Leonard Shapiro


Cine Pesadelo
Atraídos para dentro de um cinema assombrado, cinco estranhos testemunham uma série de projeções que mostram seus medos mais sombrios e seus segredos mais profundos. Agora, eles terão que enfrentar seus piores pesadelos, enquanto tentam escapar.
Na Trilha da Vingança
Executive Producer
Ao sair da prisão, Charlie (Stephen Dorff) busca vingança em nome de William "O Buda" (Willem Dafoe), que foi responsável por ele atrás das grades. No seu perigoso caminho, ele conhece a bela Florence (Michelle Monaghan), uma intrigante mulher que sabe como sobreviver nas ruas.
Executive Producer
Jeffrey Dahmer (Jeremy Renner) é um assassino cruel cuja uma de suas marcas registradas é o canibalismo. Considerado um monstro, Dahmer matou, esquartejou e se alimentou de alguns órgãos de 17 rapazes em Wisconsin. Enquanto o serial killer decide qual será o destino da próxima vítima em potencial, Dahmer é guiado por uma sequência de flashbacks de seu passado.
A Invasão 2
Executive Producer
Depois que Zane Ziminski é encontrado morto, cinco pessoas recebem envelopes contendo detalhes de uma invasão alienígena. Eles têm de escapar dos extraterrestres, que assumem a forma humana, e tentam convencer outras pessoas da existência deles.
Prazer em Matar-te
Executive Producer
With his boss in the madhouse, a mobster is temporary boss of the criminal empire just as vicious rivals threaten the control of the empire.
Executive Producer
Young Jesse is traveling through time in order to stop some evil virtual reality fight managers from a parallel universe trying to destroy Earth.
Ring of Steel
Executive Producer
A champion fencer accidentally kills an opponent in a match. Disgraced, he is blackballed from the fencing community, until a mysterious stranger saves his life one night from a gang of muggers. He soon finds himself caught up in the world of underground illegal swordfights, where combatants fight to the death.
Executive Producer
Santos attempts to lead a people's revolt in Colombia to overthrow the Presidente. When his revolt fails and he is killed, his sister Christina goes to New York to find McBain, a lieutenant Santos rescued during the Vietnam War. McBain agrees to help, recruits his old war buddies, raises some cash by killing a few drug dealers, then leads an attack to topple the Colombian government.
Black Roses
Teens in a small conservative town are turned into evil demons thanks to the music of the titular heavy metal band.
Um Tira Implacável
Executive Producer
When a local drug dealer shoots a dishonest cop in self-defense, lawyer and renegade undercover cop join forces to clear him. But when their investigation leads them into a maze of greed and corruption, they learn that in a town where everything is for sale, anything can happen.
The Girl on the Bridge
Second Assistant Director
A young woman's suicide attempt is stopped by an old man passing by. The two fall in love -- but the relationship between the young girl and old man is threatened when a blackmailer from her past shows up.