Scripted drama-documentary based upon diaries, journals and letters, about the life of the woman many blame for the biggest Royal crisis in the last century, Wallis Simpson.
Scripted drama-documentary based upon diaries, journals and letters, about the life of the woman many blame for the biggest Royal crisis in the last century, Wallis Simpson.
A antiga União Soviética era um mundo sinistro, uma terra de segredos, boatos e incerteza. Agora, a Cortina de Ferro caiu, e podemos investigar estes boatos - desde homens selvagens das montanhas até assustadores cães zumbis.
A antiga União Soviética era um mundo sinistro, uma terra de segredos, boatos e incerteza. Agora, a Cortina de Ferro caiu, e podemos investigar estes boatos - desde homens selvagens das montanhas até assustadores cães zumbis.
Just off the southern coast of mainland Greece lies the oldest submerged city in the world. It thrived for 2,000 years during the time that saw the birth of western civilisation. An international team of experts is using cutting-edge technology to prise age-old secrets from the complex of streets and stone buildings that lie less than five metres below the surface of the ocean. State-of-the-art CGI helps to raise the city from the seabed, revealing for the first time in 3,500 years how Pavlopetri would once have looked and operated.
Just off the southern coast of mainland Greece lies the oldest submerged city in the world. It thrived for 2,000 years during the time that saw the birth of western civilisation. An international team of experts is using cutting-edge technology to prise age-old secrets from the complex of streets and stone buildings that lie less than five metres below the surface of the ocean. State-of-the-art CGI helps to raise the city from the seabed, revealing for the first time in 3,500 years how Pavlopetri would once have looked and operated.
Just off the southern coast of mainland Greece lies the oldest submerged city in the world. It thrived for 2,000 years during the time that saw the birth of western civilisation. An international team of experts is using cutting-edge technology to prise age-old secrets from the complex of streets and stone buildings that lie less than five metres below the surface of the ocean. State-of-the-art CGI helps to raise the city from the seabed, revealing for the first time in 3,500 years how Pavlopetri would once have looked and operated.
That might seem a bizarre statement, coming a century after Einstein showed that gravity is the result of matter warping space and time around it.
That might seem a bizarre statement, coming a century after Einstein showed that gravity is the result of matter warping space and time around it.
Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how Earth works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it came to be the remarkable place it is today.