Paul Koeck


Eva é uma testemunha acidental da morte duma jovem, ainda mais: ela tem tudo gravado. Logo a seguir ela encontra Dieter, um jovem encantador. Estes dois fatos causam uma cadeia de eventos que muda não só a sua vida, mas também a de seus amigos de uma forma brutal ...
De Zoete Smaak Van Goudlikeur
An inspector of the Antwerp criminal investigation unit faces problems not only in his professional life, but also at home. When he is partnered with a young, over-confident colleague, he loses control over the case in hand.
Sam starts his first week as a helper at a brickyard. He got this job because his new boss is the chairman of the local football team for which he plays. He's a talented goalkeeper. There is much resemblance between Sam and Louis, a 65-year-old who is pottering through the last days before his retirement. They both react strongly to the illegal dumping practices of a firm from the city. But also their boss' hands do not seem to be entirely clean in this business. Will Sam sink into the rut and routine that Louis is rebelling against?