Daniel Ouellette


The Board
Production Design
A socially challenged high school kid tests his ultimate system for making a successful first-time call to his crush.
Joy Road
Production Design
Tony Smalls is a burned out lawyer looking for a new direction in life. He's forced to put his plans on hold when his sister Nia asks him to defend her fiance', a gang kingpin who is under arrest for a triple murder that he says he didn't commit. Tony feels the pressure of the case when the feds and a shadowy corporation get involved, along with a private investigator who seems to be working all sides. When Nia starts an investigation of her own into the murder, it not only brings her closer to the truth - it puts both herself and Tony in harm's way.
Dreams from a Petrified Head
Amanda Sage was a dissident whose beliefs and ideas retain the power to disturb a long established mode of living. A restless public is re-awakening long after her death fueled by the recordings of her anti-government speeches. Jeremy's new job entails rewriting her words and her visual image; nullifying and softening the impact of her heartfelt rhetoric. While working to comprehend her lectures, to effectively alter them, he chooses a taboo course of action; he dumps her stored memory into an android body made in her likeness. This brings him dangerously close to her and her message.
Dreams from a Petrified Head
Amanda Sage was a dissident whose beliefs and ideas retain the power to disturb a long established mode of living. A restless public is re-awakening long after her death fueled by the recordings of her anti-government speeches. Jeremy's new job entails rewriting her words and her visual image; nullifying and softening the impact of her heartfelt rhetoric. While working to comprehend her lectures, to effectively alter them, he chooses a taboo course of action; he dumps her stored memory into an android body made in her likeness. This brings him dangerously close to her and her message.
Livrando a Cara
Production Design
Wil Pang (Michelle Krusiec) é uma jovem cirurgiã com uma promissora carreira e um imenso problema. Solteira, aos 28 anos, ela descobre ser lésbica ao se apaixonar pela bailarina Vivian (Lynn Chen). Enquanto se encontra às escondidas com a namorada, Wil pensa em um jeito de contar a novidade a sua mãe, a viúva Ma (Joan Chen). Sua vida toma um rumo inesperado numa noite em que Wil encontra a mãe na porta de sua casa. Grávida, Ma foi expulsa da conservadora comunidade chinesa de onde elas vieram por se negar a revelar o nome do pai da criança. Agora as duas precisam se entender.
Production Design
Um professor universitário acorda e descobre que sua esposa não voltou para casa, depois se esforça para entender seu desaparecimento.
O Rei Joe
Production Design
Depois de lidar com a falta de amor e compreensão em casa desde criança, o jovem Joe atravessa agora uma dura adolescência, e encontra no crime uma forma de se livrar de suas frustrações.
Story of the Red Rose
An intersex hero sets out in a quest to find a red rose in a world where one has never existed.
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Production Design
Real stories of five women of the Old West....
The Wife
Production Design
A sudden visit from a patient and his unstable, outrageously candid wife leads to a delirious night of shattering revelations for a husband and wife team of therapists.
Romance entre Amigos
Production Design
Jackie e Michael são colegas de trabalho em um grande escritório de advocacia, que decidem se encontrar no restaurante Jackie's para jantar uma noite. Um filme de humor sombrio que explora a paisagem psíquica pessoal de dois nova-iorquinos solitários. À medida que este "primeiro encontro" se desenrola, o público é conduzido por um campo minado mental de desapontamento, desolação e desespero. Sua conversa, um papo estranho, revela lentamente suas vidas infelizes.
Simple Men
Production Design
Bitter about being double-crossed by the women he loved, (and with the police after him to boot), Bill vows to seduce the next woman he sees, then throw her away. His brother Dennis, meanwhile, is equally determined to track down their long lost father, a revolutionary who has been in hiding for 20 years. For different reasons, both leave New York and head for Long Island, out of money, and short on ideas.
I Was on Mars
Production Design
Silva fulfills herself a dream: from Poland she flies to USA. With only a few hundred dollars she arrives in New York, incapable of the language. Not long until the charming swindler Avi steals all her money - but she doesn't give up: She hunts him down, follows him around, demanding her money back.
Production Design
Maria (Adrienne Shelly) é uma jovem rebelde e liberada que provoca um enfarte fulminante em seu pai ao lhe contar que está grávida do namorado. Matthew (Martin Donovan) é um engenheiro eletrônico, bastante instável que, literalmente, anda com uma granada de mão no bolso do casaco. Expulsa de casa pela mãe e abandonada pelo namorado, Maria esbarra em Matthew que acabara de perder o emprego. Desta forma, começa um relacionamento complicado, cheio de dúvidas e desconfiança. Ambientada nos subúrbios de uma cidade central americana, "Confiança?" é uma comédia sarcástica, sutil e provocante sobre o cotidiano de um casal em busca do auto-conhecimento e a descoberta de novos sentimentos.
He Was Once
Art Direction
This bizarre parody of the animated religious children’s show Davey and Goliath uses actors but looks like Claymation because of the stop motion, distorted voices, giant prosthetic ears and hair and sets that make Pee-Wee’s Playhouse look realistic. Davey’s father whips him with a belt for saying that he saw a bear, though he really did see a bear, while his sister looks on in glee. His dog Goliath, actually a leopard-skin footrest with a grotesque tail, tries to help but gets whipped too. Oedipal dream sequences and Davey’s revenge are also highlights in this unforgettable and darkly hilarious suburban nightmare.
A Incrível Verdade
Property Master
O ex-condenado Josh Hutton foi acusado a 15 anos de prisão por haver matado a namorada e o pai dela. A princípio, Vic quer manter a filha bem longe de Josh, mas muda de idéia ao descobrir que uma relação humana pode ter semelhanças com uma transação capitalista.