Mark Walker

Mark Walker


Mark Walker
Mark Walker
Mark Walker


Senator Cooper
When National Guard soldier Samantha Harrison returns from the front lines of Iraq, she realizes that none of her training helps her deal with PTSD or the struggles of returning to a normal life. Samantha comes home to find out she's being blamed for a friendly fire incident that killed two Americans and she becomes the target of an obsessed soldier seeking revenge for their deaths. She tries to reassemble her fragmented memories of that horrific night in order to convince everyone, including herself, that she didn't do it. Who do you turn to when you can't trust your own memories and the few people you do trust are being killed off one by one?
Recon 2022: The Mezzo Incident
Colonel Thorne
After the gruesome events on Caprini, Sharp and his elite team of tough, witty and trigger happy space Marines must now head out to the icy planet Mezzo to investigate further Ma'har activities. What they will encounter will defy their imaginations as they tackle giant man eating snow worms, an underground city of Cyborgs, a slew of murderous alien entities and maybe, finally, the ever elusive Ma'hars.
Taking the Plunge
A quiet and introverted high school senior by the name of Gaby is asked by the school's principal to welcome and supervise the integration of a new student, Sandrine. Outgoing and cheerful Sandrine is the complete opposite of Gaby; yet, the two girls soon develop a bond and Gaby slowly comes out of her shell. Pent up emotions about a past accident and old friendships comes back to hunt Gaby after she learns that she will have to tutor Frédérick, the swim team's champion and school hunk.
Um Beijo a Mais
Mark's Father
Michael (Zach Graff) está de casamento marcado com Jenna (Jacinda Barrett), com quem namora há 3 anos. Ele se considera uma pessoa feliz, até conhecer a jovem Kim (Rachel Bilson). Fissurado por ela, Michael passa a repensar sua vida e tudo o que já conseguiu, inclusive o casamento que está por vir.
A lista
Depois de ser presa por solicitação, uma prostituta de alta classe ameaça com tornar pública uma lista dos seus melhores clientes e alguém recorre a matar para manter a lista em segredo. Enquanto isso, o juiz do caso luta com o seu dilema e um policial visa encontrar o assassino.
Heritage Minutes: Le Réseau
Thomas Eadie
Engineer Thomas Wardrope Eadie develops the Trans Canada Microwave telecommunications network.
One Night Only
A group of female friends get together with some hired "ladies of the evening", and make some quick cash for throwing a raunchy party for the local hockey team.
Lovely young Alicia starts receiving bizarre and disturbing phone calls after breaking up with her boyfriend Mike who she suspects is cheating on her with her twin sister Barbara Ann. Alicia meets and befriends amiable, but awkward film nerd Franklin, who alas turns out to be a total psycho with a penchant for carving up nubile ladies. But is Franklin the nutter responsible for those distressing phone calls?
Domingo Sangrento
Highway Patrol
Three vicious thugs are on the run in rural America after robbing a local bank. They seek refuge at the home of a reclusive farmer, but he is prepared for their arrival and holds them at gunpoint. Unable to let them simply wait for the law, he decides to take them into into his cellar and torture them a little before the police arrive.
O Fator Netuno
Diver Dave Moulton
Um comandante de um submarino experimental em alto mar, é chamado para resgatar uma equipe de pesquisadores aquáticos, presa nos destroços do laboratório no fundo do mar.
Shades of Love: Indigo Autumn
The story of a young widow determined not to fall in love again. But she suddenly finds herself attracted to an older man.