Bastien Bouillon

Bastien Bouillon

Nascimento : 1985-05-19, France


Bastien Bouillon


Le Horla
Damien and Nadia, 34, leave Paris with Chloé, their 8-year-old daughter, to settle in the provinces. Graphic designer for an events company, the first negotiated a full-time telework to follow his partner who has just been offered a position at the Rivière Research Institute where her friend and colleague Marion already works. The couple are expecting a child. But behind this new beginning hides a deaf threat that will soon implode the happiness of this seemingly perfect family.
Após uma experiência de quase morte, o principal chef da França se lança em uma busca pelo sabor que confundiu sua vida desde que foi derrotado por uma tigela de macarrão de um chef japonês quando jovem.
The gorgeous astrakhan fur, that looks so soft, shiny and warm, actually comes from fetal or newborn or even unborn karakul lambs. While the white lamb is the Christian symbol of purity and innocence, the astrakhan evokes the early sacrifice by society of the black lamb, equally innocent, slaughtered before or right after birth.
Le caméraman
Out of the Blue
Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.
À trois
The Night of the 12th
O jovem e ambicioso Capitão Vivés acaba de ser nomeado líder do grupo no esquadrão criminal de Grenoble, quando o caso do assassinato de Clara chega à sua mesa. Vivés e sua equipe investigam a vida e as relações complexas de Clara, mas o que começa como uma imersão profissional e metódica na vida da vítima, logo se transforma em uma obsessão assustadora.
In the summer of her seventh birthday, Selma is molested by an associate of her father’s who soon appears to her in the guise of an animal. Shocked, Selma discovers the power of her own language as a bulwark against adult violence.
A peek into a couple’s unpleasant dinner conversation.
Bye Bye
Julien deixou sua cidade natal para construir uma vida maior em Paris, deixando suas memórias para trás. Um dia, esse romancista publicado e futuro pai deve retornar.
People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.
A World Free of Crisis
Thirty-year-old Émilie, as spontaneous as she is clumsy, screws up all her job interviews one after the other. Under pressure, harassed by the owner of her rental apartment, she puts a lot of hope in a new interview which she has managed to secure for this afternoon. But in a near future, where social demands are no longer exactly the same, nothing happens as planned.
So That Nothing Changes
After a long absence, Marie decides to return to the family home to introduce the partner with whom she is expecting a child.
Starring Grandma
Frankie Wallach, 25-year-old director, is fascinated by her grand-mother Julia, 94 years old, her death camp survivor story and her joyful personality. She wants to immortalize her as an heroine of fiction for her movie but it's without thinking about the other members of the family, who will want to be a part of it. At the Wallach's, everything is... FULL OF LOVE !
The End of Love
At first, they make love even if they are not in the same country. She's in Paris, he's in Tel Aviv. Time passes and over-communication kills their privacy. In the end, they fall in love for the first time.
Samuel and Agnes are blocked in an elevator just after Agnes has stolen Samuel's bag. In this enclosed space with no exit, the attacker and victim confront each other, before finally letting their masks drop.
Il était une fois mon prince viendra
In the storeroom of the bakery where she works, twenty-seven-year-old Luna dreams of a Prince Charming and a life in a castle. On the same day, she will cross paths with a trash can full of dollar notes and a young man who stutters. What do we do with our childhood dreams when we are nearly thirty years old?
Jeanne, uma jovem tímida, trabalha em um parque de diversões. Fascinada por carrosséis, ela ainda mora em casa com a mãe. É quando Jeanne conhece Jumbo, a nova atração principal do parque
Somente as Feras
Gendarme Cédric Vigier
Uma mulher desapareceu. Após uma nevasca, seu carro é descoberto em uma estrada para uma pequena vila remota. Enquanto a polícia não sabe por onde começar, cinco pessoas estão ligadas ao desaparecimento. Cada um com seu próprio segredo.
Up the Mountain
Hugo Sauvage
Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
O Mistério de Henri Pick
Fred Koskas
Daphné Despero (Alice Isaaz) é uma ambiciosa editora em busca de novos romances para publicar. Um dia, enquanto visita seu pai, ela conhece uma livraria de manuscritos rejeitados. Lá, ela se encanta com uma história nunca antes publicada, escrita por um pizzaiolo bretão chamado Henri Pick. Admirada com o talento encontrado, ela começa a pesquisar sobre o autor e acaba descobrindo que ele faleceu há dois anos.
Mona sempre sonhou em ser atriz. Ao sair do Conservatório, ambiciona um futuro brilhante pela frente, mas é Sam, sua irmã mais nova, que logo se torna uma atriz famosa. Sem recursos, Mona é obrigada a morar com Sam, que, fragilizada por uma filmagem difícil, propõe que Mona se torne sua assistente. Aos poucos, Sam vai negligenciando seus papéis de atriz, de esposa e de mãe e acaba se perdendo. Mona acredita que deve se apossar dos papéis que Sam abandona.
Féminin plurielles
Sweet works in a hospital as a nurse. A new patient has just been admitted. Her mysterious side and her literary tastes fascinate the young woman. Delphine, executive in the same establishment, welcomes a German photographer who came for a report. The attraction is immediate between the two women. Hafsia, who wears the veil and could be refused an exam, meets an exuberant young man whom she falls in love with. She must hide this relationship from her father ...
Promessa ao Amanhecer
De sua infância difícil na Polônia, passando por sua adolescência sob o sol de Nice, até suas proezas como aviador durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Romain Gary viveu uma vida extraordinária. Mas essa ânsia por viver mil vidas e se tornar um grande homem, ele deve a Nina, sua mãe. É o amor louco dessa mãe cativante e excêntrica que fará dele um dos maiores romancistas do século XX. Mas esse amor materno, sem limites, também será seu fardo por toda vida.
Jérôme has killed Driss, of Moroccan ancestry, who used to be his best friend. Is it an accident, a drama caused by jealousy or a racist murder? The story of Jérôme's long drift is discovered as the police carry out its investigation.
Alice learns of her mother's accidental death while travelling in Canada. The body has been repatriated to France at the request of her husband, Alice's father. But he has supposedly been dead for 22 years. Is it really her father? Why would her mother have lied to her?
The Apple of My Eye
Theo Papagika
A boy, a girl. They live in the same building. They share a passion for music. But when they meet in the elevator, Théo doesn’t see that Élise is blind. It’s hate at first sight. Love takes its time. Will that early misunderstanding bring them together or drive them apart?
Guillaume Drifting
On the day of his dismissal, Guillaume meets Tom his substitute...
The new film from Lebanese director Danielle Arbid follows a young Arab immigrant in Paris, whose encounters with three men reveal different facets of her new country, and of herself.
On the Bench
Samir is a fan of PSG and Zlatan Ibrahimović, but his girlfriend Anna is beginning to get a little tired of his obsession. This all changes when one day, she finally relents and accompanies him to watch a match.
Aldo, a young male nurse, is Lucie’s boyfriend, who is a student. When he loses his job, he desperately needs to find money so that he can keep paying for his fiancée’s studies. Persuaded by two blind friends of Lucie, he ends up becoming a sexbuddie for handicapped people, both men and women. Keeping this a secret from his fiancée, Aldo embarks on a new life that will totally transform him.
Temptation and danger run high in this romantic drama. In a post-World War I world, handsome veteran Antoine is ready to live life with his beautiful wife, Marianne. But his happiness is threatened when Marianne's alluring sister, Evelyn, pulls him into a seductive web of deceit and infidelity.
High Society
Class barriers threaten the budding romance of two young lovers striving to realize their artistic ambitions.
2 Outonos 3 Invernos
Arman tem trinta e três anos e está pronto para fazer uma mudança, começando com uma corrida no parque. Quando ele literalmente esbarra em Amélie, – um pouco cínica mas ainda assim encantadora – no caminho, ele fica convencido que deve conhecê-la melhor.
Pour la France
One evening, Désirée, a young German girl of passage in Paris, meets Charles, France and Ivo. Once the excitement of the night, they find themselves in a sudden intimacy. The early morning will discover them changed.
Waging War
Seven cousins meet for a last holiday in their childhood house.
My Sense of Modesty
Hafsia, a student in Art History, is going to have to remove her hijab for an oral exam. She goes to the Louvre to view the painting that she has to comment on.
Arman hors saison
At 33, Arman has decided to change his life. He starts by running and bumps into Amélie. From there, he will relentlessly seek her.
Os Infiéis
Homens engenhosos têm o objetivo de manter relações sexuais com mulheres atraentes que não são suas esposas. Aqui recriam inúmeras situações, onde uns conseguem facilmente, enquanto outros enfrentarão loucas dificuldades.
A Guerra dos Botões
1960, em uma aldeia no sul da França. Um grupo de meninos, com idades entre 7 a 14 anos, é liderado por Lebrac (Vincent Bres) numa guerra contra as crianças da aldeia vizinha. Trata-se de uma batalha tradicional, realizada há gerações pelos jovens das duas aldeias. Eles lutam pela honra e lealdade, mas utilizam-se dos meios necessários para vencer. O exército de pequenos homens tenta de todas as formas não ser percebido por pais e mães, o que é complicado quando voltam para casa com as roupas rasgadas e sem botões.
Declaração de Guerra
Um casal, Romeu e Julieta. Uma criança, Adam. Um combate, uma doença. E sobretudo, uma grande história de amor, a deles.
Notre Dame des Barjots
Véra é psiquiatra e trabalha em uma Unidade de Intervenção Psiquiátrica de Emergência. Seu diretor, Edouard Russel, costumeiramente odiado por atribuir trabalhos em excesso na Unidade, se depara, certa noite, com o filho em meio a um surto psicótico. Ele pede que Véra diagnostique como loucura para evitar a prisão do filho, mas ela recusa, desencadeando, assim, a fazer sua própria investigação.
Le temps est à l'orage
Moi vivant, vous ne serez jamais morts
Paul Ligre