Fred Johnson

Fred Johnson

Nascimento : 1899-08-06, Dublin, Ireland

Morte : 1971-12-04


Fred Johnson


Águias em Duelo
Spend time on both sides of World War I, partly with German flying ace Baron Manfred Von Richthofen (John Phillip Law), aka "The Red Baron," and his colorful "flying circus" of Fokker fighter planes, during the time from his arrival at the war front to his death in combat. On the other side is Roy Brown of the Royal Air Force, sometimes credited with shooting Richthofen down.
Grito de Pavor
A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.
Doctor Blood's Coffin
After being thrown out of medical school for ethical violations, Dr. Peter Blood returns home to a small Cornish village, where he sets up a research laboratory in a secluded cave. There, he attempts to revive the dead, using kidnapped humans -- who he views as unworthy of life -- for their body parts, specifically, their hearts.
A Cidade dos Mortos
The Elder
A young college student arrives in a sleepy Massachusetts town to research witchcraft; during her stay at an eerie inn, she discovers a startling secret about the town and its inhabitants.
As Noivas do Vampiro
Father Stepnik
Marianne Danielle está viajando pelo Leste Europeu a fim de assumir o cargo de professora de francês em uma escola para moças na Transilvânia, agora livre da ameaça do Conde Drácula. Ela não é muito bem recebida pelos locais e acaba sendo acomodada no castelo da Baronesa Meinster, onde conhece o filho da nobre, que vive acorrentado à parede. Com pena do jovem, Marianne decide libertá-lo sem desconfiar que ele é um vampiro. Para sorte dela, o Doutor Van Helsing está por perto e promete por fim à vida de mais esse ser das trevas.
She Didn't Say No!
The Fisherman
Bridget Monaghan, a single mother who has had six children by different fathers, shocks the conservative inhabitants of an Irish village.
Porto de Fúrias
The captain of a tugboat harboured off a Spanish village is lured into a romantic involvement with a young girl at the behest of her father, in the hope of getting his hands on the vessel. Meanwhile, a handsome English sailor, signs on to the boat and before long he and the girl fall for one another. Meanwhile a sinking freighter carrying explosive cargo has to be salvaged....
The Abominable Snowman
Yeti (face)
Um gentil botânico inglês, acompanhado por um cientista americano chamado Shelley, decidiram conduzir uma expedição única aos Himalaias em busca do lendário Yeti, que o jovem escocês McNee, que tamém segue viagem com eles, afirma ter visto. Chegando lá, após encontrarem as pegadas, as verdadeiras intenções de alguns serão reveladas.
A Maldição de Frankenstein
O Barão Frankenstein (Peter Cushing) descobre uma maneira de enganar a morte. Para testar sua descoberta, monta um corpo com pedaços de diferentes cadáveres. O resultado é uma criatura sem nome, irracional e sedenta de morte. Ciência ou loucura?"
The Weapon
A boy accidentally shoots a friend with a gun he found in the rubble of a destroyed building. The gun turns out to be a clue in a ten-year-old murder case.
The March Hare
Joe Duffy
Sir Charles Hare, a young Irish baronet, gambles his all on one of his horses at Ascot. But the horse is 'pulled', and Sir Charles is forced to sell his Irish estate. His aunt, however, has some surprises in store for him.
They Can't Hang Me
Professor Robinson-Heston
A murderer hopes to escape his death sentence by identifying the leaders of a spy ring.
Break in the Circle
Chief Agent Farquarson
An adventurer is hired by a German millionaire to help a Polish scientist escape to the West.
A Morte do Fantasma
Father Cormac
The whole village mourns when General O'Leary, owner of a hunting estate in South Ireland, is killed in an accident. His nephew, Jasper O'Leary, takes over the state and soon has aroused the displeasure of all, with the exception of Serena McGluskey, as much a schemer as he is a cad. Led by Thady O'Heggarty, the villagers plot to drive Jasper away. They use the occasion of "O'Leary Night", when the ghost of the first O'Leary walks the halls, to create general chaos.
The Seekers
Captain of the Adventure
A western set in New Zealand during the 1820s following a group of British pioneers seeking a new life Down Under.
They Got What They Wanted
Bartley Murnaghan
Face the Music
Det. Sgt. MacKenzie
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
The Saint's Return
Irish Cassidy
A private detective goes after the people who murdered his girlfriend.
Martinho Lutero
História do esforços de Martinho Lutero de reformar a Igreja Católica, sua excomunhão, e os acontecimentos que levaram à Reforma Protestante. O padre do século XVI, que liderou uma revolução na Igreja Cristã. A tensão acelera quando Lutero pendurou suas 95 teses na porta da igreja local em Wittenberg, desafiando assim as licenças de indulgência que muitos dos grandes nomes da igreja, estavam vendendo para a construção da Basílica São Pedro, no Vaticano. Lutero foi levado a Conferência Imperial de Worms. Depois na presença do imperador Carlos V na Dieta de Worms, Lutero é acusado de heresia, excomungado e punido, tanto pelo imperador como pelo papa Leão X. Ameaçado de morte, e vivendo como um bandido traduziu o Novo Testamento do latim para o alemão, para que todos tivessem acesso a Bíblia. Devido a essa falta de obediência a Igreja de Cristo a Sua batalha espiritual se torna sangrenta e os agricultores começam a queimar igrejas e matar padres.
Contos de Natal
Second Collector
Ebenezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) é um velho rico, avarento e grosseiro. Na noite de Natal, ele recebe a visita de três espíritos, representando o passado, o presente e o futuro. Os espíritos mostram a Scrooge sua vida, os sonhos que já teve, seus erros e o que ele pode vir a ser. Com isso Scrooge percebe seu egoísmo e muda seu jeito de ser. Considerada a melhor dentre as adaptações do livro Contos de Natal, de Charles Dickens.
The Naked Heart
Le rebouteux
At the beginning of the 20th century, in the North of the Province of Quebec. After five years spent in a boarding school, Maria Chapdelaine comes back to the family farm. Robert Gagnon, a villager and childhood friend, loves her secretly but Maria is wooed by Lorenzo Surprenant, a man who has fled his home town to escape the police. The one she is really in love with is François Paradis, a handsome trapper. The latter promises to marry her in the spring, as soon as he is back from the Far North. Robert, who is aware of how miserable Maria is, writes a letter to François , asking him to come back at once. Unfortunately, the young trapper is buried under the snow during a storm. As for Lorenzo he gets gunned down by the police. Finally understanding that Robert has sacrificed himself out of love for her, Maria accepts to become his wife.
Dance Hall
Mr. Wilson
Episodic tale of four factory girls and their various romances at the local dance hall in Chiswick, London. Unusual at the time, the film tells its story from a feminine perspective. Today, it is mainly recognised for its post-war London atmosphere, with bomb sites, trolleybuses and rationing.
Bonheur en location
Saint-Aignan needs a family. He hires people to act as his people to achieve his goal: to succeed in the business world.
Adam and Evelyne
Chris Kirby
The father of a girl in an orphanage, who doesn't remember him, has been writing to her with tales of his success in business. Actually, he is impersonating a friend, a handsome gambler. When the father dies, the gambler takes the girl from the orphanage and tells her the truth. But the girl is now a full-grown beauty and complications arise, including those provided by a black-sheep brother.
Another Shore
First Bystander (uncredited)
A young Irishman comes up with an unusual plan to get the money to emigrate to Tahiti. One of the Ealing comedies.
King of the Cowboys
Juggler Clown
Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette and the Sons of the Pioneers go undercover to help Texas Governor Russell Hicks stop World War II Axis sympathizers from blowing up U.S. warehouses.
Native Land
Fred Hill
By the start of World War II, Paul Robeson had given up his lucrative mainstream work to participate in more socially progressive film and stage productions. Robeson committed his support to Paul Strand and Leo Hurwitz’s political semidocumentary Native Land. With Robeson’s narration and songs, this beautifully shot and edited film exposes violations of Americans’ civil liberties and is a call to action for exploited workers around the country. Scarcely shown since its debut, Native Land represents Robeson’s shift from narrative cinema to the leftist documentaries that would define the final chapter of his controversial film career.
Guests of The Nation
During the Irish War of Independence in 1921, a pair of IRA soldiers are ordered to guard two British prisoners, but face a dilemma when they bond with their captives.