Virginia Woolf’s “Orlando” tells the story of a young man who grows up to become a 36-year-old woman. Almost a century after its publication, Paul B. Preciado speaks to Virginia Woolf to tell her that her fictional character has become a reality. The transition of Orlando’s body now lies at the root of all non-binary bodies and there are Orlandos all over the world. Through the authentic voices of other young bodies undergoing metamorphosis, Preciado retraces the stages of his personal transformation through a poetic journey in which life, writing, theory and image merge freely in the search for truth. Every Orlando, he says, is a transgender person who is risking his, her or their life on a daily basis as they find themselves forced to confront government laws, history and psychiatry, as well as traditional notions of the family and the power of multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Père de Lise Chartier
Alexis Pasquier, um jovem professor de francês, começa seu primeiro dia de aula na prisão de Nancy. Lá ele conhece Léa, uma jovem por quem se apaixona perdidamente. Dois mundos se abrem para ele: o amor verdadeiro e o ambiente prisional.
Alexis Pasquier, um jovem professor de francês, começa seu primeiro dia de aula na prisão de Nancy. Lá ele conhece Léa, uma jovem por quem se apaixona perdidamente. Dois mundos se abrem para ele: o amor verdadeiro e o ambiente prisional.
Régis (voice)
November 2015. Violette's parents are killed in the Paris terror attacks. She is sent to live with her uncle, a gruff man she hardly knows, who is a caretaker at the Versailles chateau. Little does Violette realize that in this intimidating place she will find unexpected refuge and a new family.
Le père de Suzanne
A 16 year old girl, bored with her own age group, becomes involved with an older man at a theater she passes.
Ten years have gone by since Elena's six-year old son has disappeared. The last thing she heard of him was a phone call he gave her, saying that he was lost on a beach in France and couldn't find his father. Nowadays, Elena lives on this same beach and manages a restaurant. She is finally beginning to emerge from this tragic episode when she meets a French teenager who strongly reminds her of her lost son. The two of them will embark on a relationship which will sow chaos and distrust around them.
Boris Pasternak (voice)
Como o escritor russo Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) considera impossível que o seu romance «Doutor Jivago» seja publicado na União Soviética, porque supostamente mostra uma visão crítica da Revolução de Outubro, ele decide contrabandear vários exemplares do manuscrito para fora do país. É publicado pela primeira vez em 1957 em Itália e o autor recebe o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1958, o que tem consequências.
IGAS Inspector
Bruno e Malik vivem há 20 anos em um mundo à parte, o de crianças e adolescentes com autismo. Dentro de suas duas respectivas associações, eles treinam jovens de bairros problemáticos para supervisionar esses casos descritos como "hipercomplexos". Uma aliança extraordinária começa.
Eddy Laffont
José Nunes and Maxime Charasse are friends and minority partners in a struggling construction company. Faced with the need to protect their interests, they make a radical decision and find themselves bound by a dark secret.
Captain Courteau
Um dia, Alexandre toma coragem para escrever uma carta à Igreja Católica, revelando um segredo: quando criança, foi abusado sexualmente pelo padre Preynat. Os psicólogos da Igreja tentam ajudar mas não conseguem ocultar o fato de que o criminoso jamais foi afastado do cargo, pelo contrário: continua atuando junto à crianças. Alexandre toma coragem e publica sua carta, o que logo faz aparecerem muitas outras denúncias de abuso cometidas pelo mesmo padre, além da conivência do cardeal Barbarin, que sempre soube dos crimes, mas nunca tomou providências. Juntos, Alexandre, François e Emmanuel criam um grupo de apoio para aumentar a pressão na justiça por providências. Mas eles terão que enfrentar todo o poder da cúpula da Igreja.
Marion does not love her husband anymore. She decides to leave him to live fully, not to be locked in the reassuring comfort of a family life. Dominique lives with his wife an identical situation but he can not take the plunge.
Sidonie, uma jovem aeromoça, cria sua filha de 15 anos, Lolo, sozinha, pois o pai é desconhecido. Em um esforço para satisfazer a crescente curiosidade de Lolo sobre suas origens, Sidonie a leva para sua própria região nativa, Somme Bay, em busca de pais em potencial. O objetivo da viagem: roubar um cabelo precioso de cada um desses homens para fazer um teste de DNA de paternidade. Há cinco pais em potencial: um mecânico melancólico, um playboy entediado de artista / pintor, um ex-campeão de futebol local, um dono de boate, um médico rural mulherengo - cinco homens que abrem as portas de suas vidas. Cinco homens, cinco memórias, cinco confrontos com o passado, cinco encontros inesperados.
Castro (Jean-Pierre Bacri) é um ex-apresentador de TV que se reúne com velhos amigos, incluindo sua ex-esposa, em uma grande festa nos arredores de Paris. No decorrer da festa, torna-se óbvio que o sucesso mudou Castro, que costumava compartilhar as visões políticas idealistas de sua ex-esposa, mas agora tem uma perspectiva mais realista, senão cínica, da vida.
Sébastien, le patron
A film in which the director captures the beautiful and accurate qualities of reality when building the energetic portrait of a 16-year-old girl immersed in the macho culture of urban suburban south-west France, just a stone’s throw away from the nearby countryside.
Laurent Gardet
The fates of three entwined families. Joséphine and Tomas have just got married. It was a joyful celebration. But soon, Joséphine’s parents will discover a darker side lurking behind the couple’s sunny happiness. Meanwhile, Mélanie tells her parents that she is pregnant but the father is not ideal.
Jean Druelle
Jérôme has killed Driss, of Moroccan ancestry, who used to be his best friend. Is it an accident, a drama caused by jealousy or a racist murder? The story of Jérôme's long drift is discovered as the police carry out its investigation.
Matteo Belmonte
Durante um assalto à mão armada, um joalheiro atira duas vezes para se defender. Duas Balas que vão virar sua vida de cabeça para baixo.
Théodore Delvaux
O jovem negro Rafael Padilha nasceu em Cuba em 1868 e foi vendido quando ainda era criança. Anos depois ele consegue fugir e é encontrado nas docas por um palhaço que o coloca nas suas apresentações. Em seguida, Padilha passa a ser conhecido como Chocolat, tornando-se o primeiro artista circense negro na França, um grande sucesso no final do século XIX.
Jean de Ravalet
Marguerite (Anaïs Demoustier) e Julien de Ravalet (Jérémie Elkaïm) são irmãos, filhos do Senhor de Tourlainville (Frédéric Pierrot). Muito próximos desde a infância, eles começam a desenvolver uma paixão recíproca quando crescem. A sociedade ao redor, no entanto, não aceita de forma alguma o amor incestuoso, buscando meios de afastá-los um do outro.
When hitchhiker Jack rescues Véronique from a road rage altercation, the twosome decide to travel together for safety’s sake after learning a serial killer is cutting a murderous swathe through the region. Tired and hungry, they decide against their better judgment to take up an offer to stay the night at a mysterious elderly couple’s mansion…
The father
Today, Julie is strong, She is independent. She can go back home. Her family is waiting for her, they love her : her mother, her brother, her sister... and her father.
Le fonctionnaire
Léon Tolstoï
Summer 1890. In order to make some money to feed his family, Anton Chekhov, modest physician, wrote short stories for newspapers to sign Antosha Tchékhonté. Important characters, writer and editor, just make him aware of his talent. His situation is improving and Anton Chekhov gets the Pushkin prices and admiration of Tolstoy. But when one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, Anton saw it as a personal failure and wants to escape his fame and his love.
Hubert Deprez
Jérémie, 34 anos, aparece num apartamento desconhecido ao lado de Adna, uma adorável sueca, tão divertida quanto atraente. O início de um conto de fadas? Tudo agora é incerto, já que Jérémie está prestes a se casar com seu namorado, Antoine.
Clotilde and Aude are 18. They have always been best friends, growing up together in the same small village in the South of France. Despite their differences, they have a strong and exclusive friendship. With their contrasts they attract each other, and they seem to be enough for one another. But Clotilde, looking for something else, decides to leave to study in Paris the following year, after the baccalaureate. She takes Aude along with her in this departure far from their roots. Refusing to admit that their paths are separating little by little, Clotilde and Aude persuade themselves that their friendship can survive anything.
Five years after the passing of the iconic filmmaker Humberto Solas, one of the founders of the New Latin American Cinema, partners, friends and family gather to evoke aspects of the life and work of Cuban artist of universal size.
Depois de perder a virgindade, Isabelle assume uma vida secreta como garota de programa, conhecendo seus clientes para encontros em quartos de hotel. Durante todo o tempo, ela permanece curiosamente distante, demonstrando pouco interesse pelos encontros ou pelo dinheiro que ganha.
Pierre Gravet
At fifty Louis Gravet, a serious actor, would like to become a comedian. His brother Peter, a film director, has the idea of hiring him for the lead role of a comedy. Family circumstances, their wives, their children, niece, lead him to make another film, new and unexpected.
Órfã depois do assassinato da família, Éléonore é adotada pelo ferreiro, que a inicia no manejo das armas. 1682. Éléonore tem 20 anos, um caráter firme e um santo horror à injustiça.
Jean Pamphyle
Aos 21 anos de idade, Rose Pamphule mora com seu pai e estar prestes a casar com o pacífico filho de um garagista. Ela poderia virar uma dona de casa, mas a jovem tem planos mais ambiciosos. Ela sai de sua cidade e tenta um emprego de datilógrafa no escritório de seguros de Louis. Mesmo se suas habilidades como secretária são fraquíssimas, o homem fica impressionado com a velocidade com a qual Rose consegue digitar. Logo o espírito competidor de Louis se desperta: ele decide aceitar Rose como sua secretária, contanto que ela treine para participar da competição de datilógrafa mais rápida do país.
Amanda believes men are too complicated and has lost faith finding the perfect one. Her friend and a psychoanalyst have a plan how to make her fall in love. She insists that Amanda not stay home alone on New Year's Eve, and only gets her way after swearing that all the other guests will be couples, except for Maxime, a gay colleague. But Maxime leaves at the last minute to join his lover in Amsterdam, and Antoine, recently separated from his wife, arrives alone at the party.
Jean-Michel Ledantec
No norte da Nigéria, dois cientistas franceses que trabalham para uma ONG ambiental desaparecem. Hugo Geoffroy, líder de uma unidade de emergência da polícia francesa, é enviado para negociar a liberdade dos reféns, mas ele está fazendo um jogo duplo.
Le producteur / Frédéric Pierrot
Simon, a forty-year-old filmmaker, is more prone to shooting himself in the foot than he is to shooting films. After losing a bet, he shaves off his hair and discovers a strange bump on top of his scull. Believing he's got a terminal illness, he gathers his family, friends and actors at his house in the Lilas neighborhood in Paris to shoot the comedy of his life !
O filme mostra a vida dos policiais da Brigada de Protecção de Menores, que devem lidar diariamente com assuntos sérios, como fome e pedofilia. Além de cuidar desses assuntos terão de lidar com Melissa, jornalista enviada pelo Ministério do Interior para realizar um livro de fotos sobre seu trabalho.
Le père d'Alexandre
An 18-year-old beauty develops an attraction to an older photographer.
François Briand
Drawing some intriguing parallels between the work of the prostitute and that of the psychiatrist-both have clients, both charge for sessions, both take on roles that serve the needs, psychological or otherwise, of those they serve, Jeanne Labrune's drama stars Isabelle Huppert and Bouli Lanners as, respectively, Alice, a disaffected call girl and Xavier, a shrink with a crumbling domestic situation.
Bertrand Tezac
Paris, 1942. Enquanto a polícia francesa detém famílias judaicas, a garota Sarah tranca seu irmão mais novo em um armário e promete voltar para buscá-lo. Sessenta e sete anos depois, sua história se cruza com a de Julia Jarmond, uma jornalista americana que está investigando o cerco.
Francois Flohic
A escritora Agathe Villanova é candidata às eleições pela região onde cresceu, de onde saiu mal pôde e onde agora regressa por via da lei da paridade. Assim, volta à casa de família um ano após a morte da mãe e reencontra a irmã, o cunhado e a velha empregada argelina. O filho desta, que fez em tempos um curso de vídeo, é recepcionista num hotel e resolve com o antigo professor iniciar uma série de documentários sobre "mulheres que venceram", pegando na vida de Agathe. É assim que professor e aluno, o desvairado Michel e o lúcido Karim, vão entre peripécias várias entrevistando a candidata que, pouco a pouco, vai olhando para si. E em dez dias a vida de todos os personagens muda de rumo…
Capitaine Robert
1972, le sud de la France, en pleine forêt, une famille aux maigres bagages découvre le nouveau camp où elle va vivre. Malgré le paternalisme affiché du chef de camps, les harkis ont la vie dure et aucune liberté réelle. Une vie de misère et de tutelle que Leila, la fille aînée des Benamar, refuse. Elle a l'âge de la révolte, celles du premier amour aussi. Pour elle, son père, marqué par la guerre et l'exil, habitué à plier, ne doit rien aux Français qui ne les ont pas protégés en Algérie...
Capitaine Fauré
Juliette retorna à sua família e à sociedade, após 15 anos de ausência e rejeição. Apesar de uma separação familiar drástica no passado, sua irmã mais nova, Léa, decide abrigá-la em sua casa, onde mora com o marido, as duas filhas e o sogro. Aos poucos, a trama revela a aparente amoralidade por trás da tragédia que manteve Juliette afastada por tanto tempo da vida real.
Christophe Gosselin
A sixteen year-old girl living with her widowed father in the Ardennes forest befriends a twenty-two year old orphan whose manipulative aunt contrives to keep him immature in the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Stéphan Carpiaux. A tragic accident has claimed the life of Alex's mother, and now the grieving teen will be forced to grow up before her time. Though Alex's father Frank wages a valiant struggle to overcome the apathy that consumes him following the loss of his beloved wife, the situation grows complicated when the naïve adolescent unintentionally compounds her father's pain. As tenderness threatens to give way to desire, Alex makes the acquaintance of twenty-two year old Hector. Later, as a friendship begins to blossom between Alex and Heather, Alex becomes acutely aware of just how damaging her relationship with her father has become.
A dura vida de dois indivíduos comuns: Alex, um contador e sua esposa Béatrice, uma motorista de táxi.
Are there two versions of The Mona Lisa? Is the Mona Lisa the world knows so well the original version? Or had Leonardo da Vinci painted an earlier version of the iconic portrait?
Antoine Santana - Issues of class, gender roles and parenting bubble to the surface in this 19th-century tale about a shepherd girl (Isild Le Besco) who farms off her own newborn to a wet nurse in the countryside so that she can earn high wages nursing the infant of a wealthy couple. The two young mothers soon become friends, but trouble arises when the bourgeois hubby takes issue with his wife fraternizing with the help. Émilie Dequenne and Grégoire Colin star. - Isild Le Besco, Émilie Dequenne, Grégoire Colin
Jeanne fled the Franco regime at the end of the 1930s. Married and mother of a little girl, she worked in a soap factory leading a peaceful life until the day she was asked to pass out leaflets in her factory. to Algerian workers.
Marie, thirty-five, is in love. Every day she fights for her relationship with Paul, a long-term prisoner, to live within her. An exclusive relationship that nothing should disturb and that it protects from the gaze of others.
Robert Le Floch
In 1919 in Corrèze, in the small village of Saint-Roch, women are fighting against the desertification of the countryside and the lack of men during and after World War I.
Le commissaire
The lives of the residents of a small French town are changed when thousands of the recently dead inexplicably come back to life and try to integrate themselves into society that has changed for them.
The story of a young couple, Pierre and Geraldine, and their desire for a child, which leads them on a journey of initiation to Cambodia. On their difficult and transformative adventure, they must contend with obstructive authorities and the jealousies and mistrust of a small community of would-be adoptive parents.
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
Estamos em New York no ano de 2095. Há uma estranha pirâmide voadora pairando sobre a cidade, onde os deuses condenaram Hórus por traição e lhe concederam sete dias de liberdade antes de lhe retirarem a sua imortalidade.Jill, uma mulher de cabelo e lágrimas azuis procura compreender a sua própria origem, mas não é a única interessada na sua fisionomia única e nos poderes que possui mas desconhece. A prisão geoestacionária sofre um curto-circuito e Nikopol, inimigo da multinacional Eugenics, é libertado. As vidas destas três personagens vão cruzar-se e afectar as de outras tantas.
Three siblings lose both their parents after a terrible accident, after which their lives are forever changed. Vincent, the middle child, has to assume a lot of responsibility, not the least of which is his younger sister Alice. He must also give up his architecture course in order to work for his uncle's construction firm. The two adjust, and their life goes pretty well before it is again turned upside down when their older brother Thomas, who had been in Brazil for a couple of years, returns and upsets the current order.
A strange investigation doesn’t erase the regrets of a grieving woman cop. Every four years, the past catches up with her. Every four years this woman is very afraid. Her fear is such that she feels it could kill her because in her dreams reality begins.
David Lamblin
When she was seven, Elise Gardet witnessed her mother’s brutal murder. Ever since, she has tried to forget this unsolved crime. Now she’s 18 and beautiful, but her bourgeois family and her stepmother’s anxiety are suffocating her.
Gen. Gourgaud
This film covers the last years of the Emperor's life, imprisoned by the British on St Helena, a remote island off the west coast of Africa. Napoleon retains a loyal entourage of officers who help him plot his escape and evade the attentions of the island's overzealous governor, Sir Hudson Lowe.
L'homme de la maison
O filme conta a história da luta de Joseph e Chloé, uma menina autista e seu irmão, tentando sobreviver sem seus pais.
Recently the victim of a car accident, Paul, a teacher, is no longer the same man. He no longer shows any interest in his environment and, even more worryingly, he seems to have become impervious to all feelings, all emotions. His wife, Marianne, and his mistress, Luisa, are of little more interest to him than his students, which is to say very little. Desperate, Luisa meets Marianne to try to understand.
A man decides to pose as his friend and claim to be the father of a child that isn't his.
Aos 30 anos, Sandrine é uma jovem determinada a viver o seu sonho: tornar-se agricultora. Deixa para trás Paris e o seu emprego de técnica informática por uma quinta isolada no planalto de Vercors. Para ela, tudo começa. Adrien, um velho camponês decidido a vender a sua exploração, mas cansado e desiludido, não tem vontade de transmitir o seu saber, sobretudo a uma parisiense. Cede-lhe a sua quinta mas não considera a hipótese de a ajudar. Para ele, tudo pode recomeçar.
Um retrato da Revolução dos Cravos, que mudou a história portuguesa na década de 70. A realizadora e actriz Maria de Medeiros faz um retrato pessoal e nostálgico dos episódios mais marcantes do 25 de abril.
The lives of three people faced with an uncertain future. Marguerite, 17, is uncomfortable with her family enviroment and turns to God. Claire, who desperately wants a child, encounters again a former lover. Eva asks the unemployed Jacques, who has been left by his wife and his daughter, to find a missing friend.
A young foreigner replaces sick worker in a factory. The mystery that surrounds him, along with his charm and nonchalance, soon make him an object of desire and hatred. The life of the factory and, in particular, that of one of its workers, are changed for good by this unusual young man.
Marthe, an aging queen of the night, roams the streets of a city haunted by the presence of an invisible murderer in search of money to pay a large gambling debt.
A family of farmers has to deal with the retarded elder son. He gets everybody bored and tired of him, even his cow to whom he goes to talk to several times a day.
Sex, avant-garde art, and Communist ideology are at the heart of this compelling historical drama. The film opens just as the Soviet Empire crumbles in 1989. As Louise mourns the death of her lover, she discovers the journal of Alfred Katz, an earnest Jewish radical and erstwhile poet who disappeared in 1938. With the aid of a history professor, Louise unravels what happened to Katz. In the feverish climate of pre-WWII Paris, Katz reveals himself as both a fervent Trotskyite and an unabashed romantic. At a party thrown by the noted surrealist Andre Breton, he meets Mila, a beautiful part-time model, part-time whore. As soon as he falls for her, he learns of her other lover Felix, a fervent Stalinist. Bored with politics, Mila eventually marries Katz. Soon betrayal and politics catch up with the poet.
O filme conta a história de sua juventude, enquanto ela era guiada e protegida por seu pai, o pintor Orazio Gentileschi. Sua curiosidade profissional sobre a anatomia masculina, proibida para seus olhos, levam-na ao conhecimento do prazer sexual. Mas ela também foi bem conhecida porque, em 1612, ela teve que se apresentar à corte, devido à suspeita de estupro cometida por Agostino Tassi, seu professor.
Jean Hammett
Against the barren wintry backdrop of a psychiatric hospital, inpatients and authority figures drift through turgid psychological states. We meet the artist Jean and his lover Monica, patients of the facility, and several characters circling its periphery: a guard, an Episcopalian priest, and a church organist. Minimalizing dialogue and plot intricacy, Tregenza concedes only kernels of information, demanding that the viewer breathe dimensionality into his archetypes. Acting out primal instincts of lust, envy, fear, and love, subjects teeter vulnerably on the brink of sanity and insanity, freedom and repression in their attempts to navigate their existence.
In December of 1999, François organizes a retreat to a small island for himself, some friends, and their children to avoid the craziness of Paris during the turn of the millennium. Things quickly become tense between François and the young man who is the island's caretaker. Boredom and bickering add to the growing foreboding. By the end, will millennial noise in Paris seem mild in comparison to violence in the pastoral retreat?
Um diretor de cinema idoso tenta filmar uma nova produção de uma peça de Musset em Sarajevo, que está em guerra. Durante a gravação, várias coisas estranhas acontecem com ele e seus atores, inclusive vão parar em um cenário rural apocalíptico.
The quiet agony of a mother whose daughter grows up to pursue her own life is chronicled in this realistically presented French drama. The Circuit Carole of the title refers to a motorbike racetrack. Jeanne and her 20-year old daughter Marie share a small apartment in a working-class Parisian neighborhood; the two live harmoniously, but the daughter is restless and anxious to set out on her own. Marie then takes a job in a northern suburb and their lives are forever changed. The racetrack is near her work; Marie is enthralled by the racers and their fast machines. Along with her new boyfriend, a racer, Marie begins riding herself. She then moves out of her mother's flat, leaving Jeanne bereft of companionship and a purpose in her life. Her silent, deeply internalized grief eventually drives her completely mad.
Primavera de 1936, um jovem comunista desempregado, David, deixa sua cidade natal Liverpool para se juntar à luta contra o fascismo na Espanha. Ele se junta a um grupo internacional de milícia, homens e mulheres, o POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista). Depois de ser ferido, ele vai para Barcelona, onde decide se juntar a outro grupo de milícia. Eles permanecem em Barcelona e acabam brigando outros grupos antifascistas. David está decepcionado e decide voltar para sua antiga milícia.
The husband
Serge and Yvette are on the verge of separating. Hervé and Irene are already separated. Serge will meet Irene and Yvette will meet Hervé. Chance will make them meet other characters.
Follows the story of three privileged Creole orphans from Havana, as they meet French adventurer Victor Hugues and get involved in the revolutionary turmoil that shook the Atlantic World at the end of the eighteenth century. The main characters are all members of one family: two siblings, Carlos and Sofia, and their cousin Esteban.
In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.
While the Nazis occupied most of France, Jacques (Vincent Perez) has been active in the liberation underground. Now that the Allies have freed a significant portion of their country from German control, he and his buddy Michel (Matthieu Roze) can join the Free French army and fight with them to help bring about the downfall of the German empire. Both of them are quite young men, and their first love turns out to be the same woman, a lovely nurse named Christiane (Geraldine Pailhas). Michel woos her first, and she becomes pregnant by him. However, she is much more interested in Jacques, even though she is considering marrying an American solely for practical reasons.
Em 1920, na França, Irene procura o marido, desaparecido durante a Guerra. Seus caminhos se cruzam com os do Comandante Dellaplane, chefe do Bureau de Soldados Desaparecidos. O encontro pode representar uma nova chance para ambos.
Le jeune homme
Max, a 40 years old gay, chases in railway stations. He takes his "prey" to the Parisian park, the Bois de Boulogne."Manège" will be the genesis for his later feature film "La chatte à deux têtes" (2002).