A man returns home for an Easter celebration with his riotous, bickering, eating, drinking, laughing, loving family, in this love letter to the Filipino-American community.
Desta vez, Kirk, Spock e a tripulação da Enterprise encontram-se no terceiro ano da missão de exploração do espaço prevista para durar cinco anos. Eles recebem um pedido de socorro que acaba os ligando ao maléfico vilão Krall, um insurgente Anti-Frota Estelar interessado em um objeto de posse do líder da nave. A Enterprise é atacada, e eles acabam em um planeta desconhecido, onde o grupo acaba sendo dividido em duplas.
Hollywood is the cinema capital of the world - the place where dreams come true. It is associated with glamour and luxury. But for Nick, reality is very different. Years ago he was a successful screenwriter. Now he is just a dispatcher at Utopia, a Hollywood limousine company. Dispatch follows Nick from dusk to dawn on one overnight shift.
A teenage girl living in California suburbia devises a metaphysical experiment designed to save the world from what she sees as an impending doom...but the results of such an experiment prove to be both beneficial and destructive.
A teenage girl living in California suburbia devises a metaphysical experiment designed to save the world from what she sees as an impending doom...but the results of such an experiment prove to be both beneficial and destructive.
Director, Virginia Heath's Berlin award winning film. Everything is relative... especially the truth!