus cúmplices roubem o dinheiro, para que ele fique com o circo só para si. Antonio Pirelli e Punchy, funcionários do circo, juntamente com o advogado Loophole, tentarão encontrar o ladrão e recuperar o dinheiro.
Mrs Topper's friend Mrs Parkhurst has convinced Mrs topper, to file for a divorce from Cosmo, due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs Parkhurst takes Mrs Topper on a trip to France, where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce, with help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel, to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.
A maluca matrona da sociedade Emily Kilbourne tem o hábito de contratar ex-presidiários e vagabundos como criados. Sua última descoberta é um belo 'vagabundo' que aparece na sua porta e logo acaba em um uniforme de motorista. Ele também chama a atenção da linda Geraldine. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Madcap couple George and Marion Kerby are killed in an automobile accident. They return as ghosts to try and liven up the regimented lifestyle of their friend and bank president, Cosmo Topper. When Topper starts to live it up, it strains relations with his stuffy wife.
A Cinderella story of a young country girl who comes to Hollywood and achieves movie stardom with the help of a publicity man.
A feisty Irish woman turns a truck driver into a championship boxer.
Patsy's working at Rumplemeyer's Donut Shop in Brooklyn. By accident she catches Mr. Rumplemeyer's trousers in the donut machine as he's leaving to pick his niece who's arriving from the old country, so he gives Patsy cab fare and sends her. She forgets her purse, so when she arrives at the immigration office, she can't pay the cabbie, who tells her he'll wait while the meter runs. Inside, Patsy finally finds the high-spirited Lyda, but by then, Patsy has sneaked into the holding area and may need a passport to get out. She hides in Lyda's trunk, but with the cabbie, a suspicious immigration officer, and a traffic cop buzzing around will uncle and niece ever connect?
The girls get jobs selling aluminum cookware door to door.
When Patsy criticises Thelma's poetry, she ups and leaves for a better standard of living.
Thelma and Patsy are reporters who investigate a hospital.
Thelma and Patsy get jobs at a radio station.
Thelma and Patsy find themselves in a spooky house inhabited by a nut who is a mechanical genius and has made a robot who does everything. The inventor manipulates the robot's control board from a hidden room. The girls are soon in a panic. Patsy gets into an argument with the robot and loses the match of wits. Blackie Burke, an escaped convict, is using the house as a hideout, and this adds to the problems the girls already have.
Charley Chase, a stockbroker, gets rich by mistake, has parking trouble, then at home finds his wife Toots seeing a psychic who apparently causes husband and wife to switch bodies!
Trata-se da primeira adaptação para as telas da aopereta composta por Victor Herbert e Glen MacDonough em 1903. Esta comédia musical em ritmo de conto de fadas conta a história do malvado Silas Barnaby, que ameaça despejar a viúva Peep caso sua filha Little Bo-Peep não aceite casar-se com ela. A moça é apaixonada por Tom-Tom Piper e oede ajuda a Stannie Dum e Ollie Dee para derrotar o vilão. A dupla tenta pegar dinheiro emprestado para pagar a hipoteca da viúva Peep, mas acabam optando por um plano mais ousado, fazendo Barnaby casar-se com Stannie! O enfurecido vilão então ameaça destruir a Terra dos Brinquedos.
Irvin takes the governor on a duck hunting trip in the hopes of securing a plumb job, but his annoying nephew has other plans.
Kentucky humorist Irvin S. Cobb hunts for an escaped felon, but the tables are turned when the criminal nabs him instead.
Betty's father has an invention that looks like a fancy camera; it emits an ultra-lavender ray that temporarily rids the ray's target of inhibitions. To test it, Betty's father zaps Charley hoping his newly-aberrant behavior will cause Betty to end her affections for the milquetoast. Dad's plan backfires: the invention works perfectly, Charley gets a backbone, and Betty loves her new forceful man. However, Charley's courage and lack of a superego get him in trouble with the law. He goes on trial for assaulting a bullying police officer. Is Charley going up the river leaving Betty high and dry?
A burlesque impresario is hired to help the failing fortunes of an old opera company.
Spanky's parents are trying unsuccessfully to get Spanky to spend a peaceful first night in his own room.
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
Anita and Marion realize that an abandoned baby they sneaked into an orphanage was kidnapped from a millionaire. For the reward, they proceed to break into the institution at night, dressed as men to beat curfew, to get the kid out again. This film survives only in very fragmentary form.