Rodolphe Burger

Rodolphe Burger


Rodolphe Burger


The Other Laurens
Gabriel Laurens, fifty years old, is a «private investigator». When his fifteen-year-old niece Jade comes into his life and asks him to investigate her father’s death, the detective is confronted with memories he thought were buried forever. Confronted with the ghosts of his past, Gabriel Laurens finds himself caught up in a strange investigation involving pretense, fantasy and drug trafficking.
The Temple Woods Gang
Dancer at the club
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
Twelve Thousand
While he loses his clandestine work, and because he believes that Maroussia and him will no longer be able to love each other as well, Frank leaves to earn as much as she: twelve thousand, just what it takes to have a year before them. No more no less.
Sankara Is Not Dead
After Burkina Faso's October 2014 popular uprising, the young poet Bikontine starts to question his dreams of seeking a better life in the West. He decides to go meet his fellow citizens along the country's only rail line. From South to North, through cities and villages, he learns about their dreams and disappointments, confronting his poetry with the realities of a rapidly shifting society. His journey ultimately reveals the enduring political legacy of storied former president Thomas Sankara, assassinated in 1987 and known as the "African Che Guevara."
Rodolphe Burger is a free musician, complex but accessible, without taboos, he mixes with others without ever losing himself on the road. He is a man who shares everything, including the stage. Including his friends and they are numerous, poets, writers, rockers, painters and philosophers.
The Invented Biography
Original Music Composer
This film follows Arturo Belano, alter ego of the writer Roberto Bolaño, shared with his creator a great part of his biography. The director searches for him in places where his stories and novels occur, meeting with real and imaginary characters, in a territory where reality and fiction have a diffuse frontier. A new form of literary biopic, where the writer and his character turn into one and only person.
On the Road in France
Fifty years after the events of May 68, Dany Cohn-Bendit and Romain Goupil have decided to start a journey across France. In this "road movie" they explore the territories - at times bewildering - of the Republic. Observing, listening, debating, discovering the state of the country. Its crises and its hopes. Its ordinary heroes, its gravediggers, its innovators...ON THE ROAD IN FRANCE or the tour and detours in France of two old children of 68.
Story of Judas
Original Music Composer
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
Summer Nights
Michele and Helene seem to be the perfect couple. However, on weekends, Michele steps into a secret life, as a transvestite, Mylene, in a hidden French forest. There, Mylene meets with a lover, Flavia, another transvestite who once fought alongside Michele in war. Michele works to balance his double life, but soon, Helene becomes concerned with her husband's mysterious trips.
Change Nothing
One of the most important figures in contemporary cinema, Pedro Costa's celebrated music documentary is a mesmerizing portrait of French actress-turned-singer Jeanne Balibar, a transfixing, cigarette-smoking chanteuse with an intense devotion to her craft. Photographed in shimmering black-and-white and featuring a soundtrack of jazz-inflected pop songs, the film is a luminous exploration of the creative process.
Change Nothing
One of the most important figures in contemporary cinema, Pedro Costa's celebrated music documentary is a mesmerizing portrait of French actress-turned-singer Jeanne Balibar, a transfixing, cigarette-smoking chanteuse with an intense devotion to her craft. Photographed in shimmering black-and-white and featuring a soundtrack of jazz-inflected pop songs, the film is a luminous exploration of the creative process.
Em junho de 2005, um importante momento da arte moderna acontece em dois palcos do Art Rock Festival em St Brieuc. Olivier Assayas imortaliza o dia anterior aos shows, conferências e cinema experimental neste documentário – um laboratório virtual de imagens misturadas com sons variados.
Lucy's Revenge
After Polish-born writer-director Janusz Mrozowski, a French resident for the past 30 years, made a series of 30-minute films based on African writings, he was approached by Africans to do a cinematic survey of past events in African history. Filming in Burkina Faso, Mrozowski responded with this comedy about a dictator kidnapped from the present-day and taken back through the mists of time. There he meets the mother of humanity, Lucy, who teaches him the basics of sexual equality. By the time he returns to the present, he's also received an education in 16th-century slave-trading and European influences on Africa.