Mervyn Johns

Mervyn Johns

Nascimento : 1899-02-18, Pembroke, Wales, UK

Morte : 1992-09-06


Father of actress Glynis Johns, who appeared with him in The Halfway House (1944) and The Sundowners (1960). Stocky, benevolent-looking Welsh character who became an unexpected star of British movies during WWII, then moved quickly into post-war supports, with one of his fondly-remembered parts being that of the cowering "Bob Cratchit" to Alastair Sim's cold-hearted "Ebenezer Scrooge" in the definitive film version of A Christmas Carol (1951).


Mervyn Johns


House of Mortal Sin
Father Duggan
Also known as 'The Confessional', another of Pete Walkers's critiques of institutional hypocrisy, in which a troubled young girl goes to confession at the local church. Unfortunately, the sexually frustrated priest she confesses to becomes obsessed with her. At first, the priest stalks the girl, but later it is revealed that he will stop at nothing, including blackmail and murder, just to get close to her.
The National Health
Peter Nichols adapted his own hit play to the screen, based on his experiences in hospitals. A riotous black comedy that's as timely today as ever, it contrasts the appalling conditions in a overcrowded London hospital with a soap opera playing on the televisions there. In an ingenious touch, the same actors appear in the "real" story as well as the "TV" one, thus blurring the distinctions even further. Jack Gould directs such outstanding British actors as Lynn Redgrave, Colin Blakely, Eleanor Bron, Jim Dale, Donald Sinden, Mervyn Johns, and, in only his second film, Bob Hoskins. The renowned Carl Davis composed the score.
The National Health
Peter Nichols adapted his own hit play to the screen, based on his experiences in hospitals. A riotous black comedy that's as timely today as ever, it contrasts the appalling conditions in a overcrowded London hospital with a soap opera playing on the televisions there. In an ingenious touch, the same actors appear in the "real" story as well as the "TV" one, thus blurring the distinctions even further. Jack Gould directs such outstanding British actors as Lynn Redgrave, Colin Blakely, Eleanor Bron, Jim Dale, Donald Sinden, Mervyn Johns, and, in only his second film, Bob Hoskins. The renowned Carl Davis composed the score.
Who Killed the Cat?
Henry Fawcett
A scheming widow tries to persecute three old ladies, but fate takes its revenge on her.
Os Heróis de Telemark
Col. Wilkinson
A resistência norueguesa tenta sabotar os esforços alemães para produzir um componente da bomba atômica durante a segunda guerra mundial. Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Noruega foi ocupada pela Alemanha. Nos claros e profundos fiordes tentavam produzir água "pesada", um componente vital na fabricação de uma bomba atômica. Uma arma que ganharia a guerra pela Alemanha. O Movimento de Resistência Norueguês descobre isso e os aliados são alertados. Mas terão tempo e oportunidade para impedir que o precioso ingrediente seja produzido e usado?
A Jolly Bad Fellow
An English professor decides that there are too many useless people in the world and invents a gas that will kill them off. But first they'll at least have a good laugh.
The Old Dark House
Petiphar Femm
An American car salesman in London becomes mixed up in a series of fatal occurrences at a secluded mansion.
80,000 Suspects
A doctor's already-shaky marriage is tested to an even greater extent when he has to contend with a smallpox epidemic.
55 Dias em Pequim
Na Pequim de 1900, durante a rebelião dos Boxers (revolta de uma facção do povo chinês contra a presença ocidental na China), é organizada uma comissão que reúne diplomatas, ministros do exército e outros representantes de dezenas de nações. A idéia é encontrar uma solução amigável e diplomática, mas há o evidente conflito de interesses entre os países presentes e o Império Chinês.
O Terror Veio do Espaço
Mr. Coker
Em 1963, o diretor inglês Steve Sekely adaptou para as telas o clássico livro escrito por John Wyndham. É a história de uma chuva de meteoritos que causa cegueira na maior parte da população terrestre, além de afetar um determinado tipo de flores (as triffids), transformando-as em plantas carnívoras com a capacidade de locomoção.
São Francisco de Assis
Brother Juniper
Nascido em berço de ouro, cercado de privilégios, paixões e luxo, Francisco de Assis veio a ser um dos mais amados e reverenciados santos da história. Bradford Dillman interpreta de modo marcante o ambicioso aventureiro que ouve a voz de Deus e responde abandonando sua vida de conforto. Ao trocar a espada pela cruz, ele se eleva à glória... Mas acaba tendo o trabalho de sua vida ameaçado por uma hierarquia corrupta e ciumenta dentro da própria Igreja. Sob a batuta de Michael Curtiz, famoso diretor de Casablanca, esta história épica de coragem e sacrifício é uma inspiração para toda a família.
Echo of Barbara
Sam Roscoe
Barbara is the long-lost sister of no-good Mike Roscoe (Ronald Hines). Paula Brown (Maureen Connell) is the stripper whom Mike hires to pose as Barbara. It's all part of a scheme to fool Mike's ex-convict dad Sam Roscoe (Mervyn Johns). The son hopes to entice Sam into revealing the whereabouts of his stolen money, and Paula is hopefully going to do the trick. Based on a novel by Jonathan Burke, Echo of Barbara is a better-than-usual British programmer, entertaining despite its surplus of unpleasant leading characters.
O Rebelde
Manager of Art Gallery, London
Anthony Hancock gives up his office job to become an abstract artist. He has a lot of enthusiasm, but little talent, and critics scorn his work. Nevertheless, he impresses an emerging very talented artist. Hancock proceeds to con the art world into thinking he is a genius.
O Suplício de Tua Ausência
Charlie Young
Johnnie Byrne is a member of the British Parliament. In his 40s, he's feeling frustrated with his life and his personal as well as professional problems tower up over him. His desires to win the next election are endangered by his constant looking for love and he is faced with the choice of giving up a career in politics or giving up the woman he loves.
Peregrino da Esperança
Jack Patchogue
No Outback Australiano, a família Carmody - Paddy, Ida e seu filho adolescente Sean - levam uma vida nômade, são tropeiros de ovelhas, sempre em movimento. Ida e Sean querem sossegar e comprar uma fazenda. Mas Paddy quer se manter em movimento. Um concurso de tosquia de ovelhas, o nascimento de uma criança, bebidas, jogos e um cavalo de corrida terão um papel na decisão final.
Never Let Go
Alfie Barnes
John Cummings, an unsuccessful cosmetics salesman, has his unpaid-for car stolen by one of the hoods in the employ of Lionel Meadows, the sadistic organizer of a London car conversion racket. The car was not insured, and since the police appear indifferent to his plight, Cummings decides to find it himself -- and gets himself involved in an underworld battle.
Ainda Uma Vez, Com Emoção
Mr. Alonzo Wilbur Jr.
The wife of brilliant, but boisterous and ill-tempered conductor of the London Symphony puts up with his childishness, but the last straw is drawn when he begins an affair with a young pianist.
O Discípulo do Diabo
Rev. Maindeck Parshotter
In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary American Puritan, is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend.
The Gypsy and the Gentleman
About to enter a marriage he wants no part of, rich nobleman Mitchell takes up with gypsy Mecouri. They marry, but she soon discovers he's deeply in debt. (TCM)
Danger List
Mr. Ellis
When a pharmacist accidentally prescribes poison instead of painkillers, the race is on to find the killer pills.
The Surgeon's Knife
Mr. Waring
A doctor becomes the victim of extortionists when one of his patients dies under questionable circumstances.
The Vicious Circle
Dr. George Kimber
When Dr Howard Latimer finds the German Actress that he has just met at London Airport murdered in his flat, it leads him into the world of murder, blackmail and a fake passport scam.
The Counterfeit Plan
Louie Bernard
An escaped murderer flees France to England, where he forces an ex-forger, now established as a reputable estate owner, and the forger's daughter who knew nothing of his past, to counterfeit 5-pound notes for mass distribution around the countryside.
Doctor at Large
The third of the "Doctor" films. Newly qualified doctor Simon Sparrow goes in search of a job. He applies for a surgery position at the hospital where he studied, but manages to insult the senior surgeon and one of the hospital's governors. So, instead he ends up as assistant to with a niggardly and rather scary GP with an amerous wife, followed by cushy but rather unmedical job with a Harley Street doctor, and then a job with a very nice GP whp is the opposite to the first one. But after getting the chance to rescue the hospital governor from a group of angry ladies at a resort in France, he finally lands a job at his beloved hosdpital.
Find the Lady
During New Year's Eve, a young model spends the day searching for her grandmother, who has suspiciously gone missing.
Moby Dick
Consumido por uma raiva completamente insana, Capitão Ahab (Gregory Peck) tem apenas um objetivo na vida: Vingar-se de Moby Dick, a grande baleia branca que o feriu e desfigurou. O obcecado capitão de um baleeiro usa seu poder de comando como uma desculpa para navegar pelos Sete Mares em uma busca sem fim pelo seu objeto de ódio. Lutando contra uma tripulação amotinada, o calor tropical e tormentas violentas, Ahab finalmente encontra com sua inimiga e começa um confronto que irá culminar em uma luta épica de uma fúria sem fim…
Um Homem em Desespero
Ernest Chaple
Film producer Reggie Wilson is worried he may have a dual personality. Fleeing Hollywood, he finds himself in England and married to the studio boss's daughter after which he quickly rises through the studio ranks. Then the letters begin to appear from a lovesick American actress who wants to know why he has thrown her over.
Em uma sociedade futurística totalitária, controlada pelo "Big Brother", o amor é proibido. Winston Smith é um funcionários do Estado, ele é responsável por reescrever a história e, ao se apaixonar por Julia, é visto como rebelde, sofrendo tortura e lavagem cerebral pelo seu crime.
The Blue Peter
A Merchant Navy hero of the Korean War returns to England after three years of captivity in Communist hands, his mind confused by brain-washing and indoctrination at the hands of his captors, and accepts a post as an instructor at the Outward Bound Sea School.
Romeu e Julieta
Friar Laurence
In Shakespeare's classic play, the Montagues and Capulets, two families of Renaissance Italy, have hated each other for years, but the son of one family and the daughter of the other fall desperately in love and secretly marry.
O Rebelde Aventureiro
Em 1745, enquanto a Escócia se levanta em rebelião para apoiar o último herdeiro da realeza escocesa caída em desgraça, dois irmãos, de uma pequena família nobre, decidem o que fazer: o mais velho e herdeiro da família, James, apoia os revoltosos, ao passo que Henry, o mais novo, irá manter-se do lado do rei inglês. Vença quem vencer, a família estará protegida. Acontece que, em meio à derrota da revolta patriota, James fica certo de que o seu irmão o traiu e deseja ver morto, revelando aos ingleses onde estava escondido. É o começo de uma grande aventura que irá levá-lo até às Caraíbas, antes do reencontro dos irmãos para o derradeiro acerto de contas.
The Oracle
Tom Mitchum
An Irish "oracle" foretells the next day's track results to a newspaperman, resulting in a national uproar.
Tall Headlines
Uncle Ted
A family is torn apart when their eldest son is hanged for the murder of a young girl.
A Caixa Mágica
Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.
Contos de Natal
Bob Cratchit
Ebenezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) é um velho rico, avarento e grosseiro. Na noite de Natal, ele recebe a visita de três espíritos, representando o passado, o presente e o futuro. Os espíritos mostram a Scrooge sua vida, os sonhos que já teve, seus erros e o que ele pode vir a ser. Com isso Scrooge percebe seu egoísmo e muda seu jeito de ser. Considerada a melhor dentre as adaptações do livro Contos de Natal, de Charles Dickens.
Bob Cratchit
Tony Draws a Horse
The free-spirited wife of a proper British doctor leaves him after an arguement over the anatomically correct drawing of a horse on the wall drawn by their young son Tony.
Diamond City
Set in the diamond fields of South Africa, Stafford Parker is a lawman trying to maintain a semblance of law and order in the "Wild South".
Meu Filho
Harry Sempkin
Following the death of his only son, a ruthless businessman reflects on his life, his unhappy marriage and his questionable parenting skills.
Helter Skelter
Ernest Bennett
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Samuel Sunbury
Somerset Maugham introduces four of his tales in this anthology film: "The Facts of Life," "The Alien Corn," "The Kite," and "The Colonel's Lady."
Easy Money
Herbert Atkins
A win on the football pools in postwar Britain changes lives. A happy family is turned into an unhappy argumentative lot until it is discovered the coupon apparently didn't get posted. A mild-mannered clerk worries about how to tell his overbearing boss he is quitting. A double-bass player finds life without the orchestra lacks something. The lure of the big money even turns some people into criminals, as when a coupon checker is tempted by his night-club singer girlfriend to cheat the company. Written by Jeremy Perkins
Dr. Bruckner, the Beast of Ravensbruck
An escaped World War 2 Nazi doctor impersonates a murdered English doctor so he can work on a vaccination to protect the Germans in their planned germ warfare.
Captain Boycott
Watty Connell
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Corações Aflitos
Pte. Evans
A series of stories about the lives and loves of nine men in a Prisoner of War Camp over five years. Location shooting in the British occupied part of Germany adds believability. The main story is of Hasek (Redgrave) a Czech soldier who needs to keep his identity a secret from the Nazis, to do this he poses as a dead English Officer and corresponds with the man's wife. Upon liberation they meet and decide to continue their lives together. The other inmates' stories are revealed episodically.
They Knew Mr. Knight
Tom Blake
After a chance train encounter with Laurence Knight, Tom Blake's family's fortunes prosper on the beneficence of the great financier. A developing friendship leads to the Knights selling their home to the Blakes when they move back to London. All looks rosy for the Blakes as share prices in Mr Knight's new business venture soar, but is their confidence misplaced?
Pink String and Sealing Wax
Edward Sutton
Melodrama set in Victorian Brighton. Scheming pub landlady uses the timorous son of a domineering pharmacist to assist in the poisoning of her drunkard husband. (The title is from the way pharmacists used to wrap parcels containing poison).
Na Solidão da Noite
Walter Craig (Segment "Linking Story")
Architect Walter Craig, seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring nightmare. Dreading the end of the dream that he knows is coming, he must first listen to all the assembled guests' own bizarre tales.
The Halfway House
A group of travellers, each with a personal problem that they want to hide, arrive at a mysterious Welsh country inn. There is a certain strangeness in the air as they are greeted by the innkeeper and his daughter. Why are all the newspapers a year old? And why doesn't Gwyneth seem to cast a shadow?
San Demetrio London
Greaser John Boyle - M.V. San Demetrio
British drama documentary from 1943, based on the true story of the 1940 rescue of the tanker MV San Demetrio by parts of her own crew after she had been set afire in the middle of the Atlantic by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer and then had been abandoned. When one of the lifeboats drifted back to the burning tanker the day after, and found that she still hadn't exploded, they decided to board her and put out the fires. Eventually, they managed to start the engine again and decided to try to reach Britain against all odds.
My Learned Friend
An insane murderer is on the loose, and gunning for the men who put him away. Will Hay is on the list, and co-opts Claude Hulbert to try and stop him from meeting a grisly end.
The Bells Go Down
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
48 Horas!
Charles Sims
The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their task is to disrupt England's radar network in preparation for a full scale German invasion. Once the villagers discover the true identity of the troops, they do whatever they can to thwart the Nazis plans.
Somewhere In France
Official, Passport Office
Based on the true story of Melbourne Johns, an aircraft factory foreman sent to France to prevent the Nazis getting hold of some vital equipment.
The Next of Kin
No 23: Mr Davis
Wartime propaganda piece giving the warning "Be like Dad, Keep Mum". A gossipy housewife is overheard talking about what her son is doing by a Nazi spy.
Saloon Bar
A bookmaker with a fancy for detective work attempts to prevent the execution of a potentially innocent man.
His Mate
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
Girl in the News
James Fetherwood
An elderly lady manages to sneak some pills away from her nurse and dies of an overdose. The nurse is tried for murder and acquitted. Some time later the nurse, under a new name and identity, cares for a patient who also dies of an overdose. When her real identity comes out, suspicions arouses.
A Estalagem Maldita
Thomas, gang member
Garota órfã vai viver com os tios, proprietários de um hotel. Não demora muito e ela descobre que os tios são na verdade líderes de uma gangue de piratas. E o lugar é apenas uma forma de atrair navios até ali.
Orgulho e Preconceito
Sir Willian Lucas
O Sr. e a Sra. Bennet têm cinco filhas solteiras, e a Sra. Bennet está especialmente ansiosa para encontrar maridos adequados para elas. Quando os ricos e solteiros Bingley e Darcy vêm morar nas proximidades, os Bennets têm grandes esperanças. Mas orgulho, preconceito e mal-entendidos se combinam para complicar seus relacionamentos e dificultar a felicidade.
Night Ride
Trapped Miner
Two truck drivers fired by the crooked trucking firm they worked for start their own company. Their former boss, worried about the competition, tries everything he can to drive them out of business, from sending his pretty daughter to seduce them to having his henchmen sabotage their trucks.
Storm in a Teacup
Court Bailiff (uncredited)
A local politician in Scotland tries to break the reporter who wrote a negative story about him, and who is also in love with his daughter.
Dishonour Bright
French Postcard Seller
A man is cited as the co-respondent in a divorce case, but is cheerfully unashamed when he appears in court.
In the Soup
A young married couple try to impress a rich relation by posing as maid and butler of the household.
Foreign Affaires
Courtroom Interpreter
An ageing aristocrat schemes to secure his dwindling finances by any means - fair or foul!
The Guv'nor
Bank Director
The Guv'nor (released in the U.S. as Mr. Hobo) is a 1935 British comedy film starring George Arliss as a tramp who rides a series of misunderstandings and becomes the president of a bank.
Lady in Danger
Walls plays an Englishman who's assigned the task of transporting a Queen(Yvonne Arnaud) of a revolution-torn country to England incognito. Hiding her in his London apartment, then his country house gives rise to many misunderstandings among his employees, friends and his Fianceé.