A fifty year old man living an existential crisis, with family, friends and children, tries to escape from debts and stress.
The Ahumada family wants to be happy at all costs and do not mind sacrificing others along the way. But happiness, is not always where you seek it.
Vendeur de voitures
Young Nicanor
Intratável, terna, boêmia, áspera, contundente, frágil e indomável. Violeta Parra foi uma das artistas mais emblemáticas do Chile - e ainda assim, profundamente ignorada por décadas de uma cultura controlada pela ditadura de Pinochet. Andrés Wood, diretor de Machuca, realiza um trabalho primoroso ao trazer para as telas, a partir do livro escrito pelo filho de Violeta, Ángel Parra, a vida, a obra, a memória, os amores e as esperanças dessa cantora, compositora, poeta e pintora que é um dos maiores ícones da arte popular latino-americana.
In the city of Santiago, four characters struggle to reach their goals: a psychologist who wants to help other women and save their lives, a hairdresser who wants to buy a car, a musician who wants to play in a philharmonic orchestra, and a young woman who simply survives in the city, but each of them obtains something unexpected and different from what they wanted.
John Letters
Paty Vowels and consonants husband Fito inventor created an agency dedicated to solving problems and mysteries related to sounds, words and language, and together must solve the first problem now: order your workplace