Little Anthony
Em Nova York, Tommy (Michael Pitt) e Rosie (Nina Arianda) são um casal apaixonado, mas que acabam presos ao serem flagrados roubando uma floricultura no Dia dos Namorados. Após esse deslize, eles tentam ganhar a vida honestamente. Rosie consegue um emprego em uma agência de cobranças e convence Tommy a ir trabalhar com ela. Mas logo ele se vê envolvido com algo mais interessante, assistir ao julgamento de um famoso assassino da máfia, cujo testemunho pode derrubar o clã Gambino.
Toda a família tem seus segredos e a família Rizzo não fica atrás. O pai, Vince (Andy Garcia) tem um filho fora do casamento e depois de 20 anos terá que traze-lo para morar com ele. A filha, uma suposta aluna aplicada na Universidade mas, nas horas vagas vira uma stripper. Até o caçula Vinnie Jr. que aparenta ser o único "normal" da família esconde um grande fetiche... No fundo a família Rizzo é como qualquer outra - que atire a primeira pedra quem não tem segredos de família!
Wickersham Guard 1 (voice)
Um elefante com muita imaginação chamado Horton ouve um sumido pedido de ajuda vindo de um grãozinho de pó que flutua pelo ar. Horton suspeita que pode haver vida naquele pedacinho de pó e apesar da sua comunidade achar que ele perdeu o juízo, ele está determinado a salvar a pequena partícula. Afinal o grãozinho é na verdade um planeta minúsculo, onde há uma cidade chamada "Quem Vila" habitada por seres de tamanho microscópico conhecidos por os "Quem". Os "Quem" pedem a Horton (cujos habitantes o elefante não consegue ver, embora os consiga ouvir bastante bem, por causa da sua audição extraordinária) que os proteja do mal, ao qual Horton alegremente acede. Ao fazer isso ele é ridicularizado e maltratado pelos outros animais da selva, por acreditar em algo que eles não conseguem ver nem ouvir. Horton conta aos "Quem" que eles necessitam fazer-se ouvir aos outros animais.
Start Dad (voice)
A ação esquenta – e a temperatura também – para Manny, Sid, Diego e Scrat. Durante a tentativa de escapar do vale para evitar uma enchente de problemas, o divertido grupo embarca em uma hilária viagem por uma paisagem que está descongelando e acabam conhecendo Ellie, uma peluda fêmea de mamute que derrete o coração de Manny.
Lamppost / Toilet Bot / Bass Drum / Microphone
Rodney Lataria é um robô que tem um dom para inventar máquinas, que trabalha com seu pai lavando pratos. Sonhando em conhecer seu ídolo, o Grande Soldador, Rodney decide partir em uma viagem rumo a Robópolis. Porém, ao chegar na cidade, ele percebe que sua busca será mais difícil do que imaginava. Logo Rodney se torna amigo dos Enferrujados, um grupo de robôs de rua que sabe se virar e que acaba por abrigá-lo. Tentando encontrar o Grande Soldador e mantendo seu ideal em fazer um mundo melhor, ele enfrenta situações que podem pôr em risco a própria existência de Robópolis.
Larry (voice)
A fazenda Caminho do Paraíso está em pânico, pois uma ação de despejo ameaça acabar com o local. Temendo ir para o matadouro, os animais da fazenda decidem ajudar a dona a conseguir a quantia necessária para pagar a hipoteca. O alvo escolhido pelo grupo é o perigoso bandido Alameda Slim, que tem uma grande recompensa reservada para quem capturá-lo.
A day in the life of a couple trapped in a sadomasochistic relationship. When Marie decides to break up with Bruce, their conversation devolves into a torrent of foul-mouthed rippings and ferociously humorous musings on their marriage, love, hate and committment.
A bittersweet comedy that follows three generations of the unlucky Tredici family from Corsica in the 1940's to an Indiana fruit farm in the present.
Bartholomew Bookbinder
An unhappy young couple visit the infamous Kellogg spa in Battle Creek, Michigan while a young hustler tries get into the breakfast-cereal business and compete against John Kellogg's corn flakes.
A vaudeville star struggles with her addiction to pancakes.
Alexander Woollcott (voice)
The story of the legendary wits who lunched daily at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City during the 1920s. The core of the so-called Round Table group included short story and poetry writer Dorothy Parker; comic actor and writer Robert Benchley; The New Yorker founder Harold Ross; columnist and social reformer Heywood Broun; critic Alexander Woollcott; and playwrights George S. Kaufman, Marc Connelly, Edna Ferber and Robert Sherwood.
A sociology student films sexual encounters in a motel for his thesis, and falls in love with a French girl in the process.
Comrade in Chief (voice)
In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves.The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV.
Stanley (voice)
Bink, Stanley, Dink, Ozzie e Tippi são cinco cães humanóides falantes de cores pastel que fazem uma viagem interdimensional e acabam parando numa cidade qualquer, na vida de Jamie, um garoto de 10 anos, e sua vizinha adolescente, Claire. Além dos dois, precisam lidar com o vilão magnata J. J. Wagstaff, um colecionador de animais exóticos.
Mister Leo é um gato de sorte. Seu finado dono lhe deixou 2 milhões de dólares de herança. Os parentes do morto não gostam da idéia e planejam dar fim no gatinho. Mas eles não contavam com uma grande supresa: Mister Leo fala. E há duas crianças que sabem disso e o ajudarão.
Cab Driver
Four teens on the run from an orphanage spring a fellow orphan recently adopted by a rich family, then trash the whole house.
Spalding Gray comes to LA to perform a set of monologues.
Spalding Gray comes to LA to perform a set of monologues.
Synonamess Botch (voice)
In the world of the Murwoks where nightmares are made, the evil Botch hatches a scheme to make bad dreams real. Only Ralph and Mumford, misfits from the cheery land of Frivoli, can stop him.
Nick Rand
A young film student pursues a woman while studying under a bizarre, eccentric film professor.
Young T.T. comes from Chicago to spend the summer in California. He slowly becomes "California-ized," while learning about love and life in the Golden State.
A day-in-the-life documentary with Garry Marshall. Marshall was an executive producer for ABC and was responsible for such hit shows as Laverne and Shirley, Happy Days, and Mork and Mindy. This tape features several behind the scenes segments from these shows' productions. Marshall is also interviewed about the nature of television production and comedy.
Mr. Spoon
Nesbitt Spoon, who's a bit of a nebbish, tells us about his day, which is fairly average up until the moment that his doctor tells him he has only five minutes left to live.
A would-be Marine fails basic training, and is sent home wearing the "baby blue" fatigues of a washout. En route, he is mugged by a battle-fatigued Marine Raider, who leaves him to hitch-hike home in an undeserved hero's uniform. A small Colorado town takes him in, treating him like the hero he appears to be.
A group of interested parties searching for stolen campaign money in a deserted house learn a murderer is among them.
Window Cleaner
In this rousing satire a native upstate New York clerk comes to 1920s Manhattan with dreams of making in big on Tin Pan Alley.
The story of a New York pro baseball team and two of its players. Henry Wiggen is the star pitcher and Bruce Pearson is the normal, everyday catcher who is far from the star player on the team and friend to all of his teammates. During the off-season, Bruce learns that he is terminally ill, and Henry, his only true friend, is determined to be the one person there for him during his last season with the club. Throughout the course of the season, Henry and his teammates attempt to deal with Bruce's impending illness, all the while attempting to make his last year a memorable one.
Don Pedro and his men (Teddy Roosevelt Roughriders) have returned from the wars. After Beatrice turns down his proposal, Don Pedro decides to matchmake her with Benedick (her former boyfriend), but she being an independent-minded, bicycle-riding Suffragette type, it's going to take a bit of trickery.
Shooting Gallery Attendant
An ex-cop and a Harvard graduate team up to become bounty hunters.
Vince Domino
Driving through New York City in his Sexmobile, Dr. Harrison Rogers of the Bureau of Sexological Investigation, searches out luminary figures in the world of sex.
No século XXI, numa época em que as pessoas têm designações em vez de nomes, um homem, THX 1138, e uma mulher, LUH 3417, se rebelam contra sua sociedade rigidamente controlada.
The film features a conversation between Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola, producer of THX 1138. They discuss Lucas' vision for the film, including his ideas about science fiction in general and in particular his concept of the "used future" which would famously feature in his film Star Wars. Intercut with this discussion is footage shot prior to the start of production of THX 1138 showing several of its actors having their heads shaved, a requirement for appearing in the film. In several cases the actors are shown being shaved in a public location. For example, Maggie McOmie is shaved outside the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, while Robert Duvall watches a sporting event as his hair is cut off. Another actor, Marshall Efron, who would later play an insane man in the film, cut off his own hair and was filmed doing so in a bathtub.
A collection of subversive comedy sketches and routines relating to the peace movement.
In a pound, 18 dogs wait to be adopted.
Young Man
Sticky My Fingers ... Fleet My Feet is a 1970 short film directed by John D. Hancock. It follows a group of Madison Avenue touch football buffs who are beaten by a teenaged boy and begin to feel their age. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Sid, Photographer
An improvisational comedian, working with The Committee improv group in San Francisco, struggles to be taken seriously.