Suraj Sharma
Nascimento : 1993-03-21, New Delhi, India
Suraj Sharma is an Indian actor from New Delhi, who made his debut with the title role in the 2012 film Life of Pi. Suraj Sharma was born in New Delhi, India. His parents are Malayalis, they hail from Kerala. Suraj is a student of philosophy at St Stephen's college in New Delhi. He has completed schooling from Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, where he was described as a popular student. Before the role, he had no acting experience, and auditioned only because he was there with his younger brother Shriharsh Sharma who requested he come along. He was one of the 3,000 actors to audition for the role of Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi). Sharma went through several rounds of auditions before winning the part. Director Ang Lee has stated that he selected Sharma primarily based on his expressive eyes and innocent appearance. According to him, Sharma had not only the emotion, but also the "look" of Pi. His "medium complexion" and "average build" were deemed perfect for the role. Since filming Life of Pi, Sharma has returned to studying philosophy at St. Stephen's College, Delhi of Delhi University, and intends to continue working in filmmaking in some capacity.[6] The movie has received critical acclaim and positive reviews for Sharma's performance. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Aditya Batra
Kusum Batra and her family have been living in a house named "Gulmohar" for many decades. As their Gulmohar villa is being brought down to give way to a high rise, the family meets up for one last party before the packers and movers take over. However, over the course of ghazal and gossip, the discordant notes in their relationships get exposed and one gets sucked into their tumultuous present and turbulent past.
Ravishankar Shah
Asha e Ravi decidem fingir um namoro para fugir da pressão das famílias durante a temporada de casamentos, mas parece que sentimentos sinceros vão florescer.
A gritty realistic story about a young film school student from middle-class India who's forced to drop out to support his family while staying in the United States as an undocumented worker.
Desde pequeno que Moe aprendeu as regras do submundo do crime de Nova Iorque, onde hoje se move com desenvoltura. Com contatos em joalharias, faz lavagem de milhões de dólares, juntamente com Skuk, seu parceiro e melhor amigo. Um dia, tornam-se alvo de polícias corruptos, que tencionam roubá-los. Após uma perseguição violenta, o carro onde seguiam despista-se. Ao despertar do impacto, Moe fica amnésico. Sem saber distinguir amigos de inimigos, ele vai tentar recuperar o seu passado e, simultaneamente, escapar às investidas dos assassinos.
On the Wings of Hope depicts the 4 years of struggle for survival of 5 immigrants, one of them is a child, after the boat they were on sank while they were trying to cross to Greece from Turkey. In 2015, 5 Iraqi refugees who were escaping from ISIS attacks, were trying to reach Kos Island of Greece from Turkey’s coastal town Bodrum, even though their boat sank they managed to survive. Turkish journalist Zehra Yılmaz witnessed the disappointments, pain and hopes of these refugees for four years. Refugees who risk death for a new beginning, refugee boats sinking in the Aegean, lost lives and dreams.
Samar Ghosh
A Colegial Tree Gelbman acorda horrorizada ao saber que está presa em um universo paralelo. Seu namorado Carter está agora com outra pessoa, e seus amigos e colegas parecem ser versões completamente diferentes de si mesmos. Quando Tree descobre que o colega de quarto de Carter está alterando o tempo, ela se vê mais uma vez como alvo de um matador mascarado. Quando o psicopata começa a ir atrás de seu círculo íntimo, Tree logo percebe que ela deve morrer repetidamente para salvar a todos.
Dev Mukherjee
A nighttime protest downtown has escalated to require police backup for crowd control. As cop partners and a hobbyist photographer arrive late to the scene, an altercation takes place -- but what occurred depends on whose perspective you see.
Ankur Joshi
O filme acompanha Tulsi Joshi, uma viúva e futura noiva que vai ao próprio casamento em busca de vingança pelo assassinato brutal de seu filho mais velho. Baseado no Tito Andrônico, de Shakespeare, o filme aborda a violência que existe entre poder e amor: um conto de fadas macabro que se desenrola na alta sociedade do norte da Índia.
A man is forced to marry a tree to ward off ill-luck that surrounds his love-life which turns into a nightmare when the tree is embodied by a spirit with an unfinished business.
Depois de uma tragédia familiar, Wes, um menino de oito anos, tem uma epifania existencial e acredita ser um pastor de cabras da Mongólia, nascido no lugar errado. Junto com um ambicioso e jovem cineasta, Wes leva sua família para o país em uma jornada para achar o seu lugar no mundo.
Um homem ambicioso deixa sua pequena vila na Índia para viajar até os EUA. Quando suas cartas param de chegar, o irmão decide iniciar sua própria aventura.
Pi Patel
Pi Patel é filho do dono de um zoológico localizado em Pondicherry, na Índia. Após anos cuidando do negócio, a família decide vender o empreendimento devido à retirada do incentivo dado pela prefeitura local. A ideia é se mudar para o Canadá, onde poderiam vender os animais para reiniciar a vida. Entretanto, o cargueiro onde todos viajam acaba naufragando devido a uma terrível tempestade. Pi consegue sobreviver em um bote salva-vidas, mas precisa dividir o pouco espaço disponível com uma zebra, um orangotango, uma hiena e um tigre de bengala chamado Richard Parker.
Some people think Oliver is a strange person. But really he just thinks differently. He likes things to repeat themselves and he hates the unexpected.