Subway Passenger
Após a morte do pai, um adolescente vai para Nova York em busca da mãe e acaba encontrando amor e conexão em lugares inesperados.
Ernesto De La Mora
Em meio a surpresas e contratempos durante o funeral de Virginia, as irmãs De la Mora lamentam publicamente a morte da mãe .
While away in Mexico, Karine and Estelle witness the preparation and rejoicing of the “Day of the Dead”. Inspired by the beauty of the ritual and the fine spiritual humor of their hosts, they will soon learn to see their sister’s recent tragic death in a more light-hearted manner.
A dispute for the inheritance of the father of this family is the motor for this comedy, where siblings Andrea and Hector start a discussion with their aunt, who turns out to be the universal heiress of their father's because they don't comply with the rules established by their father.
They are not wild and crazy anymore, or at least they think so. Now, thanks to an offer nobody can't refuse, they will try to recapture that old rock and roll magic and give themselves a second chance.
Esmeralda tem uma obsessão incomum: ela coleciona objetos perdidos, esquecidos ou descartados e os guarda em uma caixa. Esse objetos representam tanto a ausência da comunicação como a sua possibilidade.
Pablo and Marina wake up in a hotel room and then travel the country together, she accompanies him while he is in the process of writing a traveler's guide. Pablo is a married man with two daughters, while Marina is a college student. During the journey they pass through different points in the relationship, sometimes in full disagreement.
Miguel Arcángel
A man who travels back to the house of his father, grandfather and backwards.
The attack on a popular singer known as Pachito -who becomes the favorite candidate to win the presidential election in an imaginary Latin American country- is the starting point of several stories, including: the alleged murderer, a police officer investigating the disappearance of the murdered body and an architect hired to design the mausoleum to the memory of the possible dictator.
After working for three years in the USA, Filiberto returns to his home town in Mexico. A proud man, he is searching for the recognition that will give him a new position in life. However, he finds that things have changed. His mother is dead, and Luis, his best friend, is married to his ex-girlfriend. Filiberto gets involved in the town’s disputes over a water spring.
Esteban Morelos
Tenoch e Julio são dois adolescentes de 17 anos que são controlados pelos seus hormônios e desejam se tornar adultos rapidamente. Em uma tarde festiva eles encontram Luisa, uma garota espanhola 11 anos mais velha que eles e que é casada com o primo de Tenoch. Eles a convidam para uma viagem à praia de Boca del Cielo, convite este inicialmente recusado e posteriormente aceito, após Luisa receber uma desagradável notícia. Porém, tanto Julio quanto Tenoch não conhecem o caminho até a praia e nem mesmo se ela realmente existe, fazendo com que os três se aventurem em uma viagem onde inocência, sexualidade e amizade irão colidir.
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.
Adrián Pineda
Gina is a modern business woman in her late forties, she has a lover named Adrian, who she sees once in a while just to have sex; they are both atracted to the historic figure of Pancho Villa, while he admires his power, she admires his virility. As Gina helps Adrian (who is a journalist) to write a book about Pancho Villa, she discovers the similarity between Villa's relation to women to that of Adrian and hers. She gets sick of only having sex, and when she decides to get married with him and have a baby, he escapes to buy cigarrettes and gets lost for three months. Gina forgets about him and gets a new boyfriend (half the age she is), and when Adrian tries to get her back and she refuses him and humiliates him, the one and only Pancho Villa appears as his machista conscience ready to do anything to get Gina back.
He drinks too much, his primary relationship just ended, and he can't finish his screenplay.
Singer in nightmare sequence
Um jovem yuppie e mulherengo (Gimenez Cacho) é pego em uma armadilha quando é falsamente diagnosticado com o vírus da Aids por Silvia (Liubomirova), uma enfermeira que se vê traída pelo jovem Casanova. À procura de uma morte rápida (colocando a cabeça em um forno de microondas) Tomás se apaixona por Clarisa (Ramirez), uma linda aeromoça que também quer se suicidar por causa de seu amante que está tendo um caso com uma aeromoça loira da Continental Airlines.