Raymond Aquaviva

Raymond Aquaviva

Nascimento : 1946-01-01, Bonifacio, Corse, France


Raymond Aquaviva


Spring Blossom
Le comédien
A 16 year old girl, bored with her own age group, becomes involved with an older man at a theater she passes.
Libres ! ou presque
La Candidate
La Candidate
Un chapeau de paille d'italie
Un chapeau de paille d'italie
Achille de Rosalba, jeune lion
L'hôtel du libre échange
Le gai mariage
Henry de Sacy, inveterate Don Juan, learns that he will inherit a million euros from his old aunt, on condition that he gets married within the year. As he refuses to depart from his love of women, his friend Norbert, a lawyer, offers him to marry a man. Thus he would respect his aunt's last wishes without losing his freedom. Seduced, Henri offers this unusual contract to his friend Dodo who is single and unemployed. But this marriage for the better will quickly turn into a nightmare...
Le gai mariage
Henry de Sacy, inveterate Don Juan, learns that he will inherit a million euros from his old aunt, on condition that he gets married within the year. As he refuses to depart from his love of women, his friend Norbert, a lawyer, offers him to marry a man. Thus he would respect his aunt's last wishes without losing his freedom. Seduced, Henri offers this unusual contract to his friend Dodo who is single and unemployed. But this marriage for the better will quickly turn into a nightmare...
Pour Djamila
Pierre Popie
Panique au ministère
Lighting Design
Panique au ministère
Panique au ministère
Hunting and Gathering
Le professeur de théâtre
When Camille falls ill, she is forced to live with Philibert and Franck.
Julie, chevalier de Maupin
Le roi Louis XIV
Agnès Dormes, a famous opera singer, saves Julie, a baby girl who was about to be sacrificed during a black mass. Twenty years later, the baby has turned into a beautiful energetic twenty-year-old young lady determined to find out about her origins. In Avignon, Julie manages to meet Agnès and discovers on the occasion she is not her real mother. A series of adventures will ensue and at a time Julie is nearly burned on the stake. But she eventually achieves her end and can marry, a street performer close to her heart.
Missão Córsega - O Filme
Prosecution lawyer
Remi François é conhecido também como Jack Palmer, um detetive particular que se acha tão irresistível com as mulheres quanto bom em seu trabalho, é contratado para encontrar Ange Leoni, um corso que herdou um dinheiro limpo, mas que desapareceu no ar. O que parecia ser uma missão simples, se torna um verdadeiro pesadelo para Jack Palmer assim que ele aterrissa na fabulosa ilha da Córsega. Tudo parece contribuir para que ele não encontre Ange Leoni, desde os locais que relutam a conversar, passando por separatistas que o sequestram, policiais pouco confiáveis até chegar ao próprio Leoni. Depois desta missão, Jack Palmer nunca mais trocará o céu cinzento de Paris pelo paraíso que se tornou para ele um verdadeiro inferno.
Kaena - A Profecia
Gommy (french voice)
Jovem de mundo paralelo, Kaena está em perigo. As plantações não geram mais frutos. Ela precisa descobrir o que aconteceu com os deuses e evitar o fim de sua aldeia. Para isso, se lança em um mundo desconhecido para descobrir se seus rituais e crenças são reais ou um perigo iminente.
Le Voyage de monsieur Perrichon
Daniel Savary
La Dame de chez Maxim
un Officier - un Déménageur
Le triomphe de l'amour
First performed in 1732, Marivaux's play on the theme of cross-dressing, depicts the stratagems of the young princess Léonide in love with Agis, the legitimate heir to the throne of Sparta. To meet the prince, watched over by the philosopher Hermocrates and his sister, Léonide disguises herself as a man and seduces the whole household.
Le chandelier
Jacqueline is married to Maître André, but is in love with her lover Clavaroche, a fiery officer stationed in the city. In order to avert Master André's suspicions about his wife's fidelity, Clavaroche suggests that Jacqueline take a "Chandelier".
Chat en poche
Lanoix de Vaux
Le Tartuffe