Blythe Metz

Nascimento : 1977-04-01, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Lost Angels
Lost Angels is a music/drama set to the soulful sounds of Oliver Pigott, the contestant Canadian Idol judges stated was perhaps the most talented person to ever audition for the show. Other name talent include, Alimi Ballard (NUMBERS, The Fast Five) and Robert Pralgo (The Vampire Diaries). Hollywood has always held a universal fascination for audiences but rarely is its true nature honestly exposed. Lost Angels pulls no punches in revealing the unique and treacherous world that has no rules except those created by the power players within.
Lost Angels
Lost Angels is a music/drama set to the soulful sounds of Oliver Pigott, the contestant Canadian Idol judges stated was perhaps the most talented person to ever audition for the show. Other name talent include, Alimi Ballard (NUMBERS, The Fast Five) and Robert Pralgo (The Vampire Diaries). Hollywood has always held a universal fascination for audiences but rarely is its true nature honestly exposed. Lost Angels pulls no punches in revealing the unique and treacherous world that has no rules except those created by the power players within.
TV Newscaster
The film opens with a baby dinoshark swimming away from a broken chunk of Arctic glacier that calved due to global warming. Three years later, the dinoshark is a ferocious predatory adult and kills tourists and locals offshore from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The protagonist, Trace, is first to notice the Dinoshark and witnesses his friend get eaten, but has trouble convincing people that a creature of such antiquity is still alive and eating people.
Andrea Mills
Consulting Producer
Fool's Dream
A bitter man watches his life in a theatre play in a surreal dream and understands the true value of things.
The Thirst
Maxx and his girlfriend Lisa are a pair of recovering drug addicts whom are recruited by a clan of sex & violence crazed vampires led by the egotistical and charismatic Darius. But to become members, Maxx and Lisa have to give up their humanity and become vampires themselves. As Maxx and Lisa adopt to their new lifestyle of immortality with all the advantages and disadvantages, their addiction to drugs now turns to addiction to human blood and each new 'fix' leads them deeper into debauchery. Will these two rookie vampires find salvation, or be damned to all eternity of their latest thirst for blood?
The Craving Heart
Scientist, Alexander Tom thought he had it all, great wife, great house, career... that was until the death of his best friend and a random affair with an anonymous woman force him to re-evaluate everything. In the ensuing days his relationships with his father, his wife, his co-worker and Walela, the mysterious woman, contribute to his edification that life is riddled with intangibles, that complacency and routine have deadened him and that despite his scientific understanding of life, there are other forces at play.
Bred in the Bone
Gigi Andrews
John Palmentario is desperate not to follow in his father's footsteps... NOT to make the same mistakes. At 34, John looks back on his life as a paid thug who won't kill or carry a gun and realizes that his life is not such a far cry from that of his father's. John buys a ring and tells his best friend he's ready to quit and marry his girlfriend. Stunned, he convinces John to do just 2 more jobs so that he can get settled but John's life is suddenly turned around with the appearance of a mysterious stranger. Can John make the choices to change his life, or is it BRED IN THE BONE?
O Homem Pesadelo
Ellen tells of repeated attacks by a mysterious man that only she has seen.
Abe & Bruno
Abe has secretly been living in his woodland home, which he shields by scaring off ids, happily together with Bruno, a mountain gorilla he saved from zoo captivity. When Abe gets cardiac problems, Bruno seeks help in town, but scares the hell out of everyone. Sheriff Kilgore's posse tracks the ape all the way to their home, just in time to save Abe. Bruno however remains a 'dangerous fugitive'.
Jacqueline Hyde
Jaqueline Hyde
A lonely and shy young woman, inherits a house and stumbles upon a secret formula that enables her to transform her body in any way she wants.
A '66 Fastback car punishes its owner for back seat sex. Well endowed Billy gets an old car from his very religious Aunt Tilly. It gets worse, when Billy's hated school rival, Arnelle, discovers what's going on in Fastback; she devises some electronics to control Fastback from her computer and really torments Billy.
Missão Quase Impossível
Miss Delaware
O que Náufrago, Miss Simpatia, O Parque dos Dinossauros, O Sexto Sentido e Harry Potter têm em comum? Todos são alvos da hilariante sátira Missão Quase Impossível. Trabalhando a serviço do Vaticano, um grupo de arqueólogos encontra a mítica Arca de Noé flutuando na praia de uma ilha deserta. Porém, ao tentar informar o precioso achado, o chefe da equipe é pisoteado por um gigantesco dinossauro com cara de porco. É o terrível - Jurássico Porco aterrorizando toda a equipe! Ao saber do acidente, o Papa João Paulo II infiltra um agente secreto, disfarçado de comissário de bordo, num voo muito especial lotado de belíssimas garotas. O avião acaba caindo exatamente na ilha deserta onde a Arca foi descoberta. E como se tudo já não estivesse confuso o suficiente, surge em cena o agente MJ - ninguém menos que o próprio Michael Jackson em pessoa - a única pessoa capaz de resolver toda a situação... ou botar tudo a perder de uma vez!
Leather and Iron
John Telliman, a rich lawyer who rides bikes on the weekends, falls into some trouble with a gang of outlaw bikers and gets a case in his possession that will only bring him misery. So...what's in the case, and why do they want it?