This career spanning documentary on heavy metal legend Ronnie James Dio delves deep into his incredible rise from 50's doo-wop crooner, to his early classic rock days in Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, to replacing the iconic lead singer Ozzy Osborne in Black Sabbath, to finally cement his legend with DIO. Ronnie's biography is completely unique to the tired sex, drugs and rock and roll cliches. The film is about perseverance, dreams and the power to believe in yourself.
A documentary 33 years in the making, director and friend of Kurt Vonnegut seeks through his archives to create the first film featuring the revolutionary late writer.
A história por trás de John Delorean (Alec Baldwin), grande figura do ramo automobilístico que entrou para a História por suas criações e polêmicas. Engenheiro modelo da General Motors, John largou o cargo para criar sua própria empresa e dar vida ao icônico automóvel Delorean. Apesar disso, uma série de polêmicas, problemas na justiça e a ligação com o tráfico de drogas colocam em xeque o brilhantismo do empresário e tudo que conquistou.
Filme baseado na biografia Bill The Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman, escrita por Marc Tyler Nobleman. O livro afirma que Bill Finger foi responsável por criar 98% do que conhecemos sobre o Batman, incluindo a roupa, diversos vilões e até o termo \”Dark Knight.\”
Dan Reynolds explora como a Igreja trata seus membros LGBTQ. Com o aumento da taxa de suicídios entre adolescentes no estado de Utah, sua preocupação com as políticas da Igreja o leva a um caminho inesperado de aceitação e mudança.
Director of Photography
As the Palaces Burn is a feature-length documentary that originally sought to follow Lamb of God and their fans throughout the world, to demonstrate how music ties us together when we can’t find any other common bond. However, during the filming process in 2012, the story abruptly took a dramatic turn when lead singer Randy Blythe was arrested on charges of manslaughter and blamed for the death of one of their young fans in the Czech Republic. What followed was a heart-wrenching courtroom drama that left fans, friends, and curious onlookers around the world on the edge of their seats.
As the Palaces Burn is a feature-length documentary that originally sought to follow Lamb of God and their fans throughout the world, to demonstrate how music ties us together when we can’t find any other common bond. However, during the filming process in 2012, the story abruptly took a dramatic turn when lead singer Randy Blythe was arrested on charges of manslaughter and blamed for the death of one of their young fans in the Czech Republic. What followed was a heart-wrenching courtroom drama that left fans, friends, and curious onlookers around the world on the edge of their seats.
O filme acompanha uma semana da rotina dos frequentadores de Philly Grounds, um café no Oeste da Filadélfia. Lá, Claire (Jennifer Love Hewitt) é uma simpática garçonete que dá conselhos sobre amor, vida e carreira para os clientes do lugar. Ao mesmo tempo que encanta seu colega de trabalho, o solitário Todd (Daniel Eric Gold), ela também enfurece um traficante, Glenn (Jamie Kennedy). Mas o, aparentemente, pacífico e belo local também tem um misterioso lado e tudo pode mudar quando uma tragédia acontece.
Director of Photography
Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
Additional Camera
A gripping tale of intrigue and mystery in the art world, this film traces the history of a collection of Post-Impressionist paintings - worth billions - which became the subject of a power struggle after the death of its owner. Dr. Albert Barnes.
A gripping tale of intrigue and mystery in the art world, this film traces the history of a collection of Post-Impressionist paintings - worth billions - which became the subject of a power struggle after the death of its owner. Dr. Albert Barnes.
It is about a music school in Philadelphia, The Paul Green School of Rock Music, run by Paul Green that teaches kids ages 9 to 17 how to play rock music and be rock stars. Paul Green teaches his students how to play music such as Black Sabbath and Frank Zappa better than anyone expects them to by using a unique style of teaching that includes getting very angry and acting childish.