Valeri Kuzin


Khrustalyov, My Car!
Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin's Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-called "doctors' plot".
To Marry the Captain
Captain Alexander Blinov goes on vacation and has to give a package to Lena. Lena is freelance photo journalist who runs from job to job. She also has a long conflicting relationship with her retired neighbor who thinks that people like her shouldn't live. Somehow, Blinov get's involved in that conflict and all other Lena's crazy adventures, and falls in love.
My Friend Ivan Lapshin
Narrator (voice)
Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.
Yuliya Vrevskaya
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The film is based on a true dramatic story of the fate of a wonderful Russian woman - Countess Yulia Petrovna Vrevskaya, one of the first Petersburg beauties. The events of the movie take place during the Russian-Turkish war for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Turkish yoke. An early widowed baroness, having left Petersburg, and having invested all her money in organizing a volunteer sanitary detachment, she becomes a sister of mercy on the front of the Bulgarian war with the Ottoman Empire of 1878.
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