Chris Byrne


Of Dust and Bones
A woman lives alone in the desert surrounded by memories and ghosts. An uninvited man arrives with a secret agenda. What unfolds is a meditation on grief and how we live meaningfully in a world of unthinkable violence.
George, a lonely librarian, believes love is obsolete, until a road trip to Death Valley with a cinema projectionist named Sophie teaches him otherwise.
George, a lonely librarian, believes love is obsolete, until a road trip to Death Valley with a cinema projectionist named Sophie teaches him otherwise.
Violação de Conduta
Após um grupo de soldados norte-americanos desaparecer em plena selva colombiana, um oficial do departamento anti-drogas do governo americano (John Travolta) é designado para investigar o caso. Entre os desaparecidos estão um respeitado instrutor do exército (Samuel L. Jackson) e ainda diversos cadetes em treinamento.
Farewell, My Love
Brigit as a young girl saw her family killed by the Karpovs, a Russian crime family, she would have been dead too, if her neighbor did not come to her house and saved her. Years later, she plans to take out all of the Karpovs, and she does. However, the Reillys, the Karpovs rival are afraid that the Karpovs will think that they are behind it. So, they grab her so that they could find out what's going on
Murder in the China Basin
Steve Thaler
Accused of murder, a man enlists the help of his ex-wife to find the true killer.
Land of the Free
A politician's campaign manager (Speakman) discovers that the candidate (Shatner) is a front for a military organization plotting a political overthrow of the government. In trying to expose the candidate's right-wing activities, he puts himself and his family in danger of being killed. Written by John Sacksteder
Cartas de Um Assassino
Lita's Dad
Race está no corredor da morte por um crime que não cometeu. Ele passa o tempo gravando mensagens e enviando-as para mulheres solitárias. Para sua surpresa, ele é libertado, mas as gravações caem em mãos erradas e Race é novamente acusado de crime.
Stairwell Steward
Um artista pobre e uma jovem rica se conhecem e se apaixonam na fatídica jornada do Titanic, em 1912. Embora esteja noiva do arrogante herdeiro de uma siderúrgica, a jovem desafia sua família e amigos em busca do verdadeiro amor.