Jay Ingram


Lorie Brindel works at an insurance company and falls in love with one of her clients, the much older Ed Bledsoe. Spending weeks of passion together, Lorie is convinced that Ed is the man of her life and that he would marry her. When Ed decides to break up the relationship, Lorie does not accept it and tries to win him back, falling from her extreme love into an equally extreme hatred.
Um Tiro que Não deu Certo
O ganhador do OSCAR Gene Hackman (Melhor Ator Coadjuvante por Os Imperdoáveis em 1993 e Melhor Ator por Operação França em 1972) e Dan Aykroyd estrelam como parceiros perfeitos nesta extraordinária comédia do diretor de Porky's -A Casa do Amor e do Riso. Aykroyd é um brilhante detetive de polícia que sempre esconde sua verdadeira identidade. Mas ele não está disfarçado - ele é realmente esquizofrênico! Juntos, Hackman, Aykroyd e suas múltiplas personalidades lidam com um desnorteante assassinato que lhes remete a Adolph Hittler. O FBI e o serviço secreto de Israel não conseguem resolver o caso, mas eles não têm as várias personalidades de Aykroyd em seu time.
A Killing Affair
A white female detective is partnered with a black male detective to find the person who is committing a series of particularly vicious murders. During the course of the investigation the two begin to develop an attraction to each other, but the situation is complicated by the fact that he is married.
The Peacemaker
A former gunfighter who went to prison but then took up religion arrives in a western town as the new preacher. There he finds a feud between the ranchers and the farmers. The Railroad Agent is after the ranchers land and has his men causing all the trouble. The new preacher sets out to bring the two sides together and he says he will not need a gun.